The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Well guys she had a deep flush of rain water put at least 100 ltrs through her till her ppm dropped to 100 gna hit her again in a couple days for a full deep flush till she runs at 37ppm I know drastic but I push them always to.the hilt to make sure there ain't a hint of chemical feed in sight shes starting to stick and fill out nicely after flushing probably cause she has to rely in her own supply for now but she never seemed to yellow out at all throughout any of her leaves sometimes they do sometimes they don't so I know there ain't any nutes in there so I'm not worried just dont want to overdo her want to take her just right not to much couch locking just a nice get on with the day kinda high is what I'm after so dont want her pushing for to long hopefully a week or two shall do the trick
9th W/Flower: 9th Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn Packed, Stacked Up and Lights Upgrading under way! Cloned with my Steady's Saliva!!! 9th w/ Flower: Budz getting Outstandingly Huge, Plump, Dense, Juicy and Everything is Supreme, Savory, Stinky, Sweet, Swelling Out, Skunky and Gasy at thier 9th week of Flower! 9th Week of Flower: 9th Flower Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn and the Ladies Love the Bloom portion of Nutrients! They're Stacking Up Great and Filling Out thier Mighty Branches with Giant Gorgeous Budz! 5 Confirmed Females!!! It's been a few days since I gave this Lady her 9th Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn Nutrients and she looks Fantastically Divine!!! We'll definitely Grow back to everything here soon! 11th w/ Veg and Flowers Update #Pre-Sexed🚺 #SuperCropped #Defoliated #Lollipoped Good Day and Happy Growing Everyone! These Ladies were Growing into thier 11th Week of Veg and Looking Totally Tight and Phenomenally *Femed* from the Right! #Pre-Sexed 4/9/21 #Opium/#PabloEscobar *Fems* breed by Team #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsSquad #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany and #SuperCropping continued! I'm Very Excited and Extremely Gracious!!! Heck Yeah Growmies and Growmets!!! Check Out these Confirmed Females with thier Wild Pistol Hairs popping and I'm still Training and Widening them Out with #SuperCropping Everything looks Expanded and Growing Great! After #SuperCropping the plant will Grow Bushier, Produce More Buds, and possibly even Produce More THC! This is how the plant naturally responses to danger and protects itself! Growers take advantage of this technique to get Bigger Yields and More Potent Buds than would be produced otherwise! Getting Trained out into thier 11th Week of Veg and Looking Mighty Fine!!! Thier getting Humongous and Hearty in thier 10 gallon Grow Bag from Broski These Cannabis plants are Camping out in the Closet for a week or so! Lol This is my 2nd run using the Osree.Light QB1000w and Everything is Mesmerizing!!! My #Opium and #PabloEscobar *Fems* from #DivineSeeds Regs: SalamiLegF3's×2 and FireAlienRomulan look$ Outstandingly Awesome and Growing Up Phenomenally Fine into thier 11th week of Veg in our 2- 10 gallon The Grow Bags from Broski and also 2- 5 gallons as Well! Our others are Super and Breed by #thehumancannabiniod #AlienBloodGenetix #TNBNaturals #Foop Yo!!! Thanks Again for All the Love and Support my fellow Growmies and Growmets!!! These Magnificent and Magical Ladies were Growing in our 48×24×60 ViparSpectra Official Club 🌿 ®️ Grow Tent and under our #Osree QB1000w and #GrowStarStore Kokokala QB1000w and our Purple Rose Cutting×2, Aloe Vera Cutting, Maters×3, Morel Mushroom, Lavender×3, Sunflowers×5 and The 5 Brand New and Fresh Starts are Wonderful with a Huge Hint of Fantastical Fire is my #SalamiLegF3×2 by Broski #thehumancannabiniod #DankFlowGenetics #EastCoastSeedBank #FireAlienRomulan by Broski #AlienBloodGenetix my #PabloEscobar and #Opium by Team #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany We Grow with #Growatt 600w with #FoopOrangicBioSciences and #TNBNaturals The Enhancer Co2 Despersal canister and ph'd them w/ Declorinated watering w/ TNB ph Up and Down! Totally Top Quality Topz all Around! Thanks Again #GallowGlas420 #HarleyGrower #thehumancannabiniod #AlienBloodGenetix #TNBNATURALS #FoopOrangicBioSciences #divineseeds #divineseedssquad #divineseedsbreedingcompany #BioFlux Family's and Teams!!! Your Genetics are Merry Magnificent, Mega Marvelous and Mighty Medical! Love um!!! I really Can't stress enough how Thankful and Grateful I am of All of you and what you've Shared with Us! Means the World!!! It's definitely a Pleasure being able to Grow with these Phenomenal Grow Lights! Please Enjoy! BudBrothers4-Life! Cheers Famz!!! Much Props and Much Topz!💯🔥 #Osree #GrowStarStore #Growatt #TNBNaturals #TNBTeam #FoopOrangics #GrowYourOwn #Bliss HumboldtCounty'sOwn: Email: [email protected] Phone: (707) 725-4119 Toll free: (866) 872-9434 Humboldt Bottling Po Box 429 · Fortuna, CA 95540 HumboldtCounty'sOwn Website Link: HumboldtCounty'sOwn Instagram Link: The Grow Bags: https://www.as420
Had 3-4 days of rain during which I did not water and let the plants soak up what they could, after the first day of sun they all look happy and healthy, with the 15 gallon Blue MOB growing to approach 7ft tall
This strain was a pain in the ass honestly. I will never grow bagseeds again, when real genetics are so cheap. This plant hermmed so I have a metric fuckton of seeds that I have no idea what to do with. But for a first grow, this plant was really good at letting me know when I was doing something wrong. My other runs suffered the same treatment, but their strong genetics didn't mind as much. But this plant, this plant bitched and moaned about everything. Its leaves faded like 2 weeks early. It had all these weird mutations. When she was a babe (Weeks 1-4), I literally thought that she died from how she didn't grow much at all. Every other plant I've popped since, has been a dream compared to this one. But now I know how to diagnose all these things. I feel like I got 10 grows worth of wisdom in one. So for that, I am thankful. RIP Big Bertha. You may be gone but, with the amount of seeds you've given me, your lineage will never die.
