Day 99. Garden is flying. Nothing else to mention now, you can easy spot - they bulk up !
Heavy feed in the morning, then 2 more cycles of feed/pure_water left till flush for Gorillas, all others at least a week behind.
Hate to split waterings and feed, but even lazy person sometimes is forced to ... ;))
Happy growing !
Day 100. Disaster in Garden !!!!
Had enough of RQS Royal Cookies. Two of them went Hermie.
So current stats :
5 out 5 are mutated
2 out 5 currently Hermie
5 out of 5 overfed without any food even
Because of that shitty genetics, had to make Control Garden.
Even Cookie from CG which is in green house still grow mutated and leaves are on max healthy green side. Had no nutes for last 30 days, still haven't returned to normal ...
So two girls chopped, hope they didn't pollinate all garden...
In photos you can find bananas...
Those air pots works really great, all space is used and roots are really nice. Just i think i will go to 30 liters next time.
Have fabrics, but my doubts of those air pots are gone.
Bad day for sure. 15 weeks, 50 pounds for seeds, 30 for soil, 50 for nutes. Thats my bill without electrics .....
#RQS is crap !!!!!
James from them just asked where i bought the seeds, never had balls to replay back ...
Ironic theirs girls has BALLS and it makes me angry ...
Day 101. Damage is done, i see many seeds growing, it took me unprepared ....
I dont sell weed, but to check every bud before grind is lame for me ...
F@%k you RQS. Never again, despite having like 10 more theirs beans of 4 dif strains .... to the bin now !!!!
Day 102. Girls are nice, but i see seeds forming and it makes me sad.
Doubt it will be many updates till review.
Happy Growing !!!!