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This week went by well, I will start checking the trichomes on the Runtz at the end of this week. It should be ready for harvest in the next 2 to 3 weeks The G13 is still smelling like magic, looking majestic. The GDP buds are starting to put on weight
The plants colors looked great and the trenchomes were at about 20-30% amber and the 70-80% milky. The smell is amazing and I can not wait to see how the end product ends up.
💩Holy Crap Growmies We Are Back💩 So what do you say we have some fun 👈 We got some EXOTIC SEEDS 👉 👻👻👻MONSTERMASH👻👻👻 😛 Well my friends we are just at the 63 mark and as you can see shes doing great 👈 👉 So folks , she's been quite the little monster , and she's building some nice buds 👈 Shes the only one that hasn't had any real issues 😎 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 www.nutrinpk.com 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Holy Crap Growmies We Are Back💩 Code Name FBT2307 Well growmies we are at 70 days in and everything is going much better , she's bounced back pretty good👍 really good actually 👌 👉 Shes getting frosty now , and i hope she fills out 👌if she does gonna have some buds on a stick 💪 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👈 Even with early major issues due to the soil/medium she's come a long way 👈 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 www.nutrinpk.com 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Holy Crap Growmies We Are Back💩 Well growmies we are 70 days in and everything is going as good as it can👌 Afraid she's had some major issues but that's just how it goes folks 😉 she's definitely on the mend 👈 👉 Shes a short chunky little plant,😉 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 Even with early major issues due to the soil/medium she's come a long way 👈 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 www.nutrinpk.com 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Holy Crap Growmies We Are Back💩 Well growmies we are 70 days in and everything is going as good as it can👌 Afraid she's had some major issues but that's just how it goes folks 😉 she's definitely on the mend 👈 👉 Shes a short chunky little plant,😉 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 Even with early major issues due to the soil/medium she's come a long way 👈 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 www.nutrinpk.com 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
💩Holy Crap Growmies We Are Back💩 So what do you say we have some fun 👈 We got some EXOTIC SEEDS 👉 👻👻👻MONSTERMASH👻👻👻 😛 Well my friends we are just at the 63 mark and as you can see shes doing great 👈 👉 So folks , she's been quite the little monster , and she's building some nice buds 👈 Shes the only one that hasn't had any real issues 😎 Lights being readjusted and chart updated .........👍 👉I used NutriNPK for nutrients for my grows and welcome anyone to give them a try .👈 👉 www.nutrinpk.com 👈 NutriNPK Cal MAG 14-0-14 NutriNPK Grow 28-14-14 NutriNPK Bloom 8-20-30 NutriNPK Bloom Booster 0-52-34 I GOT MULTIPLE DIARIES ON THE GO 😱 please check them out 😎 👉THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO GO OVER MY DIARIES 👈
The girls moved to they're 4 gal pot and begin to settle down under 120w led 301h samsung About 120cm away from the top Temperature 22c and lower the humidity to 60 and increase the air circulation to the point the leaves are moving just a bit. I can notice how they are growing a little each day. At this point i only spray the top soil when ever it dry just tap water 8ph. My soil have organic matters that pull the ph constantly to 5.5 so it balanced itself around 7- That's it for now i think. Happy growing.
Girls are thriving to the max looking like an awsome harvest coming in around 6 more weeks From the rate they are growing its going to be at least 8 ounces hopeing for close to an elbow(pound) My ppm went up to 1420 from 1160 cant get to some fresh water till tomarrow . having no sighns of stress hope it will be ok till i can bring the ppm back to the 11 hundreds .Im the one stressed atm crossing my fingers the girls dont get burnt before tomarrow
Week 5 of flower! I have continued to light defol this week as I do throughout the life cycle. I found some pm in the tent this week. I caught it early and hit it with my go-to spray Nuke Em, and bought a fan for the undercanopy. It cleared it right up! I have backed off on nutes a bit in the past couple days. I will be feeding light every other day.
