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Well, those in the catalog died or did not germinate well, apart from that, the 6 seeds without breed that we have saved from good buds that came into my hands germinated well. here I share a little of what could be recorded, as you can see there is a bigger one that was the attempt to germinate the cars with an approximate age advantage of 25 days, with that criterion I will comment on this one in particular and the others in your set.
The largest in age also has the largest pot of all of 11 liters approx 3 gallons
The 2nd largest is for having the 2nd largest pot of 7 or 8 liters approx 2 gallons
The remaining 5 are in pots of 3.5 liters or 1 gallon
We also started fighting with the high temperatures due to the weather, which will go down as the months go by in our favor, we turn on lights at night and turn off the lights during the day to compensate, which we will manage just as well as the plants adapt, as will be seen until 3 o'clock 4 week of flowering, which is the one we are currently going through when this diary is being updated
As the oldest one looks with 25 days of more approx 2 and a half weeks in advance as we can see, all calm advancing at the moment, enduring the high heat temperatures, the ones that were missing were transplanted into larger improvised pots.
all grow normally and in good health without the presence of pests, they all grow normally and in good health without the presence of pests, in the following week we will practice some apical pruning and lts or a similar technique experimenting haha
Everything is still fine, the oldest moved to the largest pot of 11 liters or 3 gallons and the one that grew more than the others in the pot of 2 gallons or 7 liters approx, they began to look for pots for the others later. apical pruning will be done to several practicing, as well as LST or something like that experimenting haha
here already a little more grown and applying the techniques lst apical pizzicato experimenting, Seeing how the techniques are manifested, some were done poorly, so their results were somewhat strange or curious, if they did, you judge, errors such as not cutting the apical trying to do the pruning, poe error from fmi and only cut the tiny growing leaves that's why you will see those rare leaves
Seeing how the results are, the big ones I made apical and fmi species or the one you cut 3/4 I think they came out in a few days, some just cut the leaf and sprouted, I helped the biggest one with its final production and all of them general the different techniques, although curious results for a beginner, the techniques were not done well, they were cut halfway or only the leaves and not the apex itself ahahahaha, it turned out but very good in the end I would say
well everything is going well without pests without at least not noticeable or minimal deficiencies surely, which leaves us calm, potassium soap and neem oil were purchased but it was not applied at the end, it will be the next one, after this pruning work a new one was installed scrog mesh and as you can see we also did with some or one at least the 2nd largest an attempt at sog, so it's like a mixture, then this big ugly mesh, we change it for an ideal girl what we want is that it doesn't grow too much in that The mesh helps us, well, we also change and go to flowering officially when we see that the plant is already flowering by itself, we spread a little so that the small 5 small pots grow a little more, the intensive pruning is to compensate for the ventilation that The temperatures may still be somewhat high, the air circulation in general, my closet is 60x60x160cm, so it comes in handy, it seems to me that we have carried out a good sativa plant by taming it in such a small space and it is I am proud, in addition to having the other copies as well, I hope I have taken advantage of the space and the light as best as possible, that was the idea.
1st photo
We did the scrog, it helped us a little more to use as support to tie the branches with threads and manipulate them as we wanted, so we tamed it. but they kept growing as my colleague affirms
here we see how the girls are advancing, the buds are becoming clearer and clearer which makes us feel that it will be a decent harvest at least, we cross our fingers.
we improvised with threads the mesh was badly placed but everything served and fulfilled its function, now the leaves have grown again and the mini jungle is re-formed, we really liked how the previous pruning turned out although aggressive to the plants it did not affect them they recovered almost instantly, and it works in our favor because of the space, so this is already the end of the second or the beginning of the third week, in the next one I will upload the pruning and everything as it is already at the end of almost the 3rd week of flowering, at least of the larger, the others, as you know, are 2 to 3 weeks apart, so for them it is 1 or 2 weeks of flowering, which is noticeable in their development. the risks that are written down in the diary are the fertilizer once a week, and 1 3.5-liter drum or a gallon is used, which is divided into the 2 largest and another equal gallon with a different proportion for the 5 smallest , in the newspaper it is written down of the great ones.
