I fed her about 24 ounces of compost tea today. I had brewed 5 gallons of tea using 90% rainwater collected the day before, and 10% aquarium water. My tea contained about 2 cups of very rich compost a handful of biochar, a tablespoon of 7 diff species of endo-mycorrhizal fungi + 25 species of beneficial bacteria, 8 tablespoons of big bloom (mainly for the earthworm castings), 2 tablespoons of liquid molasses, and a tablespoon of kelp me kelp you. It had been brewing for 48 hours and was very frothy.
I'm seeing signs of calcium deficiency on a few plants today, but the tea should correct that. I'll add cal/mag to the watering regimen anyway.
With so much light and airflow, she's drying out very quickly.
I fed her about a half-gallon of water with grow big, big bloom, kelp me kelp you, boomerang, cal-mag+iron, armor si, and soluble humic acid.
I also foliar fed her a few times with humic acid and big bloom.
I foliar fed with big bloom and a little kelp a few times today and peeled back the insulation in the attic above the closet now that it's getting colder outside. It brought my daytime temp down to 81f!
I fed her about a quarter-gallon containing all the good stuff, at full strength for the first time. I also misted her really well with Ph adjusted spring water a few times throughout the day, just to rinse off any built-up nutes. She never showed any signs of a calcium deficiency, but I dosed her heavy with cal-mag with this feeding anyway.
I did some leaf-tucking today, but have decided not to FIM her. I really don't want to increase her individual footprint since she has so many neighbors.
I rearranged the garden a little bit and sprayed her down with ph adjusted tap water a few times today. She's looking great!
Today, I did a myco root drench, with a little added boomerang for all the aminos, vitamins, and earthworm castings, and some cal-mag.
I soaked her thoroughly with about 3/4 gallon and let her sit in her tray to soak it all up. I'll let her go completely dry before I feed her again so that she really drinks it all in next time.
I lowered the lights to 20 inches above her right at dark, so she'll wake up to an especially bright sunshiny day!
I was gonna rearrange this morning and had no space to work with, so I moved the 4 smallest plants in the garden into the "upper deck." Now she has a little more elbow room.
It's the last day of week 3 and I'm really impressed with her progress. If I had more space to work with, I'd definitely be doing a little training to try and maximize my yield from her.