Begining of the week, one of them is still struggling. I am going to keep her for now. 1ml/4l bio grow start with small dose, water about 3l every 2 days and spray the top soil when dry
Han aguantado a la perfección los errores de un novato en interior cómo yo😌 tuvieron un ciclo vegetativo un tanto turbulento con estrés lumínico, estrés por frío, hídrico también ya que las llevabas demasiado cortas de agua y causa de esto un ataque de araña roja 🕸️ a pesar de todo han florecido a la perfección dando 95g en seco de un producto de muy buena calidad 🤩 Ha sido un placer compartir mi primera experiencia en interior con vosotros. Con ganas de empezar el siguiente y seguir aprendiendo y mejorando
Han aguantado a la perfección los errores de un novato en interior cómo yo😌 tuvieron un ciclo vegetativo un tanto turbulento con estrés lumínico, estrés por frío, hídrico también ya que las llevabas demasiado cortas de agua y causa de esto un ataque de araña roja 🕸️ a pesar de todo han florecido a la perfección dando 95g en seco de un producto de muy buena calidad 🤩 Ha sido un placer compartir mi primera experiencia en interior con vosotros. Con ganas de empezar el siguiente y seguir aprendiendo y mejorando
It's starting to get cold so i turn the other 120w led, 250w in total and hanged about 1.6 m away keep watching how they respond. As far for watering i only spray the soil when ever it gets dry with tap water. Update; They love the light and start to pray just a bit. At this point i give them 100 ml water every few hours. my humidity about 40% with the humidity dome on. One of them is stunned i keep her for now
Die 8 Blütewoche ist erfolgreich abgeschlossen! Tage der Wachstumsphase = 32 Tage. Tage der Blütephase = 56 Tage Wachstum h in Blütewoche 7= 0 cm Blütenbildung: Hoch Ich stelle erst jetzt fest, das es sich bei einer der Pflanzen um einen Mutant handelt. Ich habe bisher noch nie eine Mutierung feststellen können und bin gespannt wie es endet da ich natürlich noch keine Erfahrungen damit habe. Wenn ich es richtig recherchiert habe handelt es sich bei ein und derselben Pflanze um mehrere Mutationen Im Einzelnen... Mutation 1= strähnige Blüten (wie bei der Dr. Greenspoon öfter mal vorkommt) Mutation 2 = Gigantismus (doppelt so viele DNA Ketten wie regulär) Es wäre super wenn hier jemand der Erfahrung mit diesen Mutation hat mir eine Hilfestellung mit dem Umgang geben könnte. 2 mal in dieser Woche mit Purolyt Mischung 1:25 besprüht Lichtstärke: 85 % Lichtabstand: 37 cm Std Tag/Nacht: 12/12 Temperatur Tag: 25-26,5 Grad RLF Tag: 55-61% Temperatur Nacht: 20-21 grad RLF Nacht: 50-60 % VPD Wert: ca. 0,95-1,1 PH Wert Wasser/Düngelösung: 6,2 EC Wert: 1,4 Ventilator Oszillation: Stufe 2 Befeuchter: aus Entfeuchter: mit Steuerung an Zusätzlicher Entfeuchter: 1 Stk außerhalb vom Zelt im Raum Bewässerung: 1* Wasser PH 6,6 EC 0,1/ 5 * bewässert mit Dünger mit den o.g. Mengen Purolyt Besprühung: 2 mal Controlling: Grow Control Dünger: Greenbuzz Nutrients Licht: Pro Emit Vollspektrum Abluft: EC Carbon Active 750 m3 gesteuert/PrimaKlima 480m3 https://greenbuzznutrients.com/de/ Danke an Greenbuzz Ihr bekommt 25 % Rabatt bei der Nutzung des Codes auf der GB Homepage https://greenbuzzliquids.com/de/shop/ Code: GD42025 (Mindestbestellwert 75€)