The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Gracias al equipo de Barney's Farm y a MarsHydro por las donaciones. Con un giro totalmente único, Barneys Farm continúa su búsqueda en la creación de una genética pionera con nuestra propia Strawberry Cheesecake Auto. Después de una extensa cría selectiva con nuestras diversas cepas ricas en terpeno de fresa, elegimos un sutil y seductor fenotipo Strawberry Pie. El laboratorio luego cruzó esto con un raro corte de una Afghan OG. La infusión de éstos rasgos Kush dominantes de Indica garantiza un crecimiento rápido, capacidades de producciones increíbles y una fuerte estructura. Cruzar ésta creación con nuestro BF Super Auto #1 significa que Strawberry Cheesecake Auto también puede prosperar en climas más fríos, es perfectamente compacta y completa su ciclo de vida en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Durante su etapa de crecimiento nuestra Strawberry Cheesecake Auto es típicamente modesta antes de que el rápido crecimiento de sus ramas florales de forma contundente se extienda, sus hojas de color verde oscuro eventualmente se transforman produciendo hermosos tonos púrpura profundos. Como era de esperar, se trata de una planta resinosa muy pegajosa con flores anaranjadas profundas cubiertas de una gruesa capa de tricomas. Los aromas son bastante intrigantes, queso dulce de cabra con toques de "old school Skunk" rematado con sutiles notas de hachís de fresa y bayas silvestres frescas. Consigue aquí tus semillas 😁🌻🚀: 📆 Semana 1 de crecimiento: Relleno las macetas de tierra evitando espigamientos. Aplico tierra de diatomeas para evitar futuras plagas y humus de lombriz para mejorar el sustrato y así también el sabor final de los cogollos. Solo regaré una vez con nutrientes con una EC de 550 y el resto con agua y calmag hasta 350 ppm, al haber aplicado el humus de lombriz y la tierra de diatomeas. Humedad: 70% Temperatura: 30°C
There is definitely some deficiencies present. I had planned on doing a flip to flower however this will put me off for another week or two while I correct any nutritional problem. Other than that they look good, very bushy. What do you guys think? Am I going to have a good 1212?
------GENERAL COMMENT------ We arrived pass mid flowering as we are now starting week 5 of flower. No issues, bumped up a bit the Sensi Bloom to 2.5 after 3ml, and have seen the girls darken a bit, so i decided to go down a bit to 2ml this week, maybe stick to this dosage depending how the girls react. The tent have become small for or two ladies, no way to train them more, there is no space. Decided to move forward without a mid grow flush. Still on the 1.5l of water every other day, one base + recharge + pk booster, other with pk booster + natures candy + velokelp alternating. Today was the last Pk booster - Big Bud dose, now we will cut the Big Bud and enter with the Overdrive, the rest will be as is. ------GG. AK47 COMMENT------ I'm loving to grow this strain, so curious about the smoke, and the outcome, this one exceed my expectations a lot seen that it was a gift seed... She is less dark than the BB but still a little dark, and a bid very bid of tip burn, so -1ml of sensi /l should be fine.
------GENERAL COMMENT------ We arrived pass mid flowering as we are now starting week 5 of flower. No issues, bumped up a bit the Sensi Bloom to 2.5 after 3ml, and have seen the girls darken a bit, so i decided to go down a bit to 2ml this week, maybe stick to this dosage depending how the girls react. The tent have become small for or two ladies, no way to train them more, there is no space. Decided to move forward without a mid grow flush. Still on the 1.5l of water every other day, one base + recharge + pk booster, other with pk booster + natures candy + velokelp alternating. Today was the last Pk booster - Big Bud dose, now we will cut the Big Bud and enter with the Overdrive, the rest will be as is. ------GG. AK47 COMMENT------ I'm loving to grow this strain, so curious about the smoke, and the outcome, this one exceed my expectations a lot seen that it was a gift seed... She is less dark than the BB but still a little dark, and a bid very bid of tip burn, so -1ml of sensi /l should be fine.
