Sarah Lee is gliding along and budding up. I can't stop checking on her. Lol. I'm in love! 😍
The leaves are getting that beautiful dusting of goodness. I can't believe I've got this far!
I'm always battling humidity. Ugh. It's when the light goes out it rises to 55%-60%. I'll start applying Lost Coast tonight (the entire plant) to help avoid PM and bugs. I have only been treating the top soil and bottom 6".
FF Tiger Bloom every other water. About 2 tsp. Just over a gal of water. pH 6.58.
I've noticed all her branches are really trying to catch up to the main cola. I can't wait to try LST on my next grow. This light is fantastic!
I've heard if the tips of your leaves are slightly brown, you are good with the Nutes. What do you think?
I hope she looks good to y'all.
Happy growing! 🌱☀️