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She has a sweet smell very strong girl bud just keep swelling very frosty and no pest on her at all will start checking the buds soon to see were we are.
Week 4 for the indoor black Lebanon by SSSC Phenos 4 & 1 are for sure the ones packing on the size of buds first. Hoping the other 2 catch up. They were only feed plain water next week ill probably give them a feeding of greenhouse feeding bio enhancer for some extra boost. They are all smelling of a strong nutmeg type spice atm.
Week 4 for the indoor black Lebanon by SSSC Phenos 4 & 1 are for sure the ones packing on the size of buds first. Hoping the other 2 catch up. They were only feed plain water next week ill probably give them a feeding of greenhouse feeding bio enhancer for some extra boost. They are all smelling of a strong nutmeg type spice atm.
Week 4 for the indoor black Lebanon by SSSC Phenos 4 & 1 are for sure the ones packing on the size of buds first. Hoping the other 2 catch up. They were only feed plain water next week ill probably give them a feeding of greenhouse feeding bio enhancer for some extra boost. They are all smelling of a strong nutmeg type spice atm.
Week 4 for the indoor black Lebanon by SSSC Phenos 4 & 1 are for sure the ones packing on the size of buds first. Hoping the other 2 catch up. They were only feed plain water next week ill probably give them a feeding of greenhouse feeding bio enhancer for some extra boost. They are all smelling of a strong nutmeg type spice atm.
Ho avuto dei problemi ad aggiornare i diari ma eccoci qua! È stata un esperienza bellissima con le autofiorenti della dutchfem seeds, tanta abbondanza di qualità raffinata e fruttata la madmax33 semplicemente adorabile! Hanno resistito ai parassiti, si sono adattate subito al clima italiano del centro e la qualità delle infiorescenze è uno spettacolo! Piante molto abbondanti e piene di infiorescenze resinose, parliamo di circa 100gr essiccata per pianta! Che altro aggiungere, provate queste varietà!
È stato fantastico! Adoro i colori viola,rosso e rosa che appaiono su gran parte delle mimose Purple Kush autofiorenti in Italia, a pensare che nonostante i 35 gradi di temperatura comunque sono diventate viola in gran parte e cariche di resina tutte! Sono buonissime anche le mimose che non vengono viola o rosse di colore anzi sono più dolci e decise nel gusto mentre le mimose che diventano colorate sviluppano gusti ed aromi nuovi che spesso ricordano i frutti di bosco a caramelle zuccherate! In alcune mimose ho trovato tipo caffè e pepe dolce come aroma cioè stile Kashmir landrace! Resistente molto ai parassiti, resistono al caldo e si adattano facilmente in giardino, con poche attenzioni ed i giusti nutrienti e dosaggi si otterranno risultati memorabili con queste meravigliose varietà, sfido tutti i migliori leader del settore a fare di meglio! La mia mimosa è fantastica signori!
È stato fantastico! Adoro i colori viola,rosso e rosa che appaiono su gran parte delle mimose Purple Kush autofiorenti in Italia, a pensare che nonostante i 35 gradi di temperatura comunque sono diventate viola in gran parte e cariche di resina tutte! Sono buonissime anche le mimose che non vengono viola o rosse di colore anzi sono più dolci e decise nel gusto mentre le mimose che diventano colorate sviluppano gusti ed aromi nuovi che spesso ricordano i frutti di bosco a caramelle zuccherate! In alcune mimose ho trovato tipo caffè e pepe dolce come aroma cioè stile Kashmir landrace! Resistente molto ai parassiti, resistono al caldo e si adattano facilmente in giardino, con poche attenzioni ed i giusti nutrienti e dosaggi si otterranno risultati memorabili con queste meravigliose varietà, sfido tutti i migliori leader del settore a fare di meglio! La mia mimosa è fantastica signori!
