CBD_Swedencommentedweek 207 years ago
This is my review / smoke report of this lovely cbd flower.
There are rock hard buds and almost no give at all, even in those smaller buds.
When you grind it the scent will appear more than just smelling on the buds.
It smells a little weak of grass, hay, pepper, some spicy and sweet.
The taste is grass, soil, pepper and exceedingly sweet fruit.
The effect is directly, the thc feeling above the eyes and in the forehead.
A little light ringing in the ears and a dry mouth.
After 10 minutes, the cbd kicks in and one feels that the neck and shoulders begin to relax and the feeling continues down over the back and chest down to the stomach.
A calm and well-being is found in the body.
After 15-20 minutes it is down in the legs.
But in a strange way, you also feel like doing something, or meeting some friends and just sitting and talking about fun things.
It is a very well-balanced strain and it fits in all sorts of contexts.
I also think it might be good for someone who needs something that makes you more social and dampens enough anxiety and rushing thoughts effectively.
I think this is a lovely strain and I highly recommend it to everyone but especially for more inexperienced people who want to soften with a pleasant medicine.
Thanks James at RQS for this lovely lady and pleasant medicine.
And to all that thinking about doing or testing a CBD strain, what are you waiting for?
Just do it :)
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