The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
As we venture into week one of the flowering stage, the living soil within our garden beds has already been enriched with carefully selected amendments, laying a robust foundation for our plants to thrive. Living soil is not a static entity; it's a dynamic, breathing ecosystem that needs as much care and attention as the plants it supports. At this crucial juncture, our primary responsibility is to maintain the delicate balance of this ecosystem. Watering practices continue to play a pivotal role—moisture levels are kept at an optimal level, allowing the soil to dry between watering sessions, thereby preventing saturation and promoting oxygen uptake to the roots. Such measures are not merely about quenching the plants' thirst but also about preserving the intricate web of life that exists within every handful of soil. This web of life has indeed become more intricate with a massive explosion of predator mites that have become an integral part of our soil's community. These tiny but formidable allies are voracious predators of various pests that can threaten our plants. Their increased activity is not just a sign of a healthy ecosystem but also a natural form of pest management that reduces the need for chemical interventions. These mites, along with a host of other microorganisms, play a critical role in nutrient cycling and disease suppression, further enhancing the resilience of the plants during their flowering phase. The very life of the soil is now visibly bustling, indicating a thriving micro-ecosystem that contributes to the health of our plants. Above and beyond these microscopic interactions, the larger creatures in our ecosystem—the worms—have begun their vital work. The 'chop and drop' cover crops and clover that were introduced earlier have now become fodder for these earthworkers. As they consume this organic matter, they are not just feeding themselves but are also processing it into rich castings, a natural fertilizer full of available nutrients for the plants. This activity does not just nourish; it aerates the soil, creating spaces for roots to expand and for air to circulate. The sight of such activity is evidence of a living soil that is not just a growing medium but a thriving ecosystem in its own right. The soil, with all its biodiversity, is an orchestra where every organism, from the tiniest mite to the diligent earthworm, plays a critical part in the symphony of growth that supports our flowering plants. As each day passes, this ecosystem draws closer to perfect harmony, bolstering the plants in their quest to bloom with vitality.
Coupe de lapex après la fausse floraison et oui cetais la surprise elle est repasser en croissance 😂 peut être a cause du stress du climat et de la coupe d'apex tardive bon on va en profiter pour defolier et attacher tout ça
Bon stretching température 14-28 bonne surprise en 1 semaine car la Flo était légèrement en retard!
Les engrais solides on fait le taff jai fait une defoliation je l'ai mis a poil littéralement sans pitier on aurai dit une croix a l'endroit ou y'a des morts sur les routes. Mais il a repris des forces le supermix et le bat guano ça devrai être obligatoire dans chaque session. Plus sérieusement j'ai garder les 3 derniers étages avec 25% de feuillage il a kiffer le tronc a exploser. Je vais maintenant resserrer au max les branche pour adapter la forme des branche pour ensuite détendre et me laisser du mou car j'ai beaucoup de vent chez moi environ 15-20Km/h par moment ca monte a 50km/h . La floraison (la vrai) commence aussi cependant j'ai remarquer beaucoup de feuille a 3 branche voir 2 ou 1 même. Signe de stress intensif je pense du au climat ou à moi car je dose beaucoup les engrais je trouve mais en même temps j'ai aucune carence ou sur engraissage donc je garde le rythme mais la croissance est folle les tiges se ramifie de jour en jour
Température 14-28degres 7 cm stretch belle couleur beau buisson pompon bien apparent !
