The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
I'm mitigate from this experience , the grow was not optimal why ? Maybe because my main thing is not to grow auto flower but femenised , the #3 was hermaphrodite plant ...
Yesterday i took off some Leafs down there. Looks Like a Bouquet now 😄 She's responding great to the Training i have her. I'm pretty exited how she'll do in the Future weeks 🤙🏽
Week 4 of the flowering phase has arrived, and last week flew by 🌬️🌱. The ladies are thriving, and the buds are now clearly visible! ✨ The flowers are starting to turn darker, which is an exciting sign 🍒. The first trichomes are already forming, hinting at a very potent strain 💎🔥. While the cherry aroma hasn’t come through yet, removing some leaves revealed an intense, waxy scent – very intriguing! 🌿👃 I’ll keep you updated with daily posts. Drop a like and stay tuned to see how the ladies develop 🌺📸. See you next week! Woche 4 der Blütephase ist da, und die letzte Woche ist wirklich wie im Flug vergangen 🌬️🌱. Die Ladies haben sich prächtig entwickelt, und jetzt kann man die Buds schon richtig gut erkennen! ✨ Die Blüten beginnen langsam, sich dunkel zu verfärben – ein vielversprechendes Zeichen 🍒. Auch die ersten Trichome sind schon sichtbar, was definitiv auf einen sehr potenten Strain hindeutet 💎🔥. Das Kirscharoma ist zwar noch nicht zu erkennen, aber beim Entfernen der Blätter wurde ein intensiver, wachsähnlicher Duft wahrgenommen – super spannend! 🌿👃 Ich halte euch weiterhin mit täglichen Updates auf dem Laufenden. Lasst ein Like da und bleibt dran, um zu sehen, wie sich die Mädels entwickeln 🌺📸. Bis nächste Woche!
To tell the truth, I am very surprised myself, how amazing she is FastBuds Gorilla cookies, she copes well with a small space:) she drinks 1 liter every day :) everything looks better than expected:) good luck to everyone.
WELL! What an experience. I made some mistakes, learned a lot and still got some excellent weed out of it. Super frosty, LOUD and SO dense it's ridiculous 😂 Sadly i got some (a lot for me) mold, i encountered for the very first time. With it being almost winter in Germany, the temps dropped really hard for some days and then even 60% humidity was too much for the strain. I also would say it isn't that resistant against mold, so just keep that in mind, the buds are so dense, it's really easy for them to trap water. I had to throw away like 1/4 of the yield, mostly the top buds 💀 That kinda sucked, but it could be worse, it's fire weed tho, i'll add pictures of the buds later.
WELL! What an experience. I made some mistakes, learned a lot and still got some excellent weed out of it. Super frosty, LOUD and SO dense it's ridiculous 😂 Sadly i got some (a lot for me) mold, i encountered for the very first time. With it being almost winter in Germany, the temps dropped really hard for some days and then even 60% humidity was too much for the strain. I also would say it isn't that resistant against mold, so just keep that in mind, the buds are so dense, it's really easy for them to trap water. I had to throw away like 1/4 of the yield, mostly the top buds 💀 That kinda sucked, but it could be worse, it's fire weed tho, i'll add pictures of the buds later.
