Day 39 - Watered the Gold Leaf today by dunking it. 8.4 PH going in and 6.3 for the runoff. The PPM was only 500 or so, but I'm guessing it is because of the dunk. The soil test was still 5.3 on one side and up to 5.7 on the other. I checked right away so maybe it has gone up. GDP #1 seems to need water, but GDP #2 will need another day. The Gold Leaf is reaching the 25" limit for flipping, but the net should help show things down a little so the other 2 can catch up.
Day 40 - Both GDPs needed water and got dunked. PH was 8.5 and the runoff showed 6.2. A soil PH check came back at 5.9. I am hoping that the small jump will help. I realized I would not be able to test the runoff with the stand and saucers I was using so i got new ones. This lowered my potential flipping height, but with the SCROG I am hoping to keep the goldleaf down long enough for the GDP to catch up.
Day 41 - The Gold leaf is tall enough to bend down and the GDPs are almost there. I'm anxious to see how many bud sites I can get through the net before I defoliate and flip to flower. I don't think I should wait much longer with 3 plants in a 2x4 and the gold leaf getting close to 25 inches.
Day 42 - 2x4 is too crowded so decided to order a 5x5 and move them over before I flip to flower. The gold Leaf is dry again. Watering with 3 gallons to try and get the PH up and the PPM down. The PH of the water I am using is 7.5
Day 43 - Watered Gold Leaf today. Going in the PH was 7.5 and the PPM 250. The runoff showed 5.9 and the PPM was 870. The soil test after work showed on one side as 6.1 and the other 6.0. Getting better, but I want to be closer to 6.5 before I flip them. The 5x5 tent will give me the room needed for that.
Day 44 - Watered the GDPs today. The water going in had a PH of 7.5. The PPM was around 255. The runoff had a PH of 6.2 and a PPM of over 850. Both were very similar. At least one more week without nutes unless there is a problem.
The ladies all seem to be showing a bit of magnesium deficiency. I started using a foliar spray for now with 1ml cal mag in 500ml of water with a PH of 6.5. Might need to add cal-mag to the next watering. The 2x4 is way too crowded with the 3 of them in there together. Hopefully the new tent shows up soon.
Day 45 - The Gold Leaf is getting worse. It looks like lockout again. The other side of the spectrum this time. Probably too alkaline... 😒 From now on I will be feeding with water with a PH of 6.5. For now I added a few drops of micro and bloom to the foliar spray and applied it once more. It seems like it will need more water in a day or two so that should help.