Same story really guys just waiting for her to ripen up them trichomles shes fattened up.a little since her double flush think maybe next week will be the one just watching them closely want them.just a little more milky close to the hint of amber but not to much. I kinda know it's close as I've seen mini batman and superman hanging around with wolverine and shit and them little recalls usually show.up.around harvest time to pitch in for a stinky sticky fee of course 😂🤣🦇 hoping she can power through and produce some amazing tasting bidd she already smells so fruity literally like a bag of skittles way more potent than the last skittles I grew this baby sure has done me proud cant wait to see what she ways in at.
#AutoWhiteRussian Growing into her 12th week of Bloom and Ready to be Harvested! She's Finishing out Great, Glorious, Gasy, Greasy as All get Out! Super Stacked and Phenomenally Packed!!! Lights Upgraded and Updated! No 9th Feed of #HumboldtCountysOwn a few days ago and Started the Flushing phase! #AutoWhiteRussian *Fem* breed by Team #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsSquad #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany Looking Magnificent and Amazingly Great in her 12th week of Flower! She's Growing under the #Growatt600w and in my #TopoLite 24×24×48 Grow Tent! I'm also using #TNBNaturals #TheEnhancer Co2 Despersal Canister and using thier Ph⬆️⬇️ for my Decolinated Tap Water! #AutoWhiteRussian breed by Outstandingly Awesome Team #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsSquad #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany Yo!!! This Lil Beauty popped open in under between 16-18 hours of Germination using this Wet Papertowel Method, this New Heat Mat, Baked potato ToGo Container and Regular Tap Water Helped Tremendously! Heck Yeah Growmies and Growmets!!! Let's Grow!!! DivineSeeds: #AutoWhiteRussian Origin:Afghanistan Type:Indica/ Sativa/ Ruderalis Flowering:65 days THC:24 % Harvest:400-600 g/m2 Height:100-150 cm #AutoBlueberry 5th W/ Veg breed by #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsSquad #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany Origin:Afghani/Thai Type:50% Indica/ 40% Sativa/ 10% Ruderalis Flowering:56 days THC:22% Harvest:400-550 g/m2 Height:110-150 cm HumboldtCounty'sOwn: Email: [email protected] Phone: (707) 725-4119 Toll free: (866) 872-9434 Humboldt Bottling Po Box 429 · Fortuna, CA 95540 HumboldtCounty'sOwn Website Link: HumboldtCounty'sOwn Instagram Link: I love and Appreciate Everyone!!! Thanks Again Teams! Cheers Famz!!! Much Props and Much Topz!💯
Howdy growfessors 👽, the outdoors ladies are growing nicely. Not much to say except that now that the last 4 days of rain are done and the sun is shining, I expect these ladies will take a jump in size/growth.
