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Bienvenidos a la semana #6 😑 😀 🙏 😂 Día 39 (19/06) Medio día en interior por las lluvias torrenciales 😑 Se detectan algunas puntas quemadas. Voy a esperar a mañana y lanzo grow question en función de la evolución... Día 40 (20/06) Riego a CC & RB con 250 ml H2O pH ajustado CC muestra una deficiencia que no sé identificar... 😑 Día 41 (21/06) OF1 #1 muestra repentinamente una deficiencia. ¿Bloqueo de nutrientes? (Ver grow question) Decido regar con 250 ml de agua doble osmotizada con pH ajustado Espero que se recupere... 🙏 Día 42 (22/06) OF1 #1 Tras 24 horas el tema está controlado: las puntas no están más quemadas y el color general de la planta es mejor (más verde) 😀 ¡Parece una quemadura y bloqueo de nutrientes! 😀 Decido golpear todas las plantas con los siguiente: - Relleno la capa superior del sustrato (2 - 3 cm) con la siguiente mezcla: Sustrato light mix + 10% humus de lombriz + 10 gr / litro de Tierra de Diatomeas - Riego con agua pH ajustado + 2 gr / litro MicroVita + 10 ml / litro de melaza => OF1 #1 y OF1 #2: 250ml => CC & RB: 500 ml => NL: 1 litro Creo que me voy a alejar de los abonos de BioBizz y pasarme a lo orgánico... Gracias maestro @deFharo ! https://growdiaries.com/diaries/134104-grow-journal-by-defharo/week/739884 Día 43 (23/06) Las puntas quemadas están controladas CC ha reaccionado muy bien OF1 no tanto... Día 44 (24/06) Inicio el camino del Organic Rebel con la ayuda del gurú y maestro @deFharo Gracias amigo por tu inestimable ayuda en mi inicio en este camino Me he puesto a fabricar mis propios biofertilizantes líquidos y esto es solo el principio! Os dejo las dos recetas que he realizado pero que son mérito de @deFharo Té de Hummus Ingredientes: - 250 g Humus de lombriz - 1 litro de agua (osmosis o grifo reposada) - 2,5 g de hidróxido de potasio Pasos - Mezclar el agua y el humus de lombriz - Disolver el Hidróxido de Potasio en un poco de agua y lo añades al anterior - Revolver o agitar varias veces - Esperar mínimo 24 horas (mejor 3 días) Humato PK (Muy bueno para floración) - 125 gr de leonardita ó 250 g Humus de lombriz (yo he usado Hummus) - 1 litro de agua (osmosis o grifo reposada) - 25 g de hidróxido de potasio - 25 g de harina de huesos o roca fosfórico (yo he usado harina de huesos) Pasos - Disolver el Hidróxido de Potasio en 500 ml de agua - Añadir la leonardita (o hummus) y remover - Añadir harina de huesos o roca fosfórica al anterior - Revolver o agitar varias veces - A las 24 horas añadir el resto del agua (500 ml) a 40 - 50 ºC - Revolver varias veces al día durante al menos 3 días (alargarlo hasta 6-7 días si no hay prisa)
Incredibile ma vero...ho trovato alcuni ragnetti rossi in una zona del palco. Dopo aver rimosso la parte "infetta",ho dato una passata di piretro(essendo solo alla seconda di fioritura,non dovrebbe creare peoblemi ma,per ogni evenienza,mi sono procurato dell'olio di neem) e per ora,sembra che i ragnetti rossi siano definitivamente deceduti,speriamo tutti. Cmq il mio bellissimo veleno cresce e ci sono un sacco di cime che si stanno riempiendo di peletti bianchi
WEEK 11 - (05/09/2021 - 05/15/2021) Week 3, Day 17 - FLOWER: 05/11/2021 Doing 2 gallons of water per 5 gallon pot this watering due to lack of runoff in weeks prior. I’m thinking I could be letting the pots dry out a little too long in between so the 1.5 gallons hasn’t been enough for each watering. When I stick my finger into the medium 2 or 3 days after watering it still seems like the soil has plenty of moisture so I wait another day or two. I know fabric pots are supposed to dry out usually in 2-3 days, but the soil still seems too moist, and I don’t want to overwater. It seems like ever since transplanting into 5 gallons and switching them to a 12/12 light cycle, watering got more complicated. Maybe I am overthinking the whole process. I just don’t want to risk ruining my crop, you know? Tap water: 223ppm, 8.6 pH, 70℉ (9 gallons total) + HydroGuard: 9ml/9 gallons + pH Down: 30ml/9 gallons Mixture: 267ppm, 6.0 pH, 70.4℉ ppm/ppm = runoff/soil JB#1 - 1330ppm/1063ppm, 6.3 pH AP#1 - 1310ppm/1043ppm, 6.3 pH AP#2 - 1160ppm/893ppm, 6.7 pH GC#1 - 1350ppm/1083ppm, 6.3 pH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 3, Day 20 - FLOWER: 05/14/2021 Watered a day earlier than I usually do, with .5 gallons less water per plant. So each plant got a total of 1 gallon of water for their 5 gallon pots. This is really just to take the question out of the back of my mind: Am I letting the pots dry out too much going four days until the next watering? I will check on the plants shortly after they wake