Eccoci alla 4 settimana di vegetativa! Per ora sembra andare tutto bene! Ho notato solamente che la gorilla Lemon sta avendo delle carenze di calcio /magnesio e ho provveduto a darglielo, speriamo si riprenda al più presto, per il resto la crescita continua ad essere sorprendentemente davvero molto rapida per quello forse le carenze si stanno facendo vedere da un giorno all altro! Ho cambiato l acqua pochi giorni fa e ho dato 14 /15 litri ad ogni secchio e già ora siamo praticamente a meno di 10! La ragazza sta bevendo e mangiando davvero in modo vorace! L. Unica cosa che mi sta accadendo è che mi sono reso conto solo adesso, essendo la mia primissima volta in hydro, che sto avendo il famoso "fusarium" delle radici, un fungo aggressivo ed infestante delle radici, a cui nn avevo ancora fatto caso ed ora dovrò farci i conti putroppo.. Per adesso ho dato un po di perossido di idrogeno (H2o2) come mi è stato consigliato, ogni 3 giorni. Le dò 1/2ml/litro per fare in modo di cercare di eliminarlo un poco finché nn avrò a disposizione prodotti specifici più efficaci, come acido ipocloroso, e per prevenirlo del trichoderma harvemium, sperando che nn sia troppo tatdi e che riesca a rimediare a questo mio sbaglio grossolano da principiante! 😅Infatti come uno stupido, vedendo all inzio che nn vi erano problemi alle radici, ho aspettato tipo quasi 30 giorni prima di fare il primo cambio dell'acqua, poiché stupidamente pensavo che con le temp della soluzione che nn superavano i 20 gradi, nn avrei. Avuto questo problema, per di più nn avevo ancora una pompa di sentina per svuotare i secchi, appena è arrivata ho fatto il cambio di acqua e mi sono accorto di avere alcune radici già compromesse, ed ora sono un poco peggiorate purtroppo, per questo sono davvero molto preoccupato, che possa avere effetti anche sul benessere della oainya soprattutto durante il. Periodo di fioritura dove le cose si faranno sicuramente più difficltose.. 😥.. Vabbe nei prossimi giorni dovrebbero arrivare questi prodotti per sterilizzare un po le radici e farle tornare bianche in salute, confido ormai nella fortuna! Ma eseendo la mia prima volta in hydro per ora nn mi posso lamentare, la pianta sta manifestando carenza di calcio etc, ma nn penso sia dovuto al fusarium.. Chi ne sa di più di me, i consigli sono davvero ben accetti! Grazie a tutti voi che mi seguite, siete davvero la forza che mi spinge contro tutto e tutti a continuare a migliorare la mia coltivazione e "coltivare" sempre più questa mia intensa passione per la cannabis la pianta più miracolosa del pianeta a mio giudizio! Un abbraccio a tutti voi?un buon 420 a tutti! 💪😸🌱🌿🧑‍🌾😽💨🔥🔥🔥💥💣
Bubble og I still have 4 of these guys going. A few of them are still dark green and pretty decent growers they have thiner leaves. I'm sure a few of these will be on the chopping block later down a few of them just have crappy start growth and they need the humidity at 75% or above 100% the time with the light lower than normal or they start to shrivel up. That's not all of them just a couple. Also I am only going to flower 8 plants out if the 12 seedling and I have 5 strains going so can't have half my plants bubble og (wish I had room to grow the full 12 plants at a time) It's looking like a good start to a week the plants are strong they are getting to the point I can let the dried dry out completely. I'm thinking by the end of this week the plants will be starting to be sold. Last week I put all the plants into my bigger 2x4 tent with my medicgrow mini sun 2 the 500w version. Only a few of the plants were ready for that light. Seems like the only plants that really have good resistance and have a strong start are the seeds. Shout out to for the strong plants. I ended up putting all the plants back into my 2x2 tent with the 55w amazon light it has alot more blue light in its spectrum. It's kinda weird b4 I switched the plants to the 2x4 tent they were getting 220umol under my amazon 55w led then when I put them under the 500w light 25% strength about 50in from plants and they were getting only about 195umol in that tent but it was stressing most the plants. I assume a larger light has more side lighting hitting the plants. I think when useing larger lights it's good to measure umols from the top but also coming from the sides. I think durring seedling stage they only need about 50% the umols coming from the side the plants as the top is receiving. When I put the plants back in the small tent about the same umols as they were getting b4 the switch and they were still a little stressed. So for a few days I put the small light at the top the tent giving them 100umols for a few hrs then 130umols the rest the day.