Semana 4: Riego 400ml 1ml calmag 1ml Bio Grow 1ml Bio Heaven 0.5 Micorrizas colectivo Se realizó LST
Semana 4: Riego 400ml 1ml calmag 1ml Bio Grow 1ml Bio Heaven 0.5 Micorrizas colectivo Ya todas mostraron pistilos. Se realizó LST
AutoBlueberry 4th-5th W/ Veg breed by #DivineSeeds #DivineSeedsSquad #DivineSeedsBreedingCompany Origin:Afghani/Thai Type:50% Indica/ 40% Sativa/ 10% Ruderalis Flowering:56 days THC:22% Harvest:400-550 g/m2 Height:110-150 cm They were Growing under the #Growatt600w and in my #TopoLite 24×24×48 Grow Tent but I've Upgraded and Updated it to my #OsreeQB100W I'm also using #TNBNaturals #TheEnhancer Co2 Despersal Canister and using thier Ph⬆️⬇️ for my Decolinated Tap Water! Green and Growing Up Great! She's Growing into her 5th week of Veg! She's Growing in my special blend of ProMix potting mix, a 1/2 bag of Earthworm castings and 2 light handfuls of Diatomaceous Earth mixed Up well for before transplanted! Diatomaceous Earth: Diatomaceous earth is made from the fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms. Their skeletons are made of a natural substance called silica. WHAT IS DIATOMACEOUS EARTH? In a nutshell, DE comes from the fossilised remains of small marine organisms called diatoms. Over a 30 million year period, these hard-shelled algae collected on the bottom of bodies of water, eventually forming into a type of sedimentary rock. Fast forwarding, it wasn’t until around 1836 that a German peasant Peter Kasten discovered the ivory-coloured, powdery substance while drilling a well in northern Germany. Ever since, the usefulness of DE for multiple purposes, including industrial and horticultural applications, has been well-reported. Just sprinkle some diatomaceous earth on top of your soil and watch mother nature's secret weapon work its magic.CONDITIONS THE SOIL When it comes to growing cannabis, everyone strives to provide the best soil to grow the best plants—but there’s always a way to make it even better. Making the soil a better medium is called soil conditioning, which is exactly what diatomaceous earth does. It works by improving the retention of moisture in your potting soil, holding a large amount of fluid and drying at a rate that’s much slower. This natural soil additive also helps to retain nutrients and allows for better oxygenation of the substrate. NATURALLY CONTROLS PESTS DE is an all-natural, safe-to-use substance that doesn’t harm the cannabis plant with toxic chemicals. The nature of diatomaceous earth makes it useful against most types of insect infestation you might be experiencing; and unlike chemical insecticides, insects can’t develop a resistance to the effects of DE. So once they’re gone, they’re gone for good. DE is an abrasive. and when used as an insecticide, it gradually scrapes away an insect’s exoskeleton, absorbs the fluids, and dehydrates insects and other critters to eventual death. IMPROVES PLANT STABILITY When using DE in your soil, it can be especially beneficial as it frees up nutrients so that they are made available to the plants as needed. This works via the silica content of DE being absorbed into the plant tissue, which helps improve the plant’s ability to respond and receive more nutrients as DE activates. This in turn results in greater yields and better stability under small pH fluctuations! Thanks Again to All my Friends, Family's, Teams, Sponsors, Followers and Subscribers!!! Your Genetics are Merry Magnificent, Mega Marvelous and Mighty Medical! Love um!!! I really Can't stress enough how Thankful and Grateful I am of All of you and what you've Shared with Us! Means the World!!! It's definitely a Pleasure being able to Grow with these Phenomenal Grow Lights! Please Enjoy! BudBrothers4-Life! Cheers Famz!!! Much Props and Much Topz!💯🔥 #Osree #GrowStarStore #Growatt #TNBNaturals #TNBTeam #GrowYourOwn #Bliss The Grow Bags: https://www.as420
This week was mainly about making sure there are no leaks in the RDWC system. I germinated the seeds straight in to the easy plugs and placed them in the the net pots surrounded by clay pebbles. The Fastbuds genetics did the rest and came through with a 100% germination rate. I will leave them running on clean water for the next couple of days. I will be making sure to monitor ph balances closely. In regards to oxygen for the roots I constructed a waterfall system with added air stones from my air pumps to cater for healthy root development and sufficient oxygen. Even though I have a lot of light in there, I have them all dimmed down to their lowest percentage.
So far the development of trichome production is amazing....frosty vibes looking forward to week 5, I look forward to seeing the end results everyday. One of the reasons to wake up everyday with some positivity. 😃
Week 15, week 5 of flowering. SpliffSeeds is definitely a recommendable seed bank. I’m very happy with all the plants, they are all making dense and nice buds. See the pictures and the video, they talk by themselves. Last week at max feeding. Next week I will start to reduce the nootz solution slowly and might give the last feeding just before starting week 7 of flowering, it will depends on the flowers development and the tips of the leaves, we’ll see. Buds are getting heavier, needed to add bamboo sticks and to tie some tops. Particularly the Lemon Cream Kush. Do not defoliate a canopy at this stage, plants are laying and holding on the leaves of each other ! From now, as I mentioned, I keep an eye on the flowers development and the leaves, particularly the tips of the leaves. And will readjust nootz and watering from these indicators. That’s all for the week folks 😊 (I’m looking for a job in the Cannabis industry as Master Grower, Mineralogist, Quality Control)
Everything went allright as usual, kept a good splash of water on it at all times. Dont panic if nothing happens first few days, outerlayer needs some time to soak and burst. Cant say if this is the best method, yet it never failed me.
I´m so excited. This year I´m trying my luck with a real guerilla grow. The magic here is that I don´t know if I will actually harvest anything, but if I do, I will treasure it more than any 'safe' grow that I have ever done. Watch the video to see if the plants are still there.
Really was many mistakes, but plant really strong. I can’t get a Purple colour, but I know that’s not problem with genetics, it is problem with growing