The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
☘️12/04 - Empieza su décima semana en etapa de floración. ☘️Ya comencé con su lavado de raíz, le agregue 25L de agua y 6ml en total de Top Wash. ☘️Yo creo que un lavado más igual al que realice y ya esta lista, se notaba bastante limpia el agua. ☘️La humedad que estoy teniendo en el indor es máximo de 55% y 22 grados de temperatura. ☘️La planta en total ya tiene 109 días en total desde la germinacion hasta ahora. ☘️La planta estaba largando demasiado olor a weed y tuve que comprar un filtro de carbón ya que el olor era muy invasivo, hasta el momento funciona de forma perfecta. ☘️En estos dias subiré más imágenes de como viene.
Start of week 4. This girl stretched an inch during week 3 and her bud sites continued to pack on size and take shape. She is very sticky to the touch, with a slight citrus, earthy smell.
Well , so I started the week having some over-fertilization problems and some of the leaves were getting curly , also green was too intense. Due to some great advice from more experienced growers I decided to give'em just water for this past week which I guess was great, you can see color of the leaves in the last video I posted, look more natural overall Today I decided to gently break the main stem from my tallest girl in order to see if it ill grow better in horizontal position and will start fattening buds soon, I've used the same technique in another one was growing too tall and now its fattening properly, that was one week ago tho Overall everything went fine , had some problems with water, I guess I will feed 'em more often , maybe every 3-4 days with 2-3 days just water and then my organic nutrients cocktail. I'm very happy to see my tent almost full of white hairs (pistils) everywhere yeahh! I've found out as well that every of them its female so can't complaint. From next week I'll try to show how that plant I've bent over is doing , and also will start applying nutrients together with the water, also need to put the net higher and show a real SOG I'm using some baking soda and vinegar in order to create CO2 but I guess the reaction finishes quite fast About defoliation I don't feed very confident since I think flowers need as much energy leaves can absorb in order to be big plus the leaves of my plants are huge and I love that, never sees bigger leaves, ofc I know I'm new in the game but would like to see things myself as well Thanks for every advice and I hope we keep on growing together and learning from each other Have a good one everybody!!
Start of week 4. This girl stretched another 3 inches during week 3 and her bud sites continued to pack on size and take shape. She is the hungriest of the 4 plants I'm currently growing, I increased her feeding by a liter.
All cut and hanging. I don't weigh wet buds will have pics and weights soon as its all dried pre and post final trim. If I woulda left it a little longer I coulda brought out much more color but even so there are purples and reds and 10 different color greens. Headband might have taken the award for density away from the enemy's dream. The headband and critical purp both had some purple. Can't wait to smoke em all. Happy to get the first filled to capacity run in my room fully set up and anxious to start the next.
●Day 49, end week 7. Added bembe, Boomerang, and blackstrap molasses to the diet. Noticed some brown freckles on a handful of leaves. Hopefully the cal and mag in the molasses will help get me through another week before the big flush🤞 recalibrated my p.h. meters. On to week 8 ●Day 44 just picked up a new microscope (Wireless Digital Microscope, ROTEK 50x and1000x Microscope Magnification with HD 1080P 2MP Camera, Mini Pocket Handheld Microscope Camera with Light Compatible for iPhone Android, iPad Windows Mac) via Amazon. So, sorry for the blurry trichome pics. I'll work on it. This diary will focus primarily on Big Bud by Seedstockers for the remainder. But the agent orange will finish her journey. Pretty pleased with how things are going. Any suggestions or comments are always appreciated. Happy Gardening ✌️🌱🤙🖖
Taking care and paying attention to the VPD where the leaf temp is 2 degrees or so cooler than room temp. I've noticed a real difference; they look happy and healthy. They are 31 days old from planting and am wonderring if I should turn them; ceilings are 8'. I'm wondering why the petioles and the internodes are reddish colour is this a deficiency? Watching plants for weird looking stuff. Feeding once a week and foliar spraying pro-silicate once a week. Using amounts listed on bottles or a little less. Only spraying within 20 minutes of lights going out. Using a sprayer that allows you to spray upside down and has a very fine mist . Also wondering if I should use a surfactant in the spray bottle and if so would sunflower lecithin work for cannabis? Just started using a light rail with 2 sf4000, I will be adding another light shortly. Fimmed the wedding cake twice. 2 weeks apart.. Only fimmed the others once. I think it's coming along ok, I' do alot of reading to try to make the girls their best. It sure is a learning curve! We're all trying to grow our own medicine. Happy, healthy growing and smoking!
Day: 9 I'm considering replacing a cpl of these with different seeds. They are already behind schedule-1 OG Kush and the Gorilla Girl. Any tips varigation on leaves? I just gave them there first feeding of Big Buds and Blooms (N5) after the 24 hour Superthrive wait period. Both Superthrive and NPPK were used at 1/4th the strength called for on the lable. Nighty Night girls. Going to bed wet is not ideal but they needed a full watering bad..hoping I didn't over water (purified water) Some of the soil just does not seem to get wet in these pots. weak leggy blackberry kush has some wind tonite. Hoping to boost stem strength. they are trying to fall over from the weight. Day 10: made little stakes from coated wire. Repositioned the Gorilla Girl for a third time. You can see that part of the stem looks white from being underground. Still gonna give it a little more time. Otherwise, all are seemingly fine after first feeding. Day 11: applied SuperThrive and my Gorilla Girl turned yellow for a few hours. Glad she is resilient!!! Day 12 thru 20. So my PH meter was wrong and I have been watering with 9+ water for the first 2 weeks. i had 2 ph meters in case this happened but one is for grower mistake. So...I've lost precious time on my aotos and my gorilla girl is ...lord help meh..she don't look too good. All are alive in spite of my noobness. I'll post some pics that should have a disclaimer stating this is not what your plants should look like at 20 days in. Also had to transplant into non-waxlined pots. This is not the best experience to show publicly but new growers can maybe learn from my mistakes.
