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The week has been strong. She was put in dirt on the 29th and are peeking out today oct 1. Very strong growth and so far impressed. Oct 3 end of first week and well, still impressed. She is standing on her own stock with no support. And showing good growth
Start of week sept 29. First seed did not pop. This one was put in to dirt today oct 1. It will be 3 days behind the other two. But still holding in to the first seed a few more days just in case. End of first week sept 3. First seed never sprouted. But the second one is going strong sitting at about 3/4” after 3 days in dirt.
9/29/21 - We are marking today the first day of veg. That Mars Hydro TSW 2000 is doing a great job at 50% power. The plants all look great today! 9/30/21 - They look good. We are giving them water with no nutrients for this week so they will transplant nicely. 10/1/21 - They look great! I’ve been misting them in the morning. Soil is still wet from the transplant watering. We are waiting on fans and a scrog net. 10/2/21 - They are looking very good today. We mist them daily, sometimes twice a day. 10/3/21 - All plants look great! We stopped misting them for now. They look over watered a tad. We know it’s early but we started LST on a couple of the taller ones. 10/4/21 - Looking good! Just cruising along at 50% power, watering when dry. I know they won’t be low maintenance in a couple weeks when they are bushes. 10/5/21 - They look great! The ladies in the back are doing some LST still since they are much taller. It’s safe to say the roots are expanding and the plants overall are growing.
The bud development on this strain has been great rock hard buds I mean rock hard really nice quality bud heavy the resin production is super high it’s been cold at night for a week 48 as the low it has this girl oozing with resin very pungent smells of Fuel so dank smells like pine fuel citrus and a touch of skunk I’m very happy with the quality of this strain
Giorno 9 Ho rimosso una Baker Delight e l'altra ha degli scolorimenti sulle foglie ma rimarrà nel box. Le due Rainbow le adoro già. Guardatele!!! Sono identiche!!! 😊 Le due Pink Gasoline molto simili. Una è più alta leggermente ma nulla di che appena travaso pareggio le altezze interrandola un poco di più. Le tre Barbara's Pie due simili ma una è partita lenta e tra dieci giorni (quando travaso) deciderò se tenerla o meno. Restate sintonizzati se volete vedere i progressi. Grazie e ciao 😀
Day 155. BUD ROT !!!!!!!!! And million questions what to do .... I have next window only in 11 days, so in 60 min I will be on the spot and will decide what to do ... Plan A - clean all infected areas , by cutting all branch. Disinfect with spirit and apply BioBizz Leaf Coat. Plan B - just chop ALL and bubble hash shit. It's two weeks at least too early. If I'll find more than five infections - they go down !! If I'll chop them I'll update diary, if no - I will come after two weeks straight before chop. Happy Growing !!!
This week was very good plants look great. Flews are gone🙏 ✌️✌️ Buds grow perfect. I am very surprised, that they go so good. Hope they will stay healthy till the end.
👻👻👻 Reminder : 👻👻👻 So, I created the diary the 15th of september, I wrotte every previous informations on paper then on a word sheet. I reallized that I got everything to create a diary here, so I did it. I should maybe try to end this first grow without buying any fertilizer and keep going with my home made receips (taken from several sources and reading). I think I will do some fun experiments on a following diary. It is well known, dwarves don't run fast, so next batch will be 3 quick one from royal queen seeds, with smart pot and coco ideas i had. It will be fun an probably in 3-4 weeks (I plane to harvest my dwarves a little bit later around week 11, but I don't know, I have to check trichomes, they will give me the answer.)🙌💩So from week (8) we are in *LIVE* mode for this diary. Hello elves (you are the elves, you reading me). Smiles are allowed (this is unfair you smoke your plants so you have a strong adventage) while reading. Orcs are the pests and desease attacking the dwarves (the 3 plants)👻👻👻 👉 I've cut every branches, it was an amazing experience : My dwarves killed the orcs, they survived and escape from this AMAZING journey. They where really impossible to kill. They suffered from : Overwatering, over defoliation, nutrients burn, probably root rot, to much heat (more than 30 degree for some days), a too small pot... And they smell like : 😅😇😇😇 a wounderfull smell. I did all the "noob" mistakes basically but I learned so much. I started to feed them with home made nutrients and ended to use biobizz really at the end. I don't know what was the best for those dwarves but they made it. I will update this diary with a video and will give in 1-2 weeks the weight dry, I am really curious about it, I left really no branches, they are like ready to be in a jar. So: 👉 The famous 3/3 with amazing colors gave me : 38 gr. wet 👉 The famous 2/3 gave me : 34 gr. wet 👉 The famous 1/3 gave me : 30-31 gr. wet The harvest seems not amazing, I don't know how much weight I may loose by drying (I kept really only the heads). For a first grow, I am happy, because I simply made it. I know that it is now a growing experience, like those wounderfull amazing plants. And I learned a lot. Allready excited to launch a second harvest. A matter of time actually. It was fast, joyfull, stressfull, great to do it. SUMMARY : 😮 Why this diary name ? 😮 👉 Because when I descovered 3-4 weeks before harvesting I was completly sure to fail and that my dwarves were gona die. 😁 😮 Is it the first time you have a kind of relationship with dwarves or plants like this ? 😮 👉 Hell yeah... I am totally a casual smoker and I never did this in my life before. I have to say that I started to have like a real relationship with those 3 dwarves, they start to miss me ( I just cuted them like 2-3 hours ago). 😞😢 😮 Did you enjoy to do that ? 😮 👉 Well... It will be definitly hard to don't do it again. Hopefully when seeds arrived at my home, they where not alone, 3 quick one are waiting to have a funz experience with me. The trick what started to be a small investment turned into buying more and more stuff (ph and ec meter etc...) So I want to use them more 😲😘😍 😮 Are you high right now ? 😮 👉 Absolutly not, I haven't smoke any weed for about 3-4 months maybe and I don't drink, I mean, I am naturally like this. 😕 😮 What about the elves ? 😮 👉 You mean the readers of this website who followed, liked, help me a lot with A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF GOOD ADVICES ? I love them ♥️☺️♥️ Thank to all the readers, growers, people taking care of this website and not giving any infos to the police, breeders for giving us the opportunity to do this, light crafters for giving us sun in a tent, tent builders, special potions crafters (who create amazing nutrients) specially those dedicated to the natural 100% products... I mean thank you to all elves. ♥️