Exotic Genetix: Event Horizon (x3) y Toasted Toffee(x3). Thug pug Genetics: Peanut Butter sunset(x3). Una ves sean transplantadas a su macetero definitivo(5 litros) se comenzará con riego automático, drip to waste, y protocolo Crop Steering. 20 Octubre(15:30): 9 semillas en remojo, solución de 2 partes de agua de ósmosis + 1 parte de peróxido de hidrógeno 3%, 5.8pH, 0.6EC, 28°C~30°C. Antes ser puestas a remojar se lijaron las semillas para favorecer la absorción del agua. 21:30: puestas en toalla de papel con la misma agua de remojo, dentro de un contenedor de vidrio hermético y sobre una alfombra de calor a 28°C~30°C, para aumentar la actividad metabólica. 21 Octubre: Pre carga del coco, con solución de nutrientes Athena en 2.0EC y 5.7pH, saturación hasta lograr drenaje, el drenaje fue de 1.5EC y 5.6pH. 21:50: Todas las semillas presentan radicula de distintos tamaños(1cm aprox) son inmediatamente pasadas al sustrato. 22 Octubre: 21:10, se aprecian todas ya brotando, se mantiene el ambiente en 26°C~28°C y 70%+ de humedad. 23 Octubre: 9/9 semillas brotadas, se ven algunos Cotiledones. 24 Octubre: (9:30)8/9 cotiledones abiertos, altura entre 3cm~5cm, etapa de plantula iniciada. Toffee n3 se atrofió por mala manipulación, espero que crezca aunque sea lento, si no, tendré que seguir solo con 8 plantas. 25 Octubre: Toffee n3 está viva!!! Estuve a punto de quitarla, y está mañana apareció sin su capucha, cotiledones afuera. Yujuuuu!! 26 Octubre: hoy tuvieron su primer riego con nutrientes Athena, 2.0EC y 5.8pH. Se regó hasta alcanzar drenaje, el drenaje fue de 1.9EC y 5.7pH. 27 Octubre: Se desarrollan a buen ritmo, algunas han estirado más que otras, alturas entre 4cm~7cm. 31 Octubre: Segundo riego, 120ml casa una, 2.0EC y 5.8pH, runoff de 2.3EC y 5.7pH. 2 Noviembre: Creciendo a buen ritmo, alturas entre 5cm y 9cm. 4 Noviembre: Riego 180ml cada una, 2.0EC y 5.8pH, runoff 2.8EC y 5.8pH, desde ahora se regarán más seguido, removí las primeras hojas, solo por comodidad para regar, de igual manera los primeros nodos y esas hojas se terminan podando pronto. 8 Noviembre: Riego 2.0EC, 5.8pH, 240ml cada una para aumentar el runoff, valores de runoff de 3.0EC y 6.0pH. Alturas entre 9cm y 14cm.
I know she yielded less than optimally, but at least she made up for it with a really unique effect. Got like 40 more seeds of this so I'm likely going to do some pheno-hunting come spring with how well she performed. Love the taste and the look of the plant. Really wish I had knowledge of the breeder so I could recommend it. But that's the risk you take with bag seed. Not giving her 10/10 because she stunted for quite a while when I got her started in soil. So she may not respond well with higher stress root-conditions.
This lovely lady is awesome to grow. She grows fast and very thick and sturdy stalks. It transitions to flowering really fast only after 3 weeks she was already starting. She also packs on the trichomes really late. But her colors are a complete different story 😍.. She starts throwing the red on the bottom of the leaves but flowers came out a BEAUTIFUL dark purple with a lot of orange hairs.. The bag appeal is SWAG. Would recommend this lady just on how much stress she can truly take and still produce. Good job with this one @Sweet_Seeds
no words just look at her )) just loook at heeeeeer )))))) oh i almost forgot i have a newfriend as a magnifier for my ohone and i took a woderfull video ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
It is a very strong and effective yield. I mixed it AK47 with the White Rhino and the result was tremendous trichomes, very big and intense buds and a sturdy plant. The resin production is really great. This is the best product in terms of taste. The only bad thing is I only have one more left from the same seed. :)
Fairly fast grow although fairly airy small buds but probably caused by grow environment and lack of light at start
Ciclo di crescita molto disastroso e tra varie genetiche la più resistente e stata lei , anche se per un 27% di thc la sento un po leggera .. forse la causa sono stati propi i vari stress. PS cresciuta per tutto il ciclo a circa 22 gradi in media con molta umidità. Consigliatissima specialmente per i principianti come me !!! Se ti piace lascia un like !
All 3 ladies are ready to harvest. Checked the trichomes, all milky. Super sticky and smelly. Super strong and healthy genetics. Will keep them a feel more days until the next run is germinated.
At least one if the ladies is ready to harvest. Just made a final check with the microscope and i think she is ready. I could wait a bit more for more amber heads but i think thats ok.