Permant marker the one seedling I could not be more happy with. It has a distinct different look to it than any other plant in the tent with strong growth going on. I'm sad about the other seedling thou the 1st set of leaves were kinda deformed and it has like a spiral thing going on where new growth comes from. Hopefully it comes back around, I always like seeing atleast 2 phenos of a strain I feel it gives you a better idea of what a strain is. It's looking like a good start to a week the plants are strong they are getting to the point I can let the dried dry out completely. I'm thinking by the end of this week the plants will be starting to be sold. Last week I put all the plants into my bigger 2x4 tent with my medicgrow mini sun 2 the 500w version. Only a few of the plants were ready for that light. Seems like the only plants that really have good resistance and have a strong start are the seeds. Shout out to for the strong plants. I ended up putting all the plants back into my 2x2 tent with the 55w amazon light it has alot more blue light in its spectrum. It's kinda weird b4 I switched the plants to the 2x4 tent they were getting 220umol under my amazon 55w led then when I put them under the 500w light 25% strength about 50in from plants and they were getting only about 195umol in that tent but it was stressing most the plants. I assume a larger light has more side lighting hitting the plants. I think when useing larger lights it's good to measure umols from the top but also coming from the sides. I think durring seedling stage they only need about 50% the umols coming from the side the plants as the top is receiving. When I put the plants back in the small tent about the same umols as they were getting b4 the switch and they were still a little stressed. So for a few days I put the small light at the top the tent giving them 100umols for a few hrs then 130umols the rest the day.
Blackberry moonrocks both plants are still some of the best seedling in the tent so far. The better if the 2 is for sure the #1 plant in the tent. It has had the best start of a seedling i have seen in a wile. The leaves are angled like an airplane and they just seem thicker than the average leaf. They both seem like there going to have middium to longer indernode spacing. It's looking like a good start to a week the plants are strong they are getting to the point I can let the dried dry out completely. I'm thinking by the end of this week the plants will be starting to be sold. Last week I put all the plants into my bigger 2x4 tent with my medicgrow mini sun 2 the 500w version. Only a few of the plants were ready for that light. Seems like the only plants that really have good resistance and have a strong start are the seeds. Shout out to for the strong plants. I ended up putting all the plants back into my 2x2 tent with the 55w amazon light it has alot more blue light in its spectrum. It's kinda weird b4 I switched the plants to the 2x4 tent they were getting 220umol under my amazon 55w led then when I put them under the 500w light 25% strength about 50in from plants and they were getting only about 195umol in that tent but it was stressing most the plants. I assume a larger light has more side lighting hitting the plants. I think when useing larger lights it's good to measure umols from the top but also coming from the sides. I think durring seedling stage they only need about 50% the umols coming from the side the plants as the top is receiving. When I put the plants back in the small tent about the same umols as they were getting b4 the switch and they were still a little stressed. So for a few days I put the small light at the top the tent giving them 100umols for a few hrs then 130umols the rest the day.
Week was good they are nice and flush still didn’t put up trellis but it will be done I am cleaning up the whole bottoms this week and Then will put up net once net is up it just going to make it harder for me cus I only have a small space to water and get to back of the plants but I can get back there that’s y I’m procrastinating on putting up net other then that plants are healthy and coming along nicely I’m trying to only focus on the fire og obviously u can see more plants in pictures but there’s only 3 fire ogs and they are all in front
Looking pretty good. She’s a little light in color. I may up her nutes a bit. Buds are already a nice size. She’s a little slower in developing than the last LCC I grew. But I have her in a tent by herself and that light is only 200 watts. I’d like to get her in the bigger tent but my Pound Cake has taken over most of the space.
