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Really into the aggressive stretch now going to be doing some defolation this week there looking in good shape for it going to slightly increase the ec to 1.6 a week after defolation as to the defolation I will ease off the ec for this feed to over the stress week three I shall lollypop them all and clean up the girls and won't touch them after that last defolation in the end of week 3 I also foiler fed with the shogun boost
Gracias al equipo de MSNL Seeds, Marshydro, XpertNutrients y Trolmaster sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁RS11: RS11 es uno de nuestros nuevos híbridos 50/50 perfectamente equilibrados. Creamos RS11 cruzando Pink Guava x OZK x Sunset Sherbet con la intención de crear una variedad que ofrezca medidas iguales de efectos edificantes y relajantes. Aclamada como una de las variedades más sabrosas del mercado, su sabor agrio y dulce a bayas viene con un potente rango de THC del 27% al 31%. 💡TS-3000 + TS-1000: se usaran dos de las lámparas de la serie TS de Marshydro, para cubrir todas las necesidades de las plantas durante el ciclo de cultivo, uso las dos lámparas en floracion para llegar a toda la carpa de 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80. 🏠 : Marshydro 1.50 x 1.50 x 1.80, carpa 100% estanca con ventanas laterales para llegar a todos los lugares durante el grow 🌬️💨 Marshydro 6inch + filtro carbon para evitar olores indeseables. 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 💻 Trolmaster Tent-X TCS-1 como controlador de luz, optimiza tu cultivo con la última tecnología del mercado, desde donde puedes controlar todos los parametros. 📆 Semana 2: Fantástica semana, estan creciendo de una forma espectacular gracias a la ayuda de @marshydro, @xpertnutrients y @trolmaster. Se puede apreciar un tercer nudo y se ven aparecer las primeras futuras ramas, espero que todo siga asi. Esta semana espero trasplantar a la maceta definitiva. Potencia de la lámpara: 50%
Gracias al equipo de Seedsman y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Alaskan Do-Si-Dos: Alaskan Do-Si-Dos ha sido desarrollada por expertos como una versión mejorada de la siempre popular variedad Alaskan Purple de Seedsman. La introducción de la genética Do-Si-Dos en la Alaskan Purple ha creado un híbrido índica/sativa que aumenta la potencia y el rendimiento al mismo tiempo que mejora el perfil de sabor y sigue siendo versátil en lo que respecta al cultivo en exterior. La Alaskan Do-Si-Dos está destinada principalmente al cultivo al aire libre y en invernaderos. Las plantas crecen altas y prosperan en climas fríos, templados, cálidos y secos, al mismo tiempo que se desempeñan bien en altitud. Esto no impide que se cultive en interior, pero estas plantas grandes necesitarán mucho espacio. Las plantas muestran una resistencia moderada al moho pero, si se cultivan en interiores, hay que tener en cuenta que son RUIDOSAS, por lo que se beneficiará del uso de filtros de aire de carbón. En exterior, en latitudes septentrionales, la cosecha está prevista para finales de septiembre, mientras que en interior las plantas tardarán entre 8 y 10 semanas en completar la floración. Los rendimientos en exterior son muy altos y pueden superar fácilmente los 750gr/planta, mientras que en interior los rendimientos son elevados, hasta 600gr/m2. Los cogollos maduros tienen una densidad media y mantienen un color verde medio. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 2: Fantástica semana, estan creciendo de una forma espectacular gracias a la ayuda de @marshydro, @xpertnutrients y @trolmaster. Se puede apreciar un tercer nudo aunque he tenido que recortar una hoja porque se estaba secando, creo que he aplicado la infusión de cola de caballo demasiado concentrado y esto ha afectado a algunas plantas. Esta semana espero trasplantar a la maceta definitiva. Potencia de la lámpara: 50%
Gracias al equipo de Seedsman y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible. 💐🍁 Bubba Cheescake: Bubba Cheesecake es un cruce de Bubba Kush anterior al 98 con Cheese Cake (Wedding Cake x Exodus Cheese). Se trata de un híbrido 70% índica con muy buenos rendimientos, alto en THC y bajo en CBD. Bubba Cheesecake prospera en interiores y exteriores. En interior se aconseja un corto periodo de crecimiento vegetativo debido a la cantidad de estiramiento que presentan las plantas. Las plantas pueden crecer hasta una altura de 250 a 350 cm. cuando se deja crecer naturalmente al aire libre. En interior, la floración dura entre 60 y 65 días, con rendimientos entre buenos y altos, de 400 a 550 gr/m2. Las plantas de exterior son capaces de producir entre 700 - 800 gr. peso seco. En las latitudes norteñas, en exterior, los productores pueden esperar cosechar a principios de octubre. Los cogollos son grandes y duros como piedras. Las plantas maduras muestran atractivos colores púrpuras y azules y brillan con una resina pegajosa que cubrirá las manos del cultivador si no tiene cuidado. El componente Wedding Cake agrega dulzura al sabor del regaliz y el aroma es terroso y musgoso. La producción de THC es muy alta con un nivel bajo de CBD. El efecto es intensamente narcótico, fuerte y duradero. 