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Unos días más y ya pasamos a florar. Realizada un poco de la defoliación y saqué los esquejes. El día que pasemos a florar, haré una nueva defoliación más “violenta”, conocida como Schwazze o Schwazzing. Veremos qué sale de este cultivo, viene todo muy bien 👍 😎💪
Gracias al equipo de Seedsman y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Alaskan Do-Si-Dos: Alaskan Do-Si-Dos ha sido desarrollada por expertos como una versión mejorada de la siempre popular variedad Alaskan Purple de Seedsman. La introducción de la genética Do-Si-Dos en la Alaskan Purple ha creado un híbrido índica/sativa que aumenta la potencia y el rendimiento al mismo tiempo que mejora el perfil de sabor y sigue siendo versátil en lo que respecta al cultivo en exterior. La Alaskan Do-Si-Dos está destinada principalmente al cultivo al aire libre y en invernaderos. Las plantas crecen altas y prosperan en climas fríos, templados, cálidos y secos, al mismo tiempo que se desempeñan bien en altitud. Esto no impide que se cultive en interior, pero estas plantas grandes necesitarán mucho espacio. Las plantas muestran una resistencia moderada al moho pero, si se cultivan en interiores, hay que tener en cuenta que son RUIDOSAS, por lo que se beneficiará del uso de filtros de aire de carbón. En exterior, en latitudes septentrionales, la cosecha está prevista para finales de septiembre, mientras que en interior las plantas tardarán entre 8 y 10 semanas en completar la floración. Los rendimientos en exterior son muy altos y pueden superar fácilmente los 750gr/planta, mientras que en interior los rendimientos son elevados, hasta 600gr/m2. Los cogollos maduros tienen una densidad media y mantienen un color verde medio. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 2: Gran primera semana, ella ha dado un gran estiron estos días, si sigue así será una gran cosecha. Esta semana se practica defoliacion, poda de ramas bajas y se le agrega Sticky Fingers . La carpa está ocupada al 100%, sigue una floracion explosiva gracias a @Marshydro y @Xpertnutrients y @Trolmaster con esta gran genética 💪. Potencia de la lámpara: 70%
Starting the 2nd week of vegetation! So far everything is looking very good! The hydro plant is lacking behind a little bit, that's probably because of the low concentration of nutrients. So today I mixed a new batch with 2ml/L TA Organic Grow, which was recommended on the packaging for the growth phase. The roots look healthy, having reached almost the bottom of the jar already. Day 12: The diagonal leaves are starting to come out for the soil plant. Day 17: The hydro plant continues to fall behind. There is also build-up in the jar. I'll be switching to an anorganic fertilizer later today to hopefully stabilize the plant development.
I make soil for testing my craft and Livingsoil and single ingredient from organic material such as fish bone fish meal crab crustaceans shrimp oyster and some guano and npk from plant base soybean and alfalfa that enough for it. I think every time about how to use organic fertilizer for plant to make crazy yield and high terp from Livingsoil
Day 15 / 15.04. For the start of week 3 of Veg I decided to transplant the plants into their final 15l autopots. Because I only have space for 3 plants I threw out the runty Super Lemon Haze plant. I transplanted all of them into BioBizz Biomix and sprinkeled mycorrhizae on the roots. I watered them in with 300ml of nutrient solution at 6.5 Ph and 1.1 mS/cm TDS. The VPD has now reached 0.8 kPa. With the transplant I also switched the small light the plants were under to the Mars Hydro TS-3000 on 20% brightness. This means plants' DLI has been bumped up to about 20 mol/m2/d. Day 17 / 17.04. The big light has blown the third relay of the smart system in a row. This means lights turned on about half a hour late today. Day 19 / 19.04. Today I topped all of the plants at the fourth node. I initially planned to top on day 21 but they did not experience any shock from transplant so I got to do it today. Day 21 / 21.04. For the end of week 3 veg I filled up the autopot reservoir and turned it on. I'm expecting some even greater growth now.
