They are runing well. More light would be better. Still doubt about defoliation. Thinking to make last heavy one on week 7 and start to flush at the end of it. Girls super healthy, i think i will easy beat 1g/w...
Fingers crossed ;)
Extra :
Made second round of defoliation. All looks great !
Plus some night footage before defoliation
If you ask where i found courage to make it again :
Miami Mango conviced me again ;)
P.s. my plants where all time healthy, thats why i can try out such tricks. Anyway one plant no clearing, no lolitoping, no defoliation. We shall see the weight results, i have a competitor for her. On third week of flowering they both where the same. Time will tell ...
I rotate my plants everyday so they get even light and same feeding.
P.s.2 Plant in the midle is Choco Lopez auto, dont count her ;) i did all the same to her as to other photoperiod plants. She is the Beast ;)
24 hours after dofoliation they started to smell really hard... Citrus and berries aroma all the way .. No sign of stress and easy to see how healthy they are , still blooming ;)
P.s. 4
I always work with plants before watering them and when i harm them - i always water with ph water only. Soil is ritch enough and if damage will happen less feeding will reduse it ...