(Batch#1)Nothing much to report this week. All plants are growing steadily and healthy.Most plants doubled in size and grew wider.
Just germinated - waiting to go into pots! 22/04/20 - Germinated 2 Purple Punch seeds - soaked in water with a drop of seaweed. All germinated fine. 24/04/20 - Added to rooters 28/04/20 - Putting them in their starter pots today to see which out of the two is the strongest. Starter medium will be soil - Biobiz light & pro with a tiny amount of worm castings and perlite. i really don't have a clue if this is going to be too hot for them but we'll see. After two weeks we'll see which has rooted out proper and put the winner in it's final home! 😃 Track ID - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Purple Haze.
Start of week 4. This girl stretched an inch during week 3 and her bud sites continued to pack on size and take shape. She is very sticky to the touch and densely packed. I did some defoliation, so more light gets to the inner and lower nodes and buds.
Start of week 4. This girl did not stretch during week 3, but her bud sites continued to pack on size and take shape. She is very sticky to the touch, almost finger hash sticky, which is really impressive at this stage.
Semana 4 (del 23 al 29 de abril) Los espacios para las flores estan preparados, y las flores estan en pleno crecimiento. 25 de abril Riego con 1.2l x planta 2A + 2B + 1.5 Candy + 1.5 Big Bud + 1 overdrive + 1 B-52 + 0.16 Mammoth P + 2.5 Calmag Ph 6.1 EC: 1.2 T:20°C Periódicamente quitamos hojas que vamos viendo tocadas o que estorban. 25 de abril Los trips siguen ahí, no son muchos y parece que no prosperan demasiado pero estan ahi. Riego foliar con spruzit y tec fort para mantenerlo controlados y hoy esperamos que nos llegue diatomea para erradicarlos del todo. Quitamos las hojas que vemos que molestan o que son un poco inútiles porque no les da demasiada luz. Cada día que pasa se ven más flores y más grandes. • Malas noticias, el medidor de EC se averio y los vores del riego pasado fueron erróneos, pero ya tenemos nueva herramienta y solucionaremos los pequeños problemas causados. 29/4 Riego con 1.1l por planta 2 A + 2 B + 1.5 Big Bud + 1.5 Overdrive + 1.5 Candy + 2 Sensizym PH 6.1/6.2 EC 1.72/1.8 ms 18/19.8°C Ayer pusimos varias trampas adesivas azules para trips por si hay alguno que no vaya dando saltos de planta en planta. Hoy realizamos ultimo ( esperemos) riego antiplagas, usaremos 1.5ml•l de aceite de nem y 20g por litro de tierra de diatomea que por lo que dicen es mano de santo. Esta semana las temperaturas han subido un poco; en encendido oscilan entre 25-27°C, estos últimos días siendo más de 26-28°C. Todo sobre la marcha, algunas plantas como la bubba parece que se está adelantando porque es bastante rápida 50-55 dias, la Muffin berry ( que la teníamos en 1.2m ) la hemos tenido que doblar 45° para que no se nos vaya de altura. Por lo demás vosotros diréis 😁
Semana 4 (del 23 al 29 de abril) Los espacios para las flores estan preparados, y las flores estan en pleno crecimiento. 25 de abril Riego con 1.2l x planta 2A + 2B + 1.5 Candy + 1.5 Big Bud + 1 overdrive + 1 B-52 + 0.16 Mammoth P + 2.5 Calmag Ph 6.1 EC: 1.2 T:20°C Periódicamente quitamos hojas que vamos viendo tocadas o que estorban. 25 de abril Los trips siguen ahí, no son muchos y parece que no prosperan demasiado pero estan ahi. Riego foliar con spruzit y tec fort para mantenerlo controlados y hoy esperamos que nos llegue diatomea para erradicarlos del todo. Quitamos las hojas que vemos que molestan o que son un poco inútiles porque no les da demasiada luz. Cada día que pasa se ven más flores y más grandes. • Malas noticias, el medidor de EC se averio y los vores del riego pasado fueron erróneos, pero ya tenemos nueva herramienta y solucionaremos los pequeños problemas causados. 29/4 Riego con 1.1l por planta 2 A + 2 B + 1.5 Big Bud + 1.5 Overdrive + 1.5 Candy + 2 Sensizym PH 6.1/6.2 EC 1.72/1.8 ms 18/19.8°C Ayer pusimos varias trampas adesivas azules para trips por si hay alguno que no vaya dando saltos de planta en planta. Hoy realizamos ultimo ( esperemos) riego antiplagas, usaremos 1.5ml•l de aceite de nem y 20g por litro de tierra de diatomea que por lo que dicen es mano de santo. Esta semana las temperaturas han subido un poco; en encendido oscilan entre 25-27°C, estos últimos días siendo más de 26-28°C. Todo sobre la marcha, algunas plantas como la bubba parece que se está adelantando porque es bastante rápida 50-55 dias, la Muffin berry ( que la teníamos en 1.2m ) la hemos tenido que doblar 45° para que no se nos vaya de altura. Por lo demás vosotros diréis 😁
Did some defoliation, they grow fast and bushy since switched to flowering and increased bloom, happy with the results and the strain so far.
She growing well, so well in fact I have started to HST the off shoot branches to keep the grow low. They are nice and green still so easy to HST and take to it well. It's getting ready to flip but waiting on my new she will just have to keep growing taking over my veg cabinet
I have been doing some lst training and she loves it .. when the sun comes out last few days I bring her outdoors to get some fresh sun light that she stretches for.. This plant had grown very well since day 1 and I can't wait to see how she does into the next few weeks cheers