Un terpeno que me recuerda a los años 90 Aquellos maravillosos
DAY 6 WEEK 2 - FLOWER Hello fellow growers, I'm thrilled to report that my current grow is progressing smoothly as I enter Week 2 Day 6. The plant is showing promising signs of healthy growth with no apparent deficiencies detected thus far. However, I've encountered some peculiar symptoms with the leaves; it seems like there's some tissue tearing or ripping occurring. Despite thorough inspections, I'm confident in stating that pests are not the culprit, as I haven't observed any other signs they typically leave behind. It's a bit perplexing, but I'm keeping a close eye on it. One aspect I've been experimenting with in this grow is the use of an ExHale CO2 bag. While I had hoped for a noticeable increase in CO2 levels, I haven't seen a significant improvement. After careful consideration, I suspect that the lack of a sealed environment is hindering its effectiveness. Humidity issues prevent me from sealing the environment completely, which likely results in the CO2 being dispersed rapidly. For now, I've decided to forgo using the CO2 bags, but I'm open to revisiting them in the future if I can establish a sealed environment. Looking ahead to the start of Week 3 of the flowering stage, I plan to introduce PK boost additives to enhance potassium intake. This strategic addition aims to support robust flower development and overall yield. Despite the minor setbacks, I remain absolutely thrilled with the progress of this run. With approximately five more weeks to go, I'm eagerly anticipating the taste and aroma of the final product. I appreciate all the support and encouragement from fellow growers. Here's to continued success and growth! Let's Grow!
Auto Maxi Gom is growing well this last week. She has moved more into a preflowering phase. Looks like she is getting ready to start stretching. She is looking really healthy. I am just a little on the heavy side for feeding. I am switching her to bloom nutrition on her next feeding. So I will have to guess the strength since this is the first time using Xpert in blooming. Vegging was about half the recommended dose as the chart listed for a coco grow. Everything is going really good. Thank you Xpert Nutrients, Seeds Mafia, and Medic Grow. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Gracias al equipo de Sweet Seeds, Marshydro, XpertNutrients y Trolmaster, sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁: Big Devil Fast Version: Atendiendo a las peticiones de nuestros amigos y clientes, presentamos la versión feminizada y fotodependiente de nuestra apreciada variedad Big Devil Auto (SWS15). Para el desarrollo de esta variedad utilizamos nuestras mejores cepas seleccionadas de Big Devil Auto. Hemos eliminado el carácter autofloreciente de la Big Devil Auto hibridando estas cepas seleccionadas con un clon élite de características muy semejantes a la Big Devil Auto original. El resultado es una planta muy vigorosa, de gran porte y de muy alta producción, con cogollos muy densos y repletos de resina. Desarrolla un fuerte tallo principal y largas ramas laterales. Conserva el aroma y sabor de nuestra Big Devil Auto original, muy dulce e inciensado. 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 2: Gran primera semana, ella ha dado un gran estiron estos días, si sigue así será una gran cosecha. Esta semana se practica defoliacion, poda de ramas bajas y se le agrega Sticky Fingers . La carpa está ocupada al 100%, sigue una floracion explosiva gracias a @Marshydro y @Xpertnutrients y @Trolmaster con esta gran genética 💪. Potencia de la lámpara: 70%
Hello again guys and welcome to day 89! The girls are taking their time but finally the trichomes are turning milky. As you can see from the videos, they still aren’t quite there yet. I really want them to reach their maximum potential instead of rushing it. I think in maybe a week or so they should be ready! Thanks for stoping by
Some of you may have wondered: Why do I use CO2 at average 950 ppfd μmol/m2/s (moral flow)? The answer is quite simple. Because of lack of space in some regions of my cultivation area, I simply cannot keep the ideal distance to my Sanlight high-performance lamp, due to some height growth of various strains. And so some of the main colas have ppfd values of 1250 μmol/m2/s and even more... So this is how I manage to achieve and compensate for such high radiation levels even with a CO 2 balance. And I have to say, my strategy to avoid various light stress symptoms works just fabulously. In combination with CO 2 implementation, my babies are simply unbeatably insensitive to light. Thats it! Beginning of 3rd week flowering: Again feeding my babies by 36 hours fermented potions of Bio Tabs Kompost Tea PK-Booster (15 g pro Liter) and added: 5ml Orgatrex/Liter 1 Spoon of Bactrex 1 Spoon of Mycotrex 1 Spoon of Mycco-Vital 1 Spoon of Dynomyco A little tip for those who are interested in small modifications that have a big difference or influence - on the result - effect - beauty - health - taste! Before adding microorganisms or beneficial bacteria or Mycorrizae and Trichodermas, please use oxygen-saturated water. On the one hand, unwanted chlorine gases evaporate and the small world of the microbiome becomes even faster and more rewarding in compost tea to sprout. Last but not least for this week, I would like to introduce my reasons, why I prefer growing biologically and sustainably. First of all, it’s something which suits very well in these times/days we are living now. Sustainability is a big need and task for our planet. 