Début du LST intensif je savais que cetais une sativa donc j'ai tout fait pour en faire une petite plante discrete j'ai essayer une technique comme sur les bonsaï vu que les tiges de la C5 sont extrement rigide, cependant on stoppe fortement les nutriments sur la vidéo on voit bien que les feuille commence a manquer d'azote. J'avais pratiquer des FIM à tire la rigo grâce a toute les secondaires développé par le LST . J'avais aussi de la seve rouge qui coulais quand je respectait les coupe avec le calendrier lunaire je ne sais pas si ça a quelque chose a voir.. Mais forte croissance bête de variété
привет ребята,все идет хорошо , это от производителя и я так и не понял он цветет 6-7 недель или всего нужно Цветение 42 - 49 дня ??? Генетика Hulkberry x Diesel Auto Харвесты 500 г/м² Цветение 42 - 49 дня 42 - 49 дня вот такая у нас температура , нет денег нет условии,но не проблема стараюсь как могу )))))) ??? я нечего не трогаю,хочу увидеть полный потенциал )))))))))))))
Info: Unfortunately, I had to find out that my account is used for fake pages in social media. I am only active here on growdiaries. I am not on facebook instagram twitter etc All accounts except this one are fake. Hi everyone :-) . The clone is developing well and has beautiful roots. This week it was poured once because it doesn't need much. It was also topped once. Otherwise everything was cleaned and checked. Have fun and stay healthy 🙏🏻 You can buy this Nutrients at : With the discount code: Made_in_Germany you get a discount of 15% on all products from an order value of 100 euros. You can buy this Strain at : Type: Cream Caramel ☝️🏼 Genetics: Blue Black x Maple Leaf Indica x White Rhino 👍 Vega lamp: 2 x Todogrow Led Quantum Board 100 W 💡 Bloom Lamp : 2 x Todogrow Led Cxb 3590 COB 3500 K 205W 💡💡☝️🏼 Soil : Canna Coco Professional + ☝️🏼 Nutrients : Green Buzz Liquids : Organic Grow Liquid Organic Bloom Liquid Organic more PK More Roots Fast Buds Humic Acid Plus Growzyme Big Fruits Clean Fruits Cal / Mag Organic Ph - Pulver ☝️🏼🌱 Water: Osmosis water mixed with normal water (24 hours stale that the chlorine evaporates) to 0.2 EC. Add Cal / Mag to 0.4 Ec Ph with Organic Ph - to 5.8 .
08/19: 4ème semaine de floraison. La 3ème semaine fut mouvementée les stygmates du "underfed" sont encore visible mais les nouvelles sont juste comme il faut. :) #49 08/20: les fleurs sont occupées à prendre de la masse l'odeur est de plus en plus forte, j'observe un début de sénescence mélangée à tte sorte de carrence. Je vais continuer à lui donner du GHE essentials une fois par semaine ce que j'avoue n'avoir pas fait.... 08/21: 5L/engraisser 08/24: Très heureux d'avoir semé un orange Sherbet de chez fastbuds j'en ai encore une graine que je garde pour mon prochain grow d'automatique. #55
La gorilla Zkittlez a commencer ca croissance en box 400W pendant 3 semaine, j'ai demander à un ami de commencer la croissance dans sa box pour voir la différence avec mes autres fem que j'ai commencer en intérieur. La différence est vraiment incroyable je pense que la variété est pour quelques chose mais débuter la.croissance en box et finir en extérieur est vraiment très bénéfique pour le rendement et n'afflue en rien négativement sur la qualité au contraire
Preparation is key so I’m getting ready to start laying down my trellis net to SCROG from here out. In preparation for a flip 12-12. Plants looking lovely my cereal milk which is my right looking like it’s bouncing back can’t wait to take off. Here are a couple of pictures of my plants before and after lollipopping. Please follow my Instagram which is linked to my page.
6cm decstetch mais là fini je pense! Température 14-28 degrés plante fine et élancé
8/23 Fed 2 gallons of nutes to the garden. I'm planning to increase feeding to three gallons as plants look hungry. Ice cream cake isn't as vibrant as it once was. Still losing leaves but I find that is consistent with others in my area according to the local growers page. The hurricane missed us but the rain and humidity are still a problem. It's not raining (plants were soaked so it rained last night) and rh is still 100%. It's outdoor so what can I do? What I NEED to do is spray BT and something to combat PM. Plants are flowering nicely. It's good to actually have some flowers to look at. The smell is great too. 8/24 Didn't water as it rained last night. Defoliated what was dead. Fog was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Everything is in flower. The little ice cream cake flowers don't look like they like this rain. I don't blame them. I don't remember the last time it didn't rain at night. I noticed more damage on plants or maybe old damage. Either way bud shoots are gone on a few lower limbs. I can't pull up my bags as the are firmly rooted. I checked under the five gallon buckets (which were also somehow firmly rooted) and found a shit ton of earwigs underneath. I killed what I could. I tried spraying a bug with dawn but it didn't kill it or at least didn't kill it right off. I stomped on them and tore open the earth. Logic dictates they are probably under the grow bags as well. I'm going to try Spinosid tonight. I'll look up some other methods as well. If anybody has advice please hit me up. UPDATE: Went back down at 6. Super sunny and humid today. Temp was 92 with humidity about 90%. I couldn't spray. I'll have to wait until tomorrow. Found four more moth leaves on the sick isolated plant. They must like the injured ones better. 