14/08/2023 Nothing special to mention at the beginning of this week, except my new heat/humidity detector, which is actually an old device I found. I came across it because my little one doesn't seem very reliable anymore(As you can see on a picture it say 69% while the other big one say 45%). Still no nutriments, just water with pH-. And I think I won't make any more changes until the final weeks, when I'll probably trim a maximum of leaves. 17/08/2023 I redid the LST for number 3, without knowing what I was doing, and I'm not sure if I did it right, but I'm pretty happy with the result. The canopy of #3 looks really good, even though the overall canopy is quite uneven. However, doing the LST on all 4 plants intimidated me way too much. So I changed the position of each plant so that they wouldn't encroach too much on each other; I only have a space of 60cmx60cm.
Overall the grow with this girl could of been better but only because I screwed up early on with the LST and snapped two main branches completely off so I’m sure that slowed her down a bit but absolutely amazed how it almost didn’t even bother her. Looking forward to growing this one again soon.
Gran experiencia como siempre Contento con el resultado y con ganas de seguir probando y experimentando en este gran mundo. Cultivo facil de inicio pero que a finales por culpa de una plaga que no supe tratar a tiempo y sus consecuentes caos en esas dos semanas ... Fueron en la 4 y en la 5 semana , y desde ahí , pàrecio que cause unas carencias que ya se lastraron hasta el final del cultivo ... Aun así , en mojado pudimos sacar , nada mas que 530 gramos , y que ya luego en seco antes de pasarlas a los botes el peso total fue de unos 190 gramos de flor seca y ya lista para ir curando..
This strain has been wonderful from jump 👏 all seed made it and all came out looking gorgeous with a very tropical berry smell to them the taste I get from them is tropical although most turned purple in the end after hanging them up I could see a red tint to some of the buds 😁 but the purple kinda took over its fun growing with diaries and can't to get my next strain 8n the grow and share with grow diaries
Lovely strain, likes food and consistent environments. Hard dense nugs, very potent sativa effect, smells like raw mango. Will take it a week longer next time.
Super citrusy, high yeild compared to the other strains. Was mostly responsible for filling out the space. I'd give it a 7 out of 10 in terms of smoke cause it was nothing special but definitely potent stuff. Just not for me tho