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Water the ladies with some PH 6.0 CALMAG 5ml/gal and a small shot of KING COLA and EMREALD GODDESS about 1ml/gal in between feedings. I am using a little heavier feeding this week than last weeks late flower per EH chart. I leaned into it a little more by 2ml extra per gallon I have not seen any nuite burn the whole time so I think they can handle an extra 250ppm its my last feeding I am hoping