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Royal fail dwarf, Orcs must die, First

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
3 years ago
3 years ago
💩 EDIT : THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I DO IT EVER 💩 This is my first grow 👻 Covid gave me the idea to do it. First of all, I am a true beginner... Second of all, I am a real casual smoker, third of all : I falled in love with this plant and spent hours to read about it. So my plants are acutally under attack and I am struggling to make them survive. I MAY CALL ELVES TO RESCUE THEM (readers : you are the elves) After 48 my seeds became something else, they sprouted. I was amazed, with toilet paper (not really but love the idea), it was INDEED, Paper Towel. 👉👉👉Setup : 👉Plastic 3.6L pots (Garbage I don't like them) Feeling about it : 👿👿👿 (And one 😍 bcse hopefully they have holes...) 👉Soil : Bcuzz Janeco Light Mix From Atami (Well, I think I don't like soil too)Feeling about it :👿 👉Fan : Ø15cm 5w GardenHighPro Clipfan (Not super good...)Feeling about it :👿 👉Extractor : Pro Fan TT 125 from Garden HIGHPRO (Make noise but...)Feeling about it :👿👿 👉Carbon filter : ProActiv 250m3/H Ø 125mm. Garden Highpro (Not sure working properly)Feeling about it :👿 👉 Tent : Pro Basic Garden HIGHPRO 👿👿👿 I have light leaks at the zipper seam Feeling about it : 👿👿👿+👿👿👿 👉 Mars SP 150 Mary Hydro : I love this light, and i had funny stickers with it. It seems definitly efficient and I am asking myself if they saved my dwarves. Probably. Feeling about it : 😍😍😍
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
5 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
58 %
4 L
100 cm
I was really happy to see them growing, i knew i will use lst on them, bcse i knew by reading THE AMAZING AND WOUNDERFULL RQS blogs that not making lst is a mistake. And dwarfs love it, like they love gold. So here we are : * 27th of july 2021 / DAY 2 : germs where transfered into 3.6 L pots, after 48 hours germination * 28th of july 2021 / DAY 3: 08h20 : 1/3 leaf appeared, temperature 27°// 58% humidity - 14h26 : 2 leaf on 3 : 26.5°//44% * 29th of july 2021 / DAY 4: 08h15 : 3/3 24.4°//58% * 30th of july 2021 / DAY 5: 13h00 : Soil is dry on top 29°//55% 17h00 : WATER * 31th of july 2021 / DAY 6: MIN27°-MAX29°//50% * 1rst of august 2021 / DAY 7: 25°-26° // 45% : start second floor
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
58 %
21 °C
4 L
70 cm
Nutrients 2
My very own urine 50 mll
coffee ground 100 mll
This was my first stress, one of them seems to have troubles, I tought it was a calcium issue. I still have absolute no idea about ph. Starting having issues, I went the my grow shop and bought a p.h. meter. * 2nd of august 2021 / DAY 8 : 27°//61% – 21°//45% ☼ 70cm 16h00 : WATER * 3rd of august 2021 / DAY 9 : 01H00 : 24°//52% Change of ☼ period : from 12h00 to 18h00 DARK, weather was too hot // 22H44 : 26°//51% not growing * 4th of august 2021 / DAY 10 : 26°//50% - soil is wet Max 70% min 56% * 5th of august 2021 / DAY 11 : 11h15 : 25°//55% beggining of third floor * 6th of august 2021 / DAY 12 : 11h12 : 26°//44% 17h30 : 24.6°//49% 17h45 : ph 6.7 – 7.5 I bought a ph meter in my grow shop (they are angels, I like them very much, like humans helping during the war vs orcs) * 7th of august 2021 / DAY 13 : 11H30 : 26°//50-60% WATER + URINE 1.6 Litres ph 6.6 in --> ph 6.0 out ☼ 83cm [0] [0] [x] ---> [x] have calcium issue ---> This is the first orcs' attack * 08th of august 2021 / DAY 14 : 08h56 : 24.5°//50%
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
56 %
21 °C
4 L
1 L
70 cm