🌎 Nature means life. Our home, the air we breathe and everything that surrounds us. Not just today. Hopefully tomorrow as well. Maybe I'm starting to protect our environment on a small scale, but maybe I can also make a big difference at all. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change... I thought about what’s the difference, between Mineral Feeding and Super Soil Feeding. It’s very easy. Biologically Growing is a similar process than the natural soil activities out there in the lap of nature’s. So plants has to work and interact with the microorganisms and microbiomic communities in the soil. So the plants will never get lazy like the lazy ones of mineral feeding growers. If you grow biologically, you will feed the soil first and the microorganisms will support every parameter next to your plant conditions. And that will generate an unbelievable spectrum of Terpenes and Trichomes you will never forget. It’s the same comparison, when you daily visit McDonalds and you eat only fast food. How does your body and mind react on this shit for money?!?! May I invite you to think about it… See you next week dear Growmies! Have a nice Weekend and take care… Peace out! Addendum for Day 53: At the moment we unfortunately have another winter onset here in Germany. This means that I am forced to take additional heating measures due to structural facts in order to be able to keep the temperatures constant. After all, just tonight the thermometer climbs again to -1 degree Celsius. In addition, my exhaust air system runs out of my bedroom terrace and I therefore grow winter and summer with the patio door open. Well, sometimes I experience real weather-related challenges. But all in all, no problem... "Where there's a will, there's a way." Addendum to pouring out the fermented PK tea: I always administer half a liter of lukewarm aerated water with 3.5 ml of cannazyme per liter to each plant. This means that the "root machine" is not supplied with supplies unprepared and the nutrient solution can thus also be better distributed in the soil. Since I also work with cloth shoes, I spray them evenly moistened everywhere with water that is also warm before pouring them out from the outside. This has the advantage that the moisture stays where it should: in the pot! ... I did the math today ;-) We are still in week 7 until this Friday. And week 8 starts on Friday! OMG... still so much time yeahh! Today my Fast Buds Sour Jealousy and Sweet Seeds Big Devil and Dark Devil Automatics arrived. I'm looking forward to it. This time Fast Buds next Time Sweet Seeds. Love them too. Very beautiful genetics. Today a review video of the beginning of week 3. At the time of the pictures, I had minor signs of nitrogen excess. (Light peaks first at the crown of the roof and then slightly continuing to the middle section.) I then painstakingly racked my brains as to why this could be. I found that very slight dry spots had formed and therefore the root found small accumulations of nitrogen that caused its problems. But then, when I carefully homogeneously checked the moisture content in the substrate, the problem evaporated again. However, they had not shown any loss of growth rate during this time. Nevertheless, they developed as expected. They Strawnanas had no problem with that. In the end, I always have a hard time killing them. But I guess that's the way things go. We live and die. We come and go. But it's not there yet. ;-) Tomorrow is day 56. Tomorrow’s updating day! Can't wait to see their progress. Have a good time and see you tomorrow… 🏽🕊️ 🏽 ☮️🕊️
Hello again guys and welcome to day 89! The girls are taking their time but finally the trichomes are turning milky. As you can see from the videos, they still aren’t quite there yet. I really want them to reach their maximum potential instead of rushing it. I think in maybe a week or so they should be ready! Thanks for stoping by
Hello again guys and welcome to day 89! The girls are taking their time but finally the trichomes are turning milky. As you can see from the videos, they still aren’t quite there yet. I really want them to reach their maximum potential instead of rushing it. I think in maybe a week or so they should be ready! Thanks for stoping by