Hello Bros&Sis! Ciao!😊 this time I've decided to made a video update, from the start of the week to the finish, we're gonna see some BIG differences! (The longest is from the end) About the ladies: Girls in coco Royal AK- she's drinking every single drop op solution and has literally exploded! I'm really happy about her training (top/lst/hst). A very strong strain. OG Kush- I don't get this girl, she's definitely not an heavy drinker. Speedy Chile FF- when I re-potted her into 6lt pot, some of my Bros hoped for a Baobab, what do you think?😂 (has some mutations, has a growth of 3 leaves and then 2 branches have joined together and the other has grown normally) Ladies in Soil: UK Cheese auto- I've broke a branch due to heavy crop. Lesson learned. Pink Doc CBD auto- she's growing good, finally! The only thing I'm worried about is that she will not grow so much, because switch is near. Candy Kush Express- A really nice lady, not too tall, good side branches and she take everything with no care less (one of the most "broken" in the tent) Special Kush#1- She likes her new pot, but there's something wrong (see leaves) maybe related to VPD or RU? I've used different techniques on this ladies, but the one I like the most is cropping the branches and the main stems and also broke the branches where meets the stems, to give'em more power, and more "space" for nutrients transports in sight of bloom! That's all mate, we will see soon for the next update! Ciao!😙 (hey @Growdiaries if you want to use my video, feel free to do it, but please, don't change the music, it's already on YT and for CC use)
Hello Bros&Sis! Ciao!😊 this time I've decided to made a video update, from the start of the week to the finish, we're gonna see some BIG differences! (The longest is from the end) About the ladies: Girls in coco Royal AK- she's drinking every single drop op solution and has literally exploded! I'm really happy about her training (top/lst/hst). A very strong strain. OG Kush- I don't get this girl, she's definitely not an heavy drinker. Speedy Chile FF- when I re-potted her into 6lt pot, some of my Bros hoped for a Baobab, what do you think?😂 (has some mutations, has a growth of 3 leaves and then 2 branches have joined together and the other has grown normally) Ladies in Soil: UK Cheese auto- I've broke a branch due to heavy crop. Lesson learned. Pink Doc CBD auto- she's growing good, finally! The only thing I'm worried about is that she will not grow so much, because switch is near. Candy Kush Express- A really nice lady, not too tall, good side branches and she take everything with no care less (one of the most "broken" in the tent) Special Kush#1- She likes her new pot, but there's something wrong (see leaves) maybe related to VPD or RU? I've used different techniques on this ladies, but the one I like the most is cropping the branches and the main stems and also broke the branches where meets the stems, to give'em more power, and more "space" for nutrients transports in sight of bloom! That's all mate, we will see soon for the next update! Ciao!😙 (hey @Growdiaries if you want to use my video, feel free to do it, but please, don't change the music, it's already on YT and for CC use)
The growing cycle it self worked out as expected, except that the pH-level was way off from where it should be, and I found out a bit too late. Because of this the outcome of the harvest didn't say much about the potential of this strain, but as soon as I got enough time and space, she will get a new chance to shine. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018-02-27. This is my review / smoke report of this lovely cbd flower. There are rock hard buds and almost no give at all, even in those smaller buds. When you grind it the scent will appear more than just smelling on the buds. It smells a little weak of grass, hay, pepper, some spicy and sweet. The taste is grass, soil, pepper and exceedingly sweet fruit. The effect is directly, the thc feeling above the eyes and in the forehead. A little light ringing in the ears and a dry mouth. After 10 minutes, the cbd kicks in and one feels that the neck and shoulders begin to relax and the feeling continues down over the back and chest down to the stomach. A calm and well-being is found in the body. After 15-20 minutes it is down in the legs. But in a strange way, you also feel like doing something, or meeting some friends and just sitting and talking about fun things. It is a very well-balanced strain and it fits in all sorts of contexts. I also think it might be good for someone who needs something that makes you more social and dampens enough anxiety and rushing thoughts effectively. I think this is a lovely strain and I highly recommend it to everyone but especially for more inexperienced people who want to soften with a pleasant medicine.