this is the beginning of the 4th week along with the publication of the end of the 3rd week, this is how the fourth week is received, another intensive pruning that has no choice but to do it due to the size of the indoor, which is working great for us and we believe that I will always work like this, I am happy, here then the pruning of its results a little before and after and how it is receiving this fourth week, with the threads I touch a little bit of hair I hope it does not affect much but all in favor of opening the field to all the branch buds alike.WE CHANGE THE MESH FOR A BETTER ONE AND OF THE IDEAL SIZE AND AGAIN WE USE THREADS THAT HELP US VERY WELL, WONDERFULLY
everything is going very well, the girls have developed, we have found a hermaphrodite, what a surprise my colleague got when he found one with eggs, what a scare! I saw a video of a Mexican whose technique consists of breaking the male balls and letting the flower clean and do it every day as soon as new shoots come out, there comes a time when they no longer grow and only the female hairs follow, I will see that That's how it goes, if I can, when I visit the indoor, a photo of the hermaphrodite will be taken, only one of the girls, I don't know if she got stressed or what happened, the others continue to flower normally, big beautiful females, I'm amazed, how many showed my first crop, I see it great what do you think friends
todo muy bien! esperando paciente el desarrollo de los cogollos, conociendo y viendo los puntos de maduracion asi como la fertilizacion ajustando a su maximo que creemos posible para incentivar que los cogollos engorden, ahora en adelante les hare segumiento de la grande principalmente, que es la que cumple con la edad del diario, ya que las otras como se explico en un principio venian recien cultivadas por eso tienen un par de semanas de retraso , tambien hay una hermafrodita, que al detectar como comentamos semanas anteriores aplicamos al tecnica vista de un cultivador mexicano, consistia en romper los brotes de machos las pelotas con el fin de que no vuelvan a salir, dejando solo los pelos estigmas de las hermbras, si bien el cogollo queda maltratado, al parecer se detiene el crecimiento, asi que estamos viendo como rinde ese experimento.
Todo bie, viendo y conociendo por primera vez como los cogollos engordan y maduran, estamos nerviosos pero muy pacientes y tranquilos, solo nos preocupa cortar en el punto exacto, eso es lo que nos tiene con nervios, esperamos cosecha en el timepo justo para poder disfrutar de estas dulces y olorosas flores en su maximo punto.
revisando los tricomas, esperando el punto de corte optimo, estamos por cortar la parte de arriba en medio donde se ve que dio mas la luz y estan algo mas maduros que las demas . finalizamos el seguimiento solo con la grande mas desarrollada.
califico asi porque es el primer cultivo y recien estoy iniciando en esto, mi criterio aun no esta formado, sin embargo me gusto mucho, los cogollos de esta primera tanda al parecer se curaron con mucho humedad aparte del clima humedo favorecio a ello, quedaron con olor a guardado a agua emposada, una lastima, lo bueno es que subo esto despues de varias semanas y les puedo decir que yo lo estoy curando bien y recien se le fue ese olor , entonces ya por estos dias empieza a tomar su olor de cogollo en si asi que curare uno o 2 meses minimamente mas como se debe, por el apuro lo fume , el sabor no estaba de lo mejor en ese entonces por la nubla de humedad, el olor terpenso al apretarlos muy deliciosos rico, los tricomas todo muy bueno, efecto cerebral poco o nada corporal , debes fumarte 2 o 3 para notarlo, asi que justo lo que se busco o lo que indica el corte pronto, mas psicoactivo mas cerebral muy bueno para el dia y no sentirse pesado, aparte es lo que buscaba feliz, sube y es muy activador, pero baja y te deja fresh asi qeu al no estar nada o poco oxidado el thc te hace gastar mas o fumar mas, el efecto es fuerte pero algo de cuerpo le falta no se si me entienden, intentando ser exactio, pero muy fekiz super acivador unas caladas y ya estas pensando callado o escuchando musico o tu actividad favorita, esperare unos meses que cure bien y probar su sabor
bueno se hizo una por primera vez una cosecha por partes, como indicamos en el post anterior, se cosecho los cogollos donde la luz pegaba mas al parecer y estaban mas desarrollados, la cosecha fue con tricomas blancos tendiendo a transparentes con pocos ambar, en opinion ya luego de una semanas y una segunda cosecha, es que cosechamos pronto por temor al pasarnos al ser primera vez, entonces posiblemente nos apresuramos un poco ligeramente o confundimos los tricomas tendiendo a ser transparente por los blancos que es lo que indica la teoria el punto de corte, pero no nso quejamos quedo genial! subiremos el segundo punto de corte luego de 2 semanas . LAS ULTIMAS FOTOS LAS DE LAS 2 SEMANAS MAS 2DO CORTE.
el segundo corte luego 15 dias o dos semanas, ya mas maduro punto mixto temprano, cogollos ambar y blancos nublados, predominantemente blancos . se ve con mejor pinta que el primer corte