Obama runtz x gas tax sad to say both seedlings are super crappy so far. If it was not for the gas tax parent being the best flower ever then I wld just toss these but sometimes the crappy slow growing plants end up being super dank It's looking like a good start to a week the plants are strong they are getting to the point I can let the dried dry out completely. I'm thinking by the end of this week the plants will be starting to be sold. Last week I put all the plants into my bigger 2x4 tent with my medicgrow mini sun 2 the 500w version. Only a few of the plants were ready for that light. Seems like the only plants that really have good resistance and have a strong start are the seeds. Shout out to for the strong plants. I ended up putting all the plants back into my 2x2 tent with the 55w amazon light it has alot more blue light in its spectrum. It's kinda weird b4 I switched the plants to the 2x4 tent they were getting 220umol under my amazon 55w led then when I put them under the 500w light 25% strength about 50in from plants and they were getting only about 195umol in that tent but it was stressing most the plants. I assume a larger light has more side lighting hitting the plants. I think when useing larger lights it's good to measure umols from the top but also coming from the sides. I think durring seedling stage they only need about 50% the umols coming from the side the plants as the top is receiving. When I put the plants back in the small tent about the same umols as they were getting b4 the switch and they were still a little stressed. So for a few days I put the small light at the top the tent giving them 100umols for a few hrs then 130umols the rest the day.
Skunk apple runtz I'm probably only going to keep 1 of these guys seeing the 2nd just has really bad growth so far. I'm sad about this I made this cross out my last grow and was hoping for the better end of things. The other plants is decent but we will see I hope it has the growth pattern of the lit farms Rick bobby and the bud structure of the obama runtz I grew It's looking like a good start to a week the plants are strong they are getting to the point I can let the dried dry out completely. I'm thinking by the end of this week the plants will be starting to be sold. Last week I put all the plants into my bigger 2x4 tent with my medicgrow mini sun 2 the 500w version. Only a few of the plants were ready for that light. Seems like the only plants that really have good resistance and have a strong start are the seeds. Shout out to for the strong plants. I ended up putting all the plants back into my 2x2 tent with the 55w amazon light it has alot more blue light in its spectrum. It's kinda weird b4 I switched the plants to the 2x4 tent they were getting 220umol under my amazon 55w led then when I put them under the 500w light 25% strength about 50in from plants and they were getting only about 195umol in that tent but it was stressing most the plants. I assume a larger light has more side lighting hitting the plants. I think when useing larger lights it's good to measure umols from the top but also coming from the sides. I think durring seedling stage they only need about 50% the umols coming from the side the plants as the top is receiving. When I put the plants back in the small tent about the same umols as they were getting b4 the switch and they were still a little stressed. So for a few days I put the small light at the top the tent giving them 100umols for a few hrs then 130umols the rest the day.
_____ Week 8 | Day 56 - 63 ______ I give her 25% less fertilizer than indicated by Advanced... Day 57 🌞 - install the other 2 Spider-farmer light bars | 4 / 160 Watt = 40 Watt each bar Day 59 🌞💧 - each Plant 3 Liter, with small drain Day 62 🌞 - I have changed the light for 1 week now and so far there are only small signs of flowering to be seen... Since then, they have streched about 5-10 cm - Amnezia #1 worries me a little, it looks pretty bright in contrast to the other two. All have the same conditions... I keep an eye on you.....maybe it was too dry, it's the last plant in the row and they are a bit low... difficult to water... stupidly planned by me, I have so much space upwards ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 400 Watt 80% Dim. PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 23,0° Hum. avg. - 68 % RLH
_____ Week 8 | Day 56 - 63 ______ I give her 25% less fertilizer than indicated by Advanced... Day 