🌻🚀 Consigue aqui tus semillas: 🍣🍦🌴 Xpert Nutrients es una empresa especializada en la producción y comercialización de fertilizantes líquidos y tierras, que garantizan excelentes cosechas y un crecimiento activo para sus plantas durante todas las fases de cultivo. Consigue aqui tus Nutrientes: 📆 Semana 2: Fantástica semana, estan creciendo de una forma espectacular gracias a la ayuda de @marshydro, @xpertnutrients y @trolmaster. Se puede apreciar un tercer nudo y se ven aparecer las primeras futuras ramas, espero que todo siga asi. Saldrá al exterior cuando amaine este temporal. Dia 16: Se planta en su lugar definitivo, ahora si comienza la aventura 💃💃💃. Potencia de la lámpara: 50%
Week 2 Going with the wind Watered them with only 250ml each when soil was dry (every 3 days, +/-)💧 Developing nicely. B showing more growth than S. Fans are towards the plants to give them that "natural" low windy stress. TEMPERATURE: 22-24°C RH: 50-70% WATER PH: 6.2-6.5
Here's some video of day 11 of flower. You can't even tell I defoliated at the flip. Top left is London mint cake. It's the shortest plant and I'm hoping I don't need to reach it in the later stages of flower. Bottom left is rainbow cake and the big girl on the right is pineapple express. She's much more leggy considering I started them at the same time. Same nutrition amount as last week. Just letting them stretch out. No issues so far.
Craaazyyyy weeks Craaazyyyy growth Loving it AAALLLL Ok, so, this is the 5th week. Plants started flowering during 4th. They've had massive growth (from my perspective and experience 😅😅) and started to smellll I think I was consistent on that LST. Always trying to give all the heads as much light as possible. It was a lot of work, but I still loved it. Having 2 plants makes it more fun because I need to have a diferent point of view for each one. S has been toped, and with LST I was able to have lots of heads very well positioned B is responding marvelously to bending, wich makes it hard to bend because THERE IS NO MORE ROOM TO RUN TO 😂 she is growing a lot, and there's just to much leaves to tuck... As I was saying they're different, wich I am loving I decided to defoliate them as my last stress move towards the plants. Cutted the leaves that were on the bottom and covering the top heads, and the very small, tiny, thiny side branches. I am lowering the LST to minimum. Since the heads I chose, now have space and LIGHT to grow at will, I want to not disturb them as much as I can. You can see that when I defoliated them, there was light on the soil. And just in 1 day difference, even at this point, you almost can feel them grow! I was amased, because of the stress I had caused them. Yet, look with attention, you can spot the differece. (I hope you can see it too through the screen, because it's real 😅) Look at the S. She is doing just greaaaaat. Think it was a good decision to top her. Hope it keeps growing as it is! Smell is increasing Day 30 changed the light to 24h ON. Day 31 - Heads bigger - !QUESTION! -I always water the plants simultaneously. B's vase is noticeble heavier. Cant understand why... I'm going to start checking if they need to be watered at different times. I can only imagine that the root system is different, due to its "differences outside". But really! They have suffered different stress at different times... different root system = different drainage? Food for thought Day 32 Defoliated them because I thought they were too bushy. Felt like it maybe was a mystake, later, due to some recommendations i read... Day 34 Plants seem to have reacted ok to defoliation, lets see how the next days go by Day 36 Starting to get frosty and smelly Plants seem healthy ❄️ TEMPERATURE: 22-27°C RH: 40-60% WATER PH: 6.2-6.5
Craaazyyyy weeks Craaazyyyy growth Loving it AAALLLL Ok, so, this is the 5th week. Plants started flowering during 4th. They've had massive growth (from my perspective and experience 😅😅) and started to smellll I think I was consistent on that LST. Always trying to give all the heads as much light as possible. It was a lot of work, but I still loved it. Having 2 plants makes it more fun because I need to have a diferent point of view for each one. S has been toped, and with LST I was able to have lots of heads very well positioned B is responding marvelously to bending, wich makes it hard to bend because THERE IS NO MORE ROOM TO RUN TO 😂 she is growing a lot, and there's just to much leaves to tuck... As I was saying they're different, wich I am loving I decided to defoliate them as my last stress move towards the plants. Cutted the leaves that were on the bottom and covering the top heads, and