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Week 18 (30-6 tm 5-7) 30-6 Temperatuur: 31.4 graden (licht aan) 22.5 graden (licht uit) Luchtvochtigheid: 69% (hoogste) 50% (laagste) Ik heb de trichomen bekeken en heb besloten haar nog een dagje langer laten staan. Watergift: Geen. 1-7 Vandaag heb ik de trichomen opnieuw bekeken en die zien er goed uit! Veel cloudy en best wel wat amber. Ik hou echt van deze trichome foto's, echt mind blowing hoe dat er uit ziet! Dus vandaag gaat de schaar er in! 2-7 Ik heb besloten om een wet trim te doen zodat als ze droog is ze gelijk in de cure pot kan. Geloof het of niet, maar ik ben wel 12 uur lang bezig geweest om alles te knippen 😅 Op 1-7 ben ik in de middag begonnen en in de vroege ochtend van 2-7 was ik klaar. Het natte gewicht van de buds is 283 gram, en het natte gewicht van de trim is 61 gram. Ik ben nu al super tevreden met het gewicht! Dit is meer dan het dubbele aan gewicht vergeleken met mijn eerste grow. De buds zien er ook echt mooi uit. Ik schat dat het tussen de 50 en 75 gram droog gaat zijn. Ik ben benieuwd, nu een paar dagen drogen! Droogtent: Temperatuur: 23.4 graden (hoogste) 21.2 graden (laagste) Luchtvochtigheid: 59% (hoogste) 42% (laagste) 3-7 Droogtent: Temperatuur: 23.2 graden (hoogste) 21.5 graden (laagste) Luchtvochtigheid: 50% (hoogste) 41% (laagste) 4-7 Droogtent: Temperatuur: 23.1 graden (hoogste) 22.1 graden (laagste) Luchtvochtigheid: 53% (hoogste) 46% (laagste) 5-7 Na 3 dagen is ze droog genoeg om te curen. Wel heb ik iets te lang gewacht want de LV in de jar geeft nu 57% aan. Ik hoop dat dit over een dag wat om hoog gaat. Nu een paar weken curen en dan kom ik met de rook verslag 😁 Ik zal binnenkort ook even berekenen wat de gram per watt is, aangezien ik de lamp niet de gehele grow op 100% had staan. Het droge gewicht van de buds is precies 75 gram, en het droge gewicht van de trim is 19 gram. Samen maakt dat 94 gram! (De trim gebruik ik om een CBD cake of bubble hasj te maken) Ik wil iedereen bedanken voor het volgen van dit avontuur! Tot de volgende keer!
The fimming does what I wished. The single headbud, „twin‘ed“ into 3 headbuds. The fimming also stops the vegetation, but most times luckily only the node of the headbud! Then does the twinheadbuds build a roof-crown with the other nodes.
The fimming does what I wished. The single headbud, „twin‘ed“ into 3 headbuds. The fimming also stops the vegetation, but most times luckily only the node of the headbud! Then does the twinheadbuds build a roof-crown with the other nodes.
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we have lots of sunshine and temperatures in the mid 80's F. I watered today about 1.5-2 gallons per pot directly from the hose. Well water is 7.6 pH and about 50°F. #1 and #2 got topped today. #2 was topped in the evening at 6.30 p.m. I waited for it to get a little more space between the nodes, so there's a bit of stem above the node. This will help it to not split. Day 2 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning followed by sunshine. The #3 plant was topped today. Day 3 we had lots of sunshine, temps in the mid 80's. That evening we had thunderstorms and rain which became severe that night. Hail was in the forecast but we missed it 🙏. I noticed the number 1 plant was growing crooked. I had moved the pots to get more sunlight and the one was uneven. I did some moving and adjusting today and hopefully it will straighten up. Day 4 we had rain in the morning followed by rain and thunderstorms intermittently into the night. Day 5 we had rains early morning and then cloudy most of the day. We have sunshine in the forecast for the weekend. 🙏🙏🙏 All pots were top dressed with 50ml of ferrous sulfate. Day 6 We had sunshine in the morning and afternoon. Clouds began to move in about 3.30p.m. Suddenly about 4:00 p.m. we had a severe thunderstorm that produced heavy rain and grape sized hail. Thankfully the hail only lasted a few minutes. There was some damage to this group, but only leaves. Day 7 we had sunshine, but cooler temperatures with highs reaching low to mid 70's. The plants began to show some Interveinal chlorosis in the new growth on day 5. I checked pH and it's above 7 in the pots. I added ferrous sulfate to counter this. On day 6 I noticed the #3 plant falling behind from receiving less direct sunlight. I've run out of space to accommodate the suns procession. I moved it to a better place for it to receive more sunlight. This week produced challenges. The topping was successful, but the position of the plants prevented some of them from receiving maximum direct sunlight. It took a few days to notice the affect on growth. We did not have much height gained this week. There was the issue with rising pH again, but this was promptly dealt with. We survived the challenging weather. Overall a successful week as lots of downward root growth was achieved. This will be evident next week as plants shoot up.