Hello Bros&Sis! Ciao!😊 this time I've decided to made a video update, from the start of the week to the finish, we're gonna see some BIG differences! (The longest is from the end) About the ladies: Girls in coco Royal AK- she's drinking every single drop op solution and has literally exploded! I'm really happy about her training (top/lst/hst). A very strong strain. OG Kush- I don't get this girl, she's definitely not an heavy drinker. Speedy Chile FF- when I re-potted her into 6lt pot, some of my Bros hoped for a Baobab, what do you think?😂 (has some mutations, has a growth of 3 leaves and then 2 branches have joined together and the other has grown normally) Ladies in Soil: UK Cheese auto- I've broke a branch due to heavy crop. Lesson learned. Pink Doc CBD auto- she's growing good, finally! The only thing I'm worried about is that she will not grow so much, because switch is near. Candy Kush Express- A really nice lady, not too tall, good side branches and she take everything with no care less (one of the most "broken" in the tent) Special Kush#1- She likes her new pot, but there's something wrong (see leaves) maybe related to VPD or RU? I've used different techniques on this ladies, but the one I like the most is cropping the branches and the main stems and also broke the branches where meets the stems, to give'em more power, and more "space" for nutrients transports in sight of bloom! That's all mate, we will see soon for the next update! Ciao!😙 (hey @Growdiaries if you want to use my video, feel free to do it, but please, don't change the music, it's already on YT and for CC use)
Hello Bros&Sis! Ciao!😊 this time I've decided to made a video update, from the start of the week to the finish, we're gonna see some BIG differences! (The longest is from the end) About the ladies: Girls in coco Royal AK- she's drinking every single drop op solution and has literally exploded! I'm really happy about her training (top/lst/hst). A very strong strain. OG Kush- I don't get this girl, she's definitely not an heavy drinker. Speedy Chile FF- when I re-potted her into 6lt pot, some of my Bros hoped for a Baobab, what do you think?😂 (has some mutations, has a growth of 3 leaves and then 2 branches have joined together and the other has grown normally) Ladies in Soil: UK Cheese auto- I've broke a branch due to heavy crop. Lesson learned. Pink Doc CBD auto- she's growing good, finally! The only thing I'm worried about is that she will not grow so much, because switch is near. Candy Kush Express- A really nice lady, not too tall, good side branches and she take everything with no care less (one of the most "broken" in the tent) Special Kush#1- She likes her new pot, but there's something wrong (see leaves) maybe related to VPD or RU? I've used different techniques on this ladies, but the one I like the most is cropping the branches and the main stems and also broke the branches where meets the stems, to give'em more power, and more "space" for nutrients transports in sight of bloom! That's all mate, we will see soon for the next update! Ciao!😙 (hey @Growdiaries if you want to use my video, feel free to do it, but please, don't change the music, it's already on YT and for CC use)
Hello Bros&Sis! Ciao!😊 this time I've decided to made a video update, from the start of the week to the finish, we're gonna see some BIG differences! (The longest is from the end) About the ladies: Girls in coco Royal AK- she's drinking every single drop op solution and has literally exploded! I'm really happy about her training (top/lst/hst). A very strong strain. OG Kush- I don't get this girl, she's definitely not an heavy drinker. Speedy Chile FF- when I re-potted her into 6lt pot, some of my Bros hoped for a Baobab, what do you think?😂 (has some mutations, has a growth of 3 leaves and then 2 branches have joined together and the other has grown normally) Ladies in Soil: UK Cheese auto- I've broke a branch due to heavy crop. Lesson learned. Pink Doc CBD auto- she's growing good, finally! The only thing I'm worried about is that she will not grow so much, because switch is near. Candy Kush Express- A really nice lady, not too tall, good side branches and she take everything with no care less (one of the most "broken" in the tent) Special Kush#1- She likes her new pot, but there's something wrong (see leaves) maybe related to VPD or RU? I've used different techniques on this ladies, but the one I like the most is cropping the branches and the main stems and also broke the branches where meets the stems, to give'em more power, and more "space" for nutrients transports in sight of bloom! That's all mate, we will see soon for the next update! Ciao!😙 (hey @Growdiaries if you want to use my video, feel free to do it, but please, don't change the music, it's already on YT and for CC use)