Nutrients 3
coffee ground 100 mll
Kefir water 400 mll
I was very proud of my dwarves 💪(I am still proud of them). 1/3 and another one have holes in leaf, like a "souvenir" of the terrible battle vs orcs (that must die) 💀 * 09th of august 2021 / DAY 15 : 17h00 WATER + EGGSHELL BLEND ph 6.8 (for EGGSHELL BLEND, i smashed them and have put them in a low ph for 24 hours, then filter) * 10th of august 2021 / DAY 16 : 21H50 : 25.9°//52% MAX 28.3°//56% MIN 21.9°//38%soil is well dry leafs aren't light green anymore Prep water 6.8 ph + lemon bio to remoove chl * 11th of august 2021 / DAY 17 :12h00 : MAX 26°//54% MIN 23°//50% WATER + lemon pour acid + calcium ? ph 6.8 --> OUT water ph 6.2-5.6 * 12th of august 2021 / DAY 18 :19h00 : 28.5°//56% soil dry on top, still wet START LST good grow [0] 2_3 on picture [0] 3_3 [x] : x (1_3 on picture) seems fixed ---> I have no pic on week 3 so what you see is week 4 * 13th of august 2021 / DAY 19 : 08h30 : Correction LST 18h00 : WATER ph too hight ? Minor LST 21h44 : ☼ 60cm (☼ =light, reduced light position) * 14th of august 2021 / DAY 20 : 08H30 : 28-29°//50-55% LST - ALL GREEN 21H00 : Extra fan at max+ boil of water inside tent + LST & leafs spray of EGGSHELL BLEND solution [0] [x] [0] : seems smaller : pur kefir water added 4dl ☼ 68cm * 15th of august 2021 / DAY 21 : 09h00 : 28°//55% canopee is green, no more light green
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
3 years ago
20 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
56 %
24 °C
21 °C
4 L
1 L
48 cm
Nutrients 3
Kefir water 30 mll
My very own urine 50 mll
eggshell blend 10 mll
This was a quiet week, more ph mesure, lower p.h. and finishing LST, as recommanded in a great RQS blog about how to grow autoflo from beggining to the end. I descoverd that water kefir (without lemon) has a real stable p.h. of 4.3 about, i use it to reduce p.h. of the water i use to feed the plants. I did some tests, like letting water kefir in a glass for 3 days, p.h. was stable. * 16th of august 2021 / DAY 22 : 18h00 WATER & LST ph 6.2 20H00 : complete cleaning of the tent 00h00 ☼ 45cm * 17th of august 2021 / DAY 23 : 11h30 : 26°//40% GREEN GREEN GREEN, minor LST 23h00 : LST CORRECTION * 18th of august 2021 / DAY 24 : 09h30 : Minor LST [0] [0] [x] ---> [x] 1 leaf lost WATER + URINE ph 7.2 out ph : [6.0] [6.1] [6.1] :D 26-27°//40% ☼ 48-49cm * 19th of august 2021 / DAY 25 : Test top soil ph : [7.2] [7.6] [7.0] test of remaining soil in bag not used : ph 5.8 ATAMI - Janeco-Light Mix 15h00 : 24-25°//50% during the evening : 26.7°//47% * 20th of august 2021 / DAY 26 : 23h00 : WATER + 1/33 (30 ml) kéfir ph 3.2 (if you add lemon, p.h. is 3.2 or 3.3) tap water : ph 8.5 : In ph 6.6 GOOD GROW * 21th of august 2021 / DAY 27 : 21h00 : soil half-dry 30°//40% * 22th of august 2021 / DAY 28 : Morning : : WATER + kefir (17ml - ph 3.8) : IN ph 7.1 OUT ph : [6.2] [5.8] [5.9] MAX 29.6°//47% MIN 27.7°//40% ☼ 48-49cm
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
3 years ago
20 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
56 %
24 °C
21 °C
4 L
1 L
48 cm
Nutrients 5
Kefir water 30 mll
eggshell blend 10 mll