the very small, tiny, thiny side branches. I am lowering the LST to minimum. Since the heads I chose, now have space and LIGHT to grow at will, I want to not disturb them as much as I can. You can see that when I defoliated them, there was light on the soil. And just in 1 day difference, even at this point, you almost can feel them grow! I was amased, because of the stress I had caused them. Yet, look with attention, you can spot the differece. (I hope you can see it too through the screen, because it's real 😅) Look at the S. She is doing just greaaaaat. Think it was a good decision to top her. Hope it keeps growing as it is! Smell is increasing Day 30 changed the light to 24h ON. Day 31 - Heads bigger - !QUESTION! -I always water the plants simultaneously. B's vase is noticeble heavier. Cant understand why... I'm going to start checking if they need to be watered at different times. I can only imagine that the root system is different, due to its "differences outside". But really! They have suffered different stress at different times... different root system = different drainage? Food for thought Day 32 Defoliated them because I thought they were too bushy. Felt like it maybe was a mystake, later, due to some recommendations i read... Day 34 Plants seem to have reacted ok to defoliation, lets see how the next days go by Day 36 Starting to get frosty and smelly Plants seem healthy ❄️ TEMPERATURE: 22-27°C RH: 40-60% WATER PH: 6.2-6.5
Plants are going smoothly into day 8 of flower.
Que hay familia, vamos con la décima semana de floración de estas Apple Fritter de Zamnesia. La temperatura está entre los 21/24 grados, la humedad está entorno al 50%, y el ph lo mantengo ahora al principio en 6.2, el foco por supuesto está enchufado 12 horas , estan creciendo bien fuertes. Todo correcto hasta ahora, ya acaban de madurar las flores y ya están bien resinosas,ya tengo ganas de cosecharlas, no sé si darles 7 días más a estas Apple fritter. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨.
Que pasa familia, vamos a añadir la décima y última semana de floración de estas Apple Fritter de RoyalQueenSeeds, empezamos con la temperatura que la tenemos entre los 21/25 grados, la humedad está entorno al 50%, el ph está en 6.2 , el foco actualmente lo tengo encendido 12 horas y la potencia es al 75% de lo que da el foco. Las flores han madurado bien, una flor central sospechó que igual tiene moho pero todo correcto, si está contaminado tiraremos la parte mala y si no lo está mejor. Llevan una tricomada seria, esta variedad tiene que ser brutal para extracciones. Estás próximas semanas que coche che y la seque ya os iré contando. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Photos from Day 1 to day 7 Sprouted 2 days after planted them. More or less I call them "B" and "S" because at some point, I guess in this first week, I may have overwatered a bit, one of them, and I think it made her grow slower during a week or so, before it got up to its growth again. I was only spraying them with water but I was doing it 2-3 times a day and may have done it 4 times once or twice... My first grow, I may have studied many videos and foruns, but somethings are only learnt when tried. And this "try" went juuust a lil sideways. Its ok Lights were at 50% I guess from the moment they felt earth. I found it fascinating how fast they grew in just 12 hours give or take. Check the photos I also used plastic bottles on tip of them in the first 3-5 days. Temperature inside it was from 22-28°C. RH 70-90%.
Photos from Day 1 to day 7 Sprouted 2 days after planted them. More or less I call them "B" and "S" because at some point, I guess in this first week, I may have overwatered a bit, one of them, and I think it made her grow slower during a week or so, before it got up to its growth again. I was only spraying them with water but I was doing it 2-3 times a day and may have done it 4 times once or twice... My first grow, I may have studied many videos and foruns, but somethings are only learnt when tried. And this "try" went juuust a lil sideways. Its ok Lights were at 50% I guess from the moment they felt earth. I found it fascinating how fast they grew in just 12 hours give or take. Check the photos I also used plastic bottles on tip of them in the first 3-5 days. Temperature inside it was from 22-28°C. RH 70-90%.
Week 9 coming along and she is very thirsty always want more nutrients this week I feed 3ml alg amic 5ml acti vera 5ml heaven 5ml bloom 5ml top max 1ml atami bloombastic And feed her 2L every morning 🌄 I think 2 weeks left to harvest coz she start flowering day 21 will see
The strains I'm here for. Wish I could have left that back left roast a few more days but it would have probably put the other 3 plants past the sweet spot. Dense regardless. The second apex in the back right was very pretty and colorful. Fruity smells coming off them. From the 4 plants I'll estimate 700-750g dried.