Hello Bros&Sis! Ciao!😊 this time I've decided to made a video update, from the start of the week to the finish, we're gonna see some BIG differences! (The longest is from the end) About the ladies: Girls in coco Royal AK- she's drinking every single drop op solution and has literally exploded! I'm really happy about her training (top/lst/hst). A very strong strain. OG Kush- I don't get this girl, she's definitely not an heavy drinker. Speedy Chile FF- when I re-potted her into 6lt pot, some of my Bros hoped for a Baobab, what do you think?😂 (has some mutations, has a growth of 3 leaves and then 2 branches have joined together and the other has grown normally) Ladies in Soil: UK Cheese auto- I've broke a branch due to heavy crop. Lesson learned. Pink Doc CBD auto- she's growing good, finally! The only thing I'm worried about is that she will not grow so much, because switch is near. Candy Kush Express- A really nice lady, not too tall, good side branches and she take everything with no care less (one of the most "broken" in the tent) Special Kush#1- She likes her new pot, but there's something wrong (see leaves) maybe related to VPD or RU? I've used different techniques on this ladies, but the one I like the most is cropping the branches and the main stems and also broke the branches where meets the stems, to give'em more power, and more "space" for nutrients transports in sight of bloom! That's all mate, we will see soon for the next update! Ciao!😙 (hey @Growdiaries if you want to use my video, feel free to do it, but please, don't change the music, it's already on YT and for CC use)
Packing up a bit now. Colours are amazing, really deep purple nearly both black leaves and bright red calyx's. Absolutely stinks too, like a really pungent nose burning smell haha almost unpleasant, fruitiness is there and it's like a berry and liquorice maybe, it's really strange . A few Amber trichomes are forming but very few. Going to check back next week and see how far off before I start flushing.
Lots of growth over the last week. She's doubled in overall size. Hope she'll start flowering very soon. Can't see any pistils yet though. The colas are bulking out and there seems to be plenty of possible bud sites. I'll be keeping a very close eye on her this week and keeping fingers crossed for pistil growth. Little sister is aiming for the stars. She is very tall now in comparison (35cm vs 22cm) and is starting to fill out with foliage.
That first diary was a very interresting experience! GD community helped a lot and it's a real pleasure to be surrounded by such nice and experienced growers! Thank you to everybody and see you soon on the next run! Thanks also to the GD team that as always been so kind and reactive! (thanks a lot for posting one of my pics on IG either 😺: 1:)0000
Lots of growth over the last week. She's doubled in overall size. Hope she'll start flowering very soon. Can't see any pistils yet though. The colas are bulking out and there seems to be plenty of possible bud sites. I'll be keeping a very close eye on her this week and keeping fingers crossed for pistil growth. Little sister is aiming for the stars. She is very tall now in comparison (35cm vs 22cm) and is starting to fill out with foliage.
Helloooo Bros&Sis! Ciao! Something new for the lady! I've put the net on her and switch the light timer to 12/12 for make her bloom! 😍 As you can see, I've also adjust the nutrients uptake, following the schedule on Canna's site, and the plants really love it! She drink 600/650ml a day, with a good runoff, and slowly but certainly, she's filling the net. She's currently in her 11th weeks of life, mates I've made a video, so we can admire how nicely she's growing through the week😉 Ok guys, as usual, thanks for stopping by and Ciao! See you next week 👊
This week she was really putting on the weight. She'll be taken down on day 71. I can't wait to see what she weighs in at. This is by far the biggest autoflower I've grown and the best producing plant. Her stem was split on day 63.