The beginning of week 5! I think we are going into flower this week, signs are there. 7/22 (Day 35) - Started off week 5 with the most LST and Defoliation I have done and I was nervous. They needed it though, I was getting worried about mold and airflow through these bushy ladies, so I did my best and kinda followed my instinct. I did watch and read a ton of videos and articles and tried to put what I learned to use. I think these ladies are about to go into flower as well, started noticing the white pistols and where potential bud sites are going to be so I did my best to make those available to light and as even as possible. Will be letting them rest for a few days and reassess then. Everything continues to stay in check and the new dehumidifier worked awesome last night keeping the humidity in check. 7/23 (Day 36)- Didnt get any pictures this day. Pretty normal day, they drank 2 gallons and just continue to grow. I feel like they are just growing like crazy still and I think im starting to see them start stretching a bit more. 7/24 (Day 37)- Did the res change this morning, they are definitely starting to stretch and the bud sites seem to becoming more obvious. I went with more Veg neats after doing some reading, I may switch to bloom next week depending on how they are stretching. They fully recovered from the LST and defoliation two days ago. I decided to do a bit more today and focus on opening up light to sites that need them. Everything gets covered up so fast and I am having to defoliate a bit almost every other day it seems. 7/25 (Day 38)- Everytime I defoliate and do some LST they seem to bounce back so fast like next day. I did a bit more with the front left plant, she is lagging behind the others a bit, but that one has always seemed to be the runt. They are starting to form buds, especially back left plant which seems to have taken off a bit faster than the others. They are drinking almost 3 gallons a day! Everything continues to stay in check. I am debating if I should try scrogging or not, or just continue to LST and defoliate. Any input is welcome! 7/26 (Day 39) - Just kind of checked in on them and topped up the res today, Everything looks nice and healthy, all conditions are staying consistent and everyone is looking healthy. 7/27 (Day 40)- Did quite a bit of defoliation this morning. They needed it badly, a lot of the light was not getting through to under the canopy. Going to just keep an eye on them and see how they recover the next few days. As always, tips and recommendations are always appreciated!
La purple haze était vraiment plaisante à cultiver. Une des deux a eu un problème dès le début de croissance, et malgré tout, j'ai réussi à l'envoyer en floraison. Cela montre bien que les variétés de zamnesia sont très bien pour les débutants, elles sont très résistantes. La haze était de taille moyenne. Une odeur très épicée et terreuse, un vrai plaisir au nez. On voit bien que c'est une sativa, elle provoque de grosses crises de fou rire, la première fois que j'ai tiré dessus j'ai tiré trois taf et j'ai rigolé pendant 30 minutes, complètement incroyable. Très cérébrale, pleins d'idées qui nous passent par la tête, elle rend très énergique et n'a pas d'effet de détente sur le corps. Ne pas fumer en soirée avant d'aller dormir, plutôt en après-midi, j'ai beaucoup de mal à dormir si je l'utilise en début de soirée. Attention tout de même, elle provoque pas mal de parano je trouve, typique d'une sativa. En tout cas excellente variété pour aller marcher et profiter d'une belle après-midi. J'ai optenu 45g et 30g en sachant que j'ai eu pas mal de problèmes.
Variété parfaite pour les débutants. Les plantes sont très résistantes aux chocs de température et d'humidité. Elles donnent des rendements satisfaisants et un goût agréable. La runtz a une odeur très sucrée, presque comme un gâteau, je n'avais jamais senti une plante avec une odeur pareille, c'est très agréable. Les plants étaient tous petit, 50 centimètres environ, et n'avaient pas beaucoup d'odeur pendant la floraison, c'est parfait si vous voulez être discret. Concernant les effets, on voit bien que c'est une souche 50% sativa 50% indica. Au début les effets sont euphorisants, elle provoque des rires, mais par la suite et donne un bon effet analgésique, parfait pour aller dormir, je n'ai pas trop de flow de pensé avec et c'est très agréable pour se détendre. J'ai obtenu 34g et 45g sachant que j'ai eu pas mal de problèmes.