@WolverineGreens Use ½-inch black tubing (polyethylene) to run the line from the spigot to your planting bed or containers. It might need to be unrolled and allowed to relax first so it’s more flexible.Hide the tubing by snaking it along walls or fences. You might also consider creating a trench for the tubing to run a few inches beneath the soil, or you may need to use ½-inch elbow connectors for any sharp turns and use landscape staples to keep it in place.Step three: lay emitter line
Once you’ve reached your planting bed, it’s time to switch to emitters. Save yourself a whole lot of hassle by using ¼-inch tubing with pre-drilled emitters placed every 12 inches.Use a ¼-hole punch tool to puncture the larger ½-inch tubing. Be careful not to punch through the back side! (If you do punch through or mess up, use a ¼-inch goof plug to cap it off). Use a ¼-inch barbed connector to connect to the small emitter tubing to the larger ½-inch tubing.Snake the smaller emitter lines around the base of your plants, so the holes are positioned around the root zone on all sides of your cannabis plants. If it’s a big bed, use several shorter lines. Cap each line with a ¼-inch goof plug.Step four: flush it out and cap it off
Once all the tubing and attachments are placed, turn on the water for a minute to flush dirt out of the tubing.
Afterwards, seal the ½-tubing by sliding a ½-inch and end clamp onto the open end of the tubing. Crimp a few inches of the tubing and fold it into the other side of the clamp, effectively closing it off. Good luck