Hi cannafam👋 519growgirl here. Auto Overdose is now 98 days old and by the look of her flower I would say she has around another 3 weeks till she finishes. I added the UVR40 light bars to the under canopy to boost her lower flower production. She has a bit of tip burn so I backed off her Clyde nutrient from 24ml per 6L to 20ml per 6L. I will also be removing CalMag from her feeding this week to ripen her flowers. I will be flushing her with water only for the last 2 weeks. #halfheartcauseyoucompleteme
Tag 42 - Beginn der 7 Woche. Es wird so langsam. Der Blütenwachstum geht weiter. Für mich könnte sie zum jetzigen Stand etwas weiter sein, was aber glaube ich meine Schuld ist, da die Lampe etwas nah an der Pflanze ist. Im oberen Bereich der Pflanze habe ich hellgrüne Verfärbung an den Blättern entdeckt, was auch auf zu viel Licht und Hitze schließen lässt. Ich hab die Lampe nochmal etwas weiter nach oben verstellt und habe der Pflanze an Tag 40 der letzten Woche zusätzlich bisschen Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra gegeben, damit sie für die Lichtintensität gestärkt wird und ich einen Calciummangel ausschließen kann. Ich bin gespannt wie sie sich in den kommenden Wochen entwickelt. Der pH-wert wurde minimal von 6.5 auf 6.6 erhöht. Beschnitten oder entlaubt wurde nichts mehr und werde ich voraussichtlich auch nicht mehr. Gedüngt wurde an Tag 38 der letzten Woche. Nährstofflösung: 1 ml/l - Big Bud Advanced Nutrients 1 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 1 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B. 1 ml/l - Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra Advanced Nutrients.
Tag 42 - Beginn der 7 Woche. Die Pflanze entwickelt sich gut. Für die Größe der Pflanze produziert sie massive eisige Buds, die schon relativ stark duften. Der pH-wert wurde minimal von 6.5 auf 6.6 erhöht. Beschnitten oder entlaubt wurde nichts mehr und werde ich voraussichtlich auch nicht mehr. Gedüngt wurde an Tag 38 der letzten Woche. Nährstofflösung: 1 ml/l - Big Bud Advanced Nutrients 1 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 1 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A. 2 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B.
What a mission, finally I am at the end of my four cycle, she’s my last plant to be harvested, sadly she lost 60% of her bud, her main stem and a lot of brunches snapped 😭😭😭😭😭😭 off during heavy rains, I cannot believe it, it has been four months last I posted, 😂😂😂😂, I so sorry, rest assured she reached harvest and there is proof, what a journey… so many times I wanted to give up and uproot her, but look at her now, she’s the most potent strain in the 4th cycle, and trumps everyone with aroma, taste and high. Cannot wait to do it again, this time with mOre maturity and care. She gave me 63grams, though the scale says 67, the plastic I weighs 3 grams.
What a mission, finally I am at the end of my four cycle, she’s my last plant to be harvested, sadly she lost 60% of her bud, her main stem and a lot of brunches snapped 😭😭😭😭😭😭 off during heavy rains, I cannot believe it, it has been four months last I posted, 😂😂😂😂, I so sorry, rest assured she reached harvest and there is proof, what a journey… so many times I wanted to give up and uproot her, but look at her now, she’s the most potent strain in the 4th cycle, and trumps everyone with aroma, taste and high. Cannot wait to do it again, this time with mOre maturity and care. She gave me 63grams, though the scale says 67, the plastic I weighs 3 grams.
I highly recommend LST and topping the plant at least 2 weeks prior to flower. This strain reacts very well to it and getting an even canopy of big frosty buds is great. I must say that in the past 2 weeks the smell has become very steong. Be sure to seal whatever air leak you have in your flower space if you are concerned about smell. I use a 6 inch AC infinity long filter and it handles the 2 plants decently. As soon as you open the door to the flower side a wall of fruity-ish smell hits you. The resin production is amazing. I have never had a plant produce so much.
Everything is cruising along nicely. Nodes are stacking fairly close together. Plants are really starting to stink.
Again all plants are alright. LED runs at 600w, the climate is constant. Plants getting really sticky and smelling more and more.