More to come!... don't even ask how I keep this tent in the 70s in the garage when it is already getting to 96 degrees outside..... short answer... "oh, this works, well it did work, maybe if I do this, that seems to help, well shit, that didn't work, uh oh, its getting hot, I got it!... and done. - temps start to climb into the 90s - " oh shit, oh shit!, Its not working anymore, I guess 90 degrees inside the tent is better than being in the 100s.... think, think, think, 😲 I got it!... annnd done👌! Its working. The temp at the time of writing this is... 73 degrees (last night it is was in the upper 80s lower 90s).
So yeah, my wife is upset at the time I've been spending on it..... if only she would have let me do this inside the house like I wanted to. Meh, whatareya gonna do? 😕
There is something living in my attic... I hear it now.😒....