up tomorrow to observe their reaction to the watering. None of the plants produced really any runoff, which was boggling to me, because when I water there is usually anywhere between 10-20%, and that’s after watering on the fourth day. Needless to say, I was unable to take readings this time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 3, Day 21 - FLOWER: 05/15/2021 5:30 p.m. - Decided to check on the plants since I watered a day earlier (yesterday) than I have been since transplanting into the 5 gallon fabric pots. This was kind of an experiment to see how the plants would react to watering on the third day rather than the fourth, because I keep doubting myself. Anyway, when I checked in on the plants, a few leaves looked ever so slightly droopy. Not terrible. It appears that some of the leaves had begun to swell up a little as well. Not 100% sure if these are actually early signs of being overwatered this time, or if it’s something I have simply overlooked until now. Just to be sure, I’m going to water once more on the third day to see how the plants respond. The plants seem to be doing well this week. I've finally installed another ScroG net on the second level to help maintain the canopy. Since I cut the first layer of net the plants quickly started to get out of control and began to grow unevenly across the canopy. The trichomes are starting to appear on all of the plants, with the exception of the American Pie #1. This pheno is a little behind. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with how differently this plant was trained compared to her sisters (The manifold/mainline technique was applied). Possibly could have even defoliated her a little too heavy and she's taking a few extra days to bounce back. She's still producing early buds though, which is good. 👌 That just about wraps up this week. Things just keep getting more and more exciting with each journal entry. All the girls should have about 5-7 weeks left in flower before they are ripe for harvest. Hoping to have another tent and light setup by the end of flower so I can get some more seeds started. Thanks for stopping by and spreading the love. And remember: Don't drink and drive, smoke and fly! 🙌
It’s officially week 4 of flower. It’s day 36 since I flipped to 12/12 and day 25 since we began seeing flowers
Day 2 - LST and topping if possible before transition to flower. Slow for separate branches to grow
Day 2 - LST and topping if possible before transition to flower. Slow for separate branches to grow
Day 2. Training... Incl topping/FIM to increase nodes
Day 2 - LST and topping/mainlining where possible before flowering Both plants have broad leaves blocking light to the canopy
So with my white widow being a little behind the cream manderin, I could tell that she really wasn’t growing much any more in her 1 gallon pot and though as my first grow, I was going to just run her until finished in there, I could tell that she would really benefit from a larger pot so I grabbed a 5 gallon, laced that bitch up with some mycorrhiza and sent it and guys… She literally bushed right out, stood taller and just got beefy in just days. I’m amazed. They say don’t transplant autos but with risk, comes reward. She took to it so nice and I have zero regrets at this point. Added a net to the whole tent and now we wait boys 🤙🏻🤙🏻
So with my white widow being a little behind the cream manderin, I could tell that she really wasn’t growing much any more in her 1 gallon pot and though as my first grow, I was going to just run her until finished in there, I could tell that she would really benefit from a larger pot so I grabbed a 5 gallon, laced that bitch up with some mycorrhiza and sent it and guys… She literally bushed right out, stood taller and just got beefy in just days. I’m amazed. They say don’t transplant autos but with risk, comes reward. She took to it so nice and I have zero regrets at this point. Added a net to the whole tent and now we wait boys 🤙🏻🤙🏻
So with my white widow being a little behind the cream manderin, I could tell that she really wasn’t growing much any more in her 1 gallon pot and though as my first grow, I was going to just run her until finished in there, I could tell that she would really benefit from a larger pot so I grabbed a 5 gallon, laced that bitch up with some mycorrhiza and sent it and guys… She literally bushed right out, stood taller and just got beefy in just days. I’m amazed. They say don’t transplant autos but with risk, comes reward. She took to it so nice and I have zero regrets at this point. Added a net to the whole tent and now we wait boys 🤙🏻🤙🏻