This is EXACTLY WHEN ORCS CAME. This is when everything falled appart, this is when i did all the noob mistakes despite hours of reading, THIS is when I've learn the most, the floring stage, over feed, over water, over everything. I recognized a nutrients burn and I completly panicked. I was waiting to see pistils so I over fed of banan tea plus lentils tea, it was too efficient I think. * 23th of august 2021 / DAY 29 : MAX 28.4°//49% MIN 26.8°//44% growing up [0] [0] [X] : J = bud forming ??? on top, it is light green / V = this one is dark green 19H00 : BANANA tea blend (3 banana peel cut thin in 1L5 for 3 days) ph 5.0 + LENTILS TEA (water of boiled lens for 20 minutes) + eggshell : 1-1.5L. ph 7.7 : [C] [C] [0] : C = droped eggshells from solution on ground Evening : MAX 28°//51% MIN 25°//37% 21h25 ☼ 44 cm 26°//45% +2 cm grow * 24th of august 2021 / DAY 30 : 00h06 : ☼ 50 cm 10h00 : 25.7°//47% soil still wet - less light green on canopee 22h04 : MAX 27°//66% MIN 25°//45% - soil too wet ≃ ☼ 48 cm * 25th of august 2021 / DAY 31 : Drama incomming, but I didn't know that : MAX 27°//59% MIN 26°//44%12h00 : Soil is still wet 18h00 : top soil dry : BANANA tea blend 1L5 + water & Molasses 2 coffee spoons (8ml) ≃ 1L IN : ph 6.0 sortie OUT : ph : [6.2] [6.2] [5.9] (i left water on water cup bottom pots) After black time : leafs pointing down.: ☼ 50 cm [poor little dwarves] 22h00: First Pistils !!! Leaves up ! ALL GOOD * 26h of august 2021 / DAY 32 : 03h00 : ☼ 50 cm / 09h00 : ☼ 42 cm / 10h00 : ≃ ☼ 50 cm 23h00 : pistils on every heads. Leaves are ok [0] [x] [0] : x bottom nodes, yellow leafs who seems to fall dawn soon MAX 26.8°//48% MIN 23.4°//39% Top soil dry but still wet when i use my finger. * 27th of august 2021 / DAY 33 : 20h00 Defoliation on low nodes. WATER + Molasses 2 coffee spoons (8ml) 1litter ph 6.8 + water and kefir water : 1l. ph 6.5 MAX 27.5°//46% MIN 23.9°//37% ☼ 48 cm end of leaves brown but not a lot. * 28th of august 2021 / DAY 34 : 09h20 ; [0] [x] [0] : x yellow leaves near first stage 18h00 : ☼ +- 2 cm : 52 cm 25.7°//38% MAX 27.6°//52% MIN 23.3°//36% * 29th of august 2021 / DAY 35 : 18 :30 FLUSH (BUT IT AS NOT ENOUGH) : WATER + KéFIR PH 6.6 : 3L 25.8°//40% MAX 26.1°//49% MIN 23.4°//38%
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
3 years ago
40 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
1000 PPM
46 %
24 °C
25 °C
24 °C
4 L
1 L
48 cm
Nutrients 4
Kefir water 30 mll
Bio Molasse 4 mll
👻1/3 is definitly bigger than her sisters, this is a giant DWARF. Due to my panick I did double water, things started to get bad. After a not real flush I wanted to add back some nutrients... I also bought an EC meter, bcse I realized that i wasn't able to know or able to evaluate how strong my home made nutrients where. I also started to pay attention on water degree.👻 I have 4 mesures on my EC meters : CF/ EC / PPM 500 AND PPM700, all aligned with different mesure, so I use the EC one. ---> Milwaukee EC40 instrument * 30th of august 2021 / DAY 36 : 25.2°//42% MAX 27.5°//46% MIN 23.5°//40% * 31th of august 2021 / DAY 37 : 19h00 : WATER + KeFIR PH 6.5 : OUT : ph : [6.5] [6.7] IN PH 6.3 OUT [6.7] (Big one) 22h00 : Spray on leaves ¼ coffee spoon molasses 500ml water * 1st of september 2021 / DAY 38 : 10h30 : [x] [x] [0] molasses 4ml + WATER + KeFIR PH 6.1 / 25° water : out ph : [6.4] [6.5] / 25° ///// molasses 4ml + WATER + KeFIR PH 6.2 22.5° for [0] [0] [x] / : Out ph : [6.4] / 23.7° * 2nd of september 2021 / DAY 39 : 17h30 : 25.3°//46% MAX 27.2°//54% MIN 24.1°//41% Soil wt, leaves pointing down. 22H00 : leaves seems ok, roots still wet. * 3rd of september 2021 / DAY 40 : Soil wet, wait and see.... * 4th of september 2021 / DAY 41 : 07:00 : IN : WATER + URINE (50ML) p.h. 6.5 / EC : 1.4 / 20.9° OUT : [x] [0] [0] : EC : 1.8-2.0 // 2.0-2.2 [0] [x] [0] : EC : 1.4-1.6 / p.h. 6.7 / 22.0° [0] [0] [x] : EC : 1.6-2.0 / p.h. 6.3 / 22.6° I understood that I have an issue, my plants are not eating the nutrients, that I will have to react, but I understood it too late... * 5th of september 2021 / DAY 42 : 20H30 : IN : WATER + BANANA TEA & 1CC MOLASSES IN : EC 1.4 / ph 6.7 / 25° OUT : [x] [0] [0] : EC : 2.0-2.2 / p.h. 6.7 / 25.0° [0] [x] [0] : EC : 1.6-1.8 / p.h. 6.7 / 25.0° [0] [0] [x] : EC : 1.8-2.0 / p.h. 6.7 / 22.6
