Week 12
Plant is recovering health now. Stretching vigorously even for side branches.
During the next weeks the plant will stay in greenhouse for numbers of reasons : discretion (lot of activity around, new constructions in the neighborhood), protection from pests, diseases or predators, temperature and humidity control. My auto flowering plants grew outdoor and some of those where victim of multiple agressions like mildew, botrytis, oidium, caterpillars and aphids : the package! The end of spring was hot with high humidity level.
Preparing the plant for 2 weeks autonomy for holiday 😎 (video). I must anticipate watering, heat, pests or diseases, rubbery. I installed ventilation, insect traps, automatic watering ( Blumat), companion plant and a heavy padlock.
Daylight 6h20/21h52=15h32
Did a first topping to control the vertical stretch.
Sprayed Neem oil one time before night.
18L pot = bigger plant. I’m afraid about the plant size in a few weeks.😨