8/25 Watered and defoliated what needed it. Buds are growing rapidly. Took pictures but have been unable to upload due to slow internet connection. Hopefully the weather will allow me to spray tonight. 8/26 Watered heavy as it's been in the 90s. Couldn't spray as it was to hot last night. Buds are tightening up. Ran out of LCPT so I need to find an alternative. Now that plants are flowering it's easier to see the damage from the earwigs. No buds where they should have been on some low branches. Not many and hopefully the few that got lollipoped will focus growth on the top. I hope I'm able to make it down late tonight to work. I was worried about my plants flowering late but that might be a blessing in disguise. I've seen lots of people losing plants to bud rot. Thanks for stopping by and please leave any thoughts or advice in the comments. 8/27 UPPED MY FEEDING REGIMEN TO THREE GALLONS AND USED TWO TBSP TIGER BLOOM IN PLACE OF KOOL BLOOM AND USED A WHOLE TBSP KELP FOR THE HEAT. This heat is killing me. Yesterday was over 95f with rh in the 90s. My medication makes the heat harder to bare. Defoliated what needed it. I'm in town looking for a fungicide. Planned to use apple cider vinegar this morning but of course I couldn't find it. Buds still rapidly forming. I'll update later. I picked up potassium bicarbonate and citric acid and have the recipe and ingredients for both diy green cleaner and green cure. Once the sun starts going down I'm going to use the potassium bicarbonate recipe. Bought a bunch of potassium bicarbonate and citric acid. I am now able to make diy versions of both green and green cleaner. I mixed 1tbsp potassium bicarbonate with 1/4 teaspoon dawn and sprayed two gallons on the plants last night. Leaves were yellowing more and traveling upward on the blueberry. Bleeding like nitrogen deficiency. I'll monitor. If plants don't improve I'll need to do a flush and an application of Spinosid. Wanted to take pics but the phone died. 8/28 Thoroughly watered today. I also had to defoliate a ton of yellow leaves on my blueberry's. I'm hoping it's not nutrient lockout. I still have three issues that could be my problem 1) the WPM 2) PISSIBLY ph fluctuation or worse w lockout and 3) earwig or inch 🐛/ moth larvae causing damage. I'm coming out of my funk so hopefully I can fix these issues. Smell is amazing and the buds are really starting to develop. They looked bigger in the evening than they did in the morning. It was over 90° f yesterday and I woke up to 50 this morning. I'm sure these big temp swings don't help much. 8/30 Rained last night but I watered slightly as there wasn't much rain. ADDED TWO MORE I.R. CAMERA'S last night. I feel more secure as the area is also protected with motion sensors and a whole bunch of other stuff I'm not going to mention. Anything bigger than a porcupine and things get bright and loud and signals get sent, roads blocked ECT. Not my first rodeo deep in the Maine woods. The grow will not be left alone and hadn't been for a few weeks. Anyway I lifted a 5 gallon bucket and found more earwigs. It jives with some of the damage I've been seeing. I'm thinking of spraying spinosid instead of BT tonight. At least the buds are starting to fill in. They don't seem to bother those as much. They did bite off a bunch of grow shoots though. Either way I have a few issues to deal with. As long as the weather stays alright until October I should be fine. My ice cream cake is barely flowering and it's HUGE. I have another seed that's in a similar state. Others are further along. We shall see how things go. The little ones could be transported inside at night if necessary.
Début de la première semaine de floraison le stretch etais vraiment facile à contrôler je dirai x2. Je passe en engrais de floraison.
Today is official the last day of veg. Turned the light onto 24 hours because I've been running it during the day but now that I've moved it out to my shed that I set up as my new grow space, I want to run it at night when it's colder out. The plant had a great week of growth as you can tell from the pictures. Plant kicked it into overdrive for its last week and really started to fill up the tent. Unfortunately I didn't think to keep room at the base for watching and now I only have 2 spots I can really water from unless I use a 1/4 cup measuring cup and that'll take forever lol. I'm hoping to have her cropped by Nov.1 to Nov.5 so that I can start using this tent and set up for mother plants. I'll be using a different light then but that's for the next diary. Well that's all for now so happy growing!!!
Les fleurs se forme doucement et le feuillage a repris comme pas possible je vais devoir defolier pour la 3e fois un vrai mouton 🐑