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
3 years ago
40 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
46 %
24 °C
25 °C
24 °C
4 L
1 L
32 cm
Nutrients 4
Kefir water 30 mll
Bio Molasse 4 mll
This is the week of changes, I decided to stop to use my own ingridients, was time consuming to prepare them, I decided, after reading a lot, to give my trust to biobizz. It was and it is still important to grow in bio mode. Everything I used was bio certified (despite my soil, sadly...) I've never eaten so many bananas., I've drink a lot of italien coffee to grab COFFEE GROUNDS, everything bio. Molasses is also bio (bought in drug store). I took vitamines and healthy food to have a clean pee, I used fresh urines. The turning point is on day 47, when I will start to use bio-grow, bio-bloom, calmag and alga-a-mic. I still use kefir water as a ph down. You have two kind of Kefir, milky one and water one, I am using water Kefir, Everyday I do my kefir, 200 grammes now of kefir in 1 litter water with 3 coffee spoon of bio suggar --> 24 hours later i got my kefir water. Ph. was a bit too high, around 4.6 5.0. So know i had half a lemon (bio), just in slice mode for the mixture and i got a 3.4-3.3 stable p.h. Kefir is a natural probiotic, really good for human health, I don't think it dammages the plant, at contrary I feel that micro organism (who naturally eat sugar to feed themself) remaining in kefir water have a good effect on roots. I clearly over fed the plants and the pot is way way too small, I can feel it. I had a lot of doubts this week about changing pots (I bought 11l. smart pots ready to use), but I decided not to stress more my amazing dwarves. They are fighting hard. Leaves constently turned light green. * 06th of september 2021 / DAY 43 : 22h00 : WATER Flush and defoliate Remaining EC – 0.4-0.6 – p.h 6.6-6.7 25.0° : ☼ 30-35 cm * 07th of september 2021 / DAY 44 : MAX 28.2°//54% MIN 24.7°//45% * 08th of september 2021 / DAY 45 : 00h10 : Defoliation (10% about) – soil slightly dry on top. Orange on pistils appears : ☼ 30-35 cm MAX 29.4°//60% MIN 24.9°//40% 23h00 : In : WATER + 8 ml molasses p.h. 6.1 EC 1.0 Out : [x] [0] [0] : EC : 0.8-1.0 / p.h. 6.7 / 25.0° [0] [x] [0] : EC : 0.8-1.0 / p.h. 6.5 / 25.0° [0] [0] [x] : EC : 0.8-1.0 / p.h. 6.4 / 25.0° * 09th of september 2021 / DAY 46 : MAX 28.7°//50% MIN 25.4°//37% * 10th of september 2021 / DAY 47 : 16h00 ☼ 32 cm In : WATER + BIO-GROW 2ML + BIO-BLOOM 4ML + ALGA-A-MIC 2ML + CALMAG 2ML p.h. 6.2-6.3 EC 2.4/ 23.0-25.0° -----> HUGE Mistake, I messed up by adding too much calmag (twice too much) [x] [0] [0] : EC : 1.4 / p.h. 6.5 / 24.0° [0] [x] [0] : EC : 2.2-2.4 / p.h. 6.1 / 23.6° [0] [0] [x] : EC : 1.2 / p.h. 6.6 / 23.0° * 11th of september 2021 / DAY 48 : 23h00 : Trichomes appeared on leaves, on one plant, leaves start to turn purple (she was the most light green of all of them) MAX 27.8°//57% MIN 23.4°//42% remooved some leaves * 12th of september 2021 / DAY 49 : I felt depressed : top soil is dry, under the pots it is still wet.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
3 years ago
65 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
1100 PPM
46 %
25 °C
25 °C
24 °C
4 L
1 L
32 cm
Nutrients 6
Kefir water 1 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
So, I created the diary the 15th of september, I wrotte every previous informations on paper then on a word sheet. I reallized that I got everything to create a diary here, so I did it. I should maybe try to end this first grow without buying any fertilizer and keep going with my home made receips (taken from several sources and reading). I think I will do some fun experiments on a following diary. It is well known, dwarves don't run fast, so next batch will be 3 quick one from royal queen seeds, with smart pot and coco + ideas i had. It will be fun an probably in 3-4 weeks (I plane to harvest my dwarves a little bit later around week 11, but I don't know, I have to check trichomes, they will give me the answer.)🙌💩So from this week we are in *LIVE* mode for this diary. Hello elves (you are the elves, you reading me). Smiles are allowed (this is unfair you smoke your plants so you have a strong adventage) while reading. Orcs are the pests and desease attacking the dwarves (the 3 plants) I did in previous weeks some defoliation, I will calm down a bit. Now it will be only water and nutrients. To understand the everyday diary : [0] [0] [0] = the pots on the left (3/3) ---> [x] [0] [0] middle pot (1/3) --->[0] [x] [0] right side pot (2/3) ---> [0] [0] [x] * 13th of september 2021 / DAY 50 : 04h00 : [0] [x] [0] : IN : WATER + ALGA-A-MIC 2ml + Kefir water p.h. 6.2 / 24.5° / EC 0.3 /// OUT : p.h. 6.8 / EC 0.6 ? MAX 28.1°//50% MIN 23.5°//42% [x] = the big dwarf called 1/3 on pictures previous weeks. I mooved the pots a lot (to water them) so now I don't really know exactly who is 2/3 and 3/3 but i tried later to keep a correct order of plants' place * 14th of september 2021 / DAY 51 : MAX 28.4°//52% MIN 24.5°//39% Morning : [x] [0] [x] WATER + ALGA-A-MIC 2ml + kefir water : ph 6.3 / l added about 400 ml of solution for each plant, so no water fall, unable to mesure OUT. Removed leaves * 15th of september 2021 / DAY 52 : ☼ 32 cm (big one) - 52 cm (top bud small one) cm MAX 28.4°//52% MIN 24.5°//39% * 16th of september 2021 / DAY 53 : 02h00 : [0] [x] [0] : WATER + BIO-GROW 1ML + BIO-BLOOM 3ML + ALGA-A-MIC 2ML IN : p.h. 6.1 / EC 2.2/ 26.6° /// OUT : p.h. 6.3 EC 2.6/ 25.6° ----> Solution was to high in EC (3.4) and and p.h.(5.4). I remooved 300ml about and added tap water to increase p.h. and reduced EC, it worked. 10h00 : Mooved lights a bit more UP ☼ 44 cm - 62 cm /////////// 19h00 : : WATER + BIO-GROW 3ML + BIO-BLOOM 3ML + ALGA-A-MIC 2ML + CALMAG 0.6ML IN : 1L. p.h. 6.1 EC 2.4-2.6 / 27.5° 1L + p.h. 6.1 EC 2.8 / 24.8° OUT drain water : [x] [0] [0] : p.h. 6.1 EC 3.0 / 25.2° (3_3) [0] [0] [x] : p.h. 6.4 EC 2.2-2.0 / 24.7° (2_3) * 17th of september 2021 / DAY 54 : MAX 26.8°//54% MIN 24°//46% * 18th of september 2021 / DAY 55 : A kind of day off, watching my dwarves and thinking of their future. The big one show only 1-2 brown pistil on the entire plant, she is definitely less mature than the older, which is weird. I decided to buy BioHeaven, I clearly need an enzymatic help (anti orcs warriors). I also bought coco, perlite and clay pebbles for the next batch, I will create my own soil. * 19th of september 2021 / DAY 56 : 10h00 MAX 26.8°//58% MIN 23.6°//46% ☼ 38 cm from 1/3 10h00 : WATER + BIO-HEAVEN 5ML + ALGA-A-MIC 4ML + CALMAG 1ML + CITRUS DROPS --> 2 LITERS // p.h. 6.4 EC 0.8/ 21.8° OUT : [x] [0] [0] : EC : 3.2 / p.h. 6.3 / 22.7° [0] [x] [0] : EC : 1.8 / p.h. 6.4 / 22.5° [0] [0] [x] : EC : 3.0 / p.h. 6.5 / 22.0°
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Blabinastarted grow question 3 years ago
Should I start to flush before harvesting in 2 weeks or should I wait one week more ? The 1_3 plants has like almost no brown pistils.
Buds. Other
Papa_Tanswered grow question 3 years ago
Questions cant be updated. Its a one shot thing. 🤷‍♂️🏼
Week 9. Flowering
3 years ago
65 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1350 PPM
41 %
21 °C
22 °C
22 °C
4 L
1 L
38 cm
Nutrients 1
citrus juice (bio) 1 mll
Asking myself if I should start to flush... Or not... / Edit : I will simply feed my dwarves with plane water, no need to flush with extra run-off, just a run-off to mesure EC, if my EC don't decrease then I will maybe hard flush. 💩I hate my 3.6 liter plastic pots, my dwarves can't breath in their so tiny pants.👻 👉* 20th of september 2021 / DAY 57 👉 MAX 26.8°//71% MIN 21.5°//41% Buds globally increasing. ---> 1/3 has more and more yellow leaves, increasing to top direction from bottom... I am scared, Orcs must die and they seems able to win. Global temperature is decreasing. 👉* 21th of september 2021 / DAY 58 👉 My dwarves smell strong, some elves from growdiaries helped me, PANICK MODE : ON, I've cut many infected leaves. They are fighting hard, orcs strike is pretty hard... MAX 25.8°//56% MIN 21.6°//41% Chop not healthy leaves 👉* 22th of september 2021 / DAY 59 👉 MAX 25.8°//72% MIN 21.6°//41% ☼ 32 cm from 1/3 Soil still wet Since I used bio-heaven, I notice that indeed it seems that the dwarves retain more water, It seems I will feed them like 2 times this week, temperature also decreased a lot, Automn is on his way... So it may be related (my dwarves suffered from high temperature one month ago) 👉* 23th of september 2021 / DAY 60 👉 02h00 : WATER + citrus 3L = p.h. 6.4 EC 0.3/ 20.4° ---> 😍 From time to time, I open the box to smell them, bcse the smell is definitly amazing. 😍 / 02h45 : I have open my tent again. OUT – Run-off : 3/3 : [x] [0] [0] : EC : 2.6 / p.h. 6.5 / 23.3° 1/3 : [0] [x] [0] : EC : 2.0 / p.h. 6.3 / 22.4° 2/3 : [0] [0] [x] : EC : 2.7 / p.h. 6.6 / 23.3° 👉* 24th of september 2021 / DAY 61 👉 MAX 26.8°//72% MIN 21.6°//41% ☼ 30 cm Added some pots under my two small dwarves : 2/3 and 3/3. Leaves seems more green since I stop adding nutrients. Plane is to keep using water only for this week and next week and to harvest probably next sunday or at the beggining at week 11. They drink definitly less, now it is twice per week. I am impressed, they are still not dead. 👉* 25th of september 2021 / DAY 62 👉 I see green on my buds, they seems to become bigger and bigger, but more i watch them, more I watch my R.H. seems constently at 55%, I may buy a dehumidifier... I am scared of bud rot, I saw someone in another diary having it (I had an heart pain for him/her 😘)... I know my dwarves are not safe at all. MAX 25.6°//65% MIN 22.6°//49% I've bought something to mesure soil humidity. With a range from 1 to 10 - 1 to 3 is red on the ladder (written dry means need water) 4 to 7 is green (should be like it is ok) and 8 to 10 is wet in blue) My 1/3 dwarf is on 4-5 at the bottom - 2/3 and 3/3 are pretty similar at 8. I decided to make an experiment and to introduce a dry stress. I will wait tomorrow before feeding them. 👉* 26th of september 2021 / DAY 63 👉 WATER + citrus = 2.6L (for the 3 dwarves) about Tap water p.h. : 8.2 temp : 21° ec.0.3, corrected with citrus drops : p.h. : 6.4 ☼ added 1 extra hour today of light Run-off : 3/3 : [x] [0] [0] : EC : 2.4 / p.h. 6.4 / 22.0° --> Added more drop off to reach : 1.8 E.C. 1/3 : [0] [x] [0] : EC : 3.6 ??? / p.h. 6.4 / 22.0° ---> 30ml about of the first run-off sounds to have like a sudden increase of E.C. compare to last time i've fed this dwarf --> Added more drop off to reach : 1.8 E.C. 2/3 : [0] [0] [x] : EC : 1.4 / p.h. 6.9 / 22.0°
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Blabinastarted grow question 3 years ago
To harvest soon or not ? Stop feeding with nutrients ? WE CAN EDIT QUESTION !