57 🌞 - install the other 2 Spider-farmer light bars | 4 / 160 Watt = 40 Watt each bar Day 59 🌞 - each Plant 3 Liter, with small drain Day 62 🌞 - I have changed the light for 1 week now and so far there are only small signs of flowering to be seen... Since then, they have grown about 5-10 cm ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Light - 12/12 h - 560 Watt - 2x 200 Watt Toplight - 4 x 40 Watt Lightbars PPFD - 900 - 1000 µmol Temp. avg. - 22,1° Hum. avg. - 65 % RLH
Finally got her down. Day 203 21/11/24 Thursday Its finally time 🙌!! She has had 48 hrs of dark and more mildew started to set in so thank goodness I chopped her today!! Have not had time to weigh her yet, but wet trim, and deeper wet trim of sugar leaves affected with mildew have been removed. She is now hanging in tent to dry, with heat mat, and extraction on low. Humidity is 66% and 18'c. Her colours have deepened and her aroma is potent!! Strong sweet floral smell , similar to the perfume 😍 Uploaded pics and a short vid of before the chop. Will update harvest tomorrow with wet weigh. Thanks for following along my journey, big shout out and thank you to @Divineseeds for this cultivar. Next time , bigger pot, more lollipoping 😎💪💚 Day 209 27/11/24 Wednesday 6 days drying now. Humidity at 63% . Picture and video update 📸💚 Managed a 13 day hang dry, humidity reached 58% in tent, and sugar leaves where dry, but buds are perfect underneath! Now entering cure for 6 weeks plus. Picture update 📸💚 Last update after cure Updated:::: She smokes 🤤🤤 damn so good!! Taste 😋- like a black cherry gelato , thick and creamy with a tangy cherry on the tongue. Smell 👃- like a pungent ice cream strain now, with what I can only describe as cherry or a dark berry smell. Smoke 🔥-- she is a dream, heavy hitter! I smoke this in evenings and it chills me right out, zoned off. Munchies everything. My new favourite 🙌💚 Thank you to @Divineseeds for this masterpiece 💚
Eine neue Woche steht an. Ich hab mich jetzt nun nach vielem hin und her überlegen doch dazu entschieden die Blüte einzuleiten. Ich bin gespannt was passiert und freu mich auf die Woche. 25. November Cookies gelato wurde mit 4l gegossen zusätzlich noch mit Green sensation und Bloom Dünger. Tropimango wurde mit 2,5l gegossen ebenfalls mit Green Sensation allerdings ohne zusätzliche blütenährstoffe. Es sollte genügend florganics im subtratsein, dass es vorerst nicht nötig sein sollte zusätzlich Nährstoffe geben zu müssen. Royal Runtz hat 3l Wasser mit green sensation und Blütendünger erhalten. 26. November Pflanzen wachsen. Bin zufrieden. Heute besteht kein Handlungsbedarf. 27. November Der dritte Blütetag. Man merkt dass die Pflanzen an Wachstum zulegen wollen. Cookie gelato und Tropimango wachsen uneingeschränkt. Die Runtz hat einen Bruch erlitten und ich hab kein Superkleber oder Panzertape da 28. November Aus mir unerklärlichen Gründen scheint das bisschen Kreppband auszureichen, um den gebrochenen Ast am Leben zu erhalten. Würde behaupten zu 4/5 war er durchgebrochen und hielt eher an einem Rindefaden. Reicht scheinbar um den Ast weiterhin mit allem zu versorgen. Habe leichte Sorge dass der ganze Stress, den die Runtz bisher schon hat mitmachen dürfen, zu Zwitterbildungen. Cookie Gelato kommt weiterhin vorwärts. Tropimango hat 3l Wasser bekommen. Sie hatte als einzige einen furztrockenen Topf Cookies Gelato ist nun 46 Tage alt Tropimango ist nun 41 alt. Royal Runtz ist nun 30 Tage alt Blütetag 4 29. November Cookies Gelato 4l Wasser bis Drenage Roy’s Runtz 3l Wasserbis Drenage Ab- und Umluft wurde auf AC Infinity umgerüstet und läuft jetzt über ein growcontrol. Fyta-Sensoren liefern mir jetzt aktuelle Zahlen aus dem Substrat. 1. Dezember Die Woche neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu und es ist einiges passiert. Die Runtz hat einen Bruch diese woche erlitten aber entwickelt sich prächtig. Der gebrochene Ast ist der stärkste. Traue mich allerdings noch nicht das Klebeband zu entfernen. Die Cookies sieht wunderschön aus ❤️ Tropimango muss immer wieder entlaubt werden, macht sonst gute arbeit. Das Zelt hat einige Upgrades bekommen und die neuen Möglichkeiten auf Messungen, klimabedingungen und Substratanalysen erleichtern einiges.
I did bend her down and she's doing Great! I think i will Mainline her or so it Like i did with the Fastberry. The topping went good. She recovers from the Stress pretty fast and ist doing a grat Job! Looking forward. Stay tuned 🤙🏽