Buds. Other
BraveheartGeneticsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Its really up to you and the kind of high you want. The more amber you have the more sedative the high will be. THC turns to CBN. On the other hand, more clear gives a racier high. Sativa, indica at the end of the day doesn't mater if you grow your own. You should grow for the high you like or want. Feed and water to the end. Proper curing before smoking will breakdown any chlorophyll and heavy elements in the bud. flushing only serves to strip nutrients from the plant when it needs it most. It can decrease cannabinoid yield by up to 30%, just by flushing for the last week or two. One of those growing urban myths....I hope this helps, good luck and happy growing
Blabinastarted grow question 3 years ago
Issues with my dwarves leaves, can you help me to identify them ?
Leaves. Color - Black or grey
Chow_13answered grow question 3 years ago
Agreed. Looks like leaf spot ( Septoria ). turn off all fans before you carefully remove the infected leaves. Its a fungus so any kind of a breeze( or even breathing on a spot ) can send spores airborne.
Week 10. Flowering
3 years ago
67 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
400 PPM
45 %
21 °C
22 °C
22 °C
4 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
citrus juice (bio) 1 mll
♥️☺️♥️ Thinking about when exactly to harvest... Buds seems keep growing now... I know I should wait a bit more but.. I think I will. ☺️♥️☺️ 👉 27th of september 2021 / DAY 64 👉 Buds seems to keep growing on the top to top direction. 👉 28th of september 2021 / DAY 65 👉 MAX 26.9°//64% MIN 21.9°//40% 👉 29th of september 2021 / DAY 66 👉 WATER + CITRUS DROPS : EC : 0.3 / p.h. 6.4-6.5 / 22.0° / 9 Liters Run-off (first 10-20 ml about): 3/3 : [x] [0] [0] : EC : 1.2 / p.h. 6.6 / 21.7° --> Added more drop off to reach : 0.7 E.C. 1/3 : [0] [x] [0] : EC : 2.0 / p.h. 6.0 / 21.0° --> Added more drop off to reach : 0.7 E.C. 2/3 : [0] [0] [x] : EC : 1.2 / p.h. 6.8 / 22.0° --> Added more drop off to reach : 0.8 E.C. This was their last meal 😭😵 👉 30th of september 2021 / DAY 67 👉 Pistils are pretty much brown, I can see some brown trichomes and mix of milky and white. I deciced to make A DWARF ESCAPE tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day, Tomorrow I will harvest. Tomorrow orcs will die ! According to my lovely (I definitly love them) breeder informations : 👽Flowering time: 6 - 7 weeks 👽Harvest Month: 9 - 10 weeks after sprouting. I am at week 6 of flowering, but week 10 after sprouting. So I should be in the good range. 👉 1st of october 2021 / DAY 68 (1 day later could be more sexual) 👉 Everything has a start, a first time, and 1.10.2021 was perfect to end my first harvest. You can read the harvest page. The murder (the escape sorry) of the 3 dwarves happenend around 4 p.m. or 16h00 in an unknown place full of dark but with no pain (almost).
Week 10. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
My dwarves killed the orcs, they survived and escape from this AMAZING journey. They where really impossible to kill. They suffered from : Overwatering, over defoliation, nutrients burn, probably root rot, to much heat (more than 30 degree for some days), a too small pot... And they smell like : 😅😇😇😇 a wounderfull smell. I did all the "noob" mistakes basically but I learned so much. I started to feed them with home made nutrients and ended to use biobizz really at the end. I don't know what was the best for those dwarves but they made it.
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Spent 72 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
34 g
Bud wet weight per plant
13 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Talkative, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Negative effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Insomnia
Medical effects
Citrus, Flowery

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
👻👻👻 Reminder : 👻👻👻 So, I created the diary the 15th of september, I wrotte every previous informations on paper then on a word sheet. I reallized that I got everything to create a diary here, so I did it. I should maybe try to end this first grow without buying any fertilizer and keep going with my home made receips (taken from several sources and reading). I think I will do some fun experiments on a following diary. It is well known, dwarves don't run fast, so next batch will be 3 quick one from royal queen seeds, with smart pot and coco ideas i had. It will be fun an probably in 3-4 weeks (I plane to harvest my dwarves a little bit later around week 11, but I don't know, I have to check trichomes, they will give me the answer.)🙌💩So from week (8) we are in *LIVE* mode for this diary. Hello elves (you are the elves, you reading me). Smiles are allowed (this is unfair you smoke your plants so you have a strong adventage) while reading. Orcs are the pests and desease attacking the dwarves (the 3 plants)👻👻👻 👉 I've cut every branches, it was an amazing experience : My dwarves killed the orcs, they survived and escape from this AMAZING journey. They where really impossible to kill. They suffered from : Overwatering, over defoliation, nutrients burn, probably root rot, to much heat (more than 30 degree for some days), a too small pot... And they smell like : 😅😇😇😇 a wounderfull smell. I did all the "noob" mistakes basically but I learned so much. I started to feed them with home made nutrients and ended to use biobizz really at the end. I don't know what was the best for those dwarves but they made it. I will update this diary with a video and will give in 1-2 weeks the weight dry, I am really curious about it, I left really no branches, they are like ready to be in a jar. So: 👉 The famous 3/3 with amazing colors gave me : 38 gr. wet 👉 The famous 2/3 gave me : 34 gr. wet 👉 The famous 1/3 gave me : 30-31 gr. wet The harvest seems not amazing, I don't know how much weight I may loose by drying (I kept really only the heads). For a first grow, I am happy, because I simply made it. I know that it is now a growing experience, like those wounderfull amazing plants. And I learned a lot. Allready excited to launch a second harvest. A matter of time actually. It was fast, joyfull, stressfull, great to do it. SUMMARY : 😮 Why this diary name ? 😮 👉 Because when I descovered 3-4 weeks before harvesting I was completly sure to fail and that my dwarves were gona die. 😁 😮 Is it the first time you have a kind of relationship with dwarves or plants like this ? 😮 👉 Hell yeah... I am totally a casual smoker and I never did this in my life before. I have to say that I started to have like a real relationship with those 3 dwarves, they start to miss me ( I just cuted them like 2-3 hours ago). 😞😢 😮 Did you enjoy to do that ? 😮 👉 Well... It will be definitly hard to don't do it again. Hopefully when seeds arrived at my home, they where not alone, 3 quick one are waiting to have a funz experience with me. The trick what started to be a small investment turned into buying more and more stuff (ph and ec meter etc...) So I want to use them more 😲😘😍 😮 Are you high right now ? 😮 👉 Absolutly not, I haven't smoke any weed for about 3-4 months maybe and I don't drink, I mean, I am naturally like this. 😕 😮 What about the elves ? 😮 👉 You mean the readers of this website who followed, liked, help me a lot with A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF GOOD ADVICES ? I love them ♥️☺️♥️ Thank to all the readers, growers, people taking care of this website and not giving any infos to the police, breeders for giving us the opportunity to do this, light crafters for giving us sun in a tent, tent builders, special potions crafters (who create amazing nutrients) specially those dedicated to the natural 100% products... I mean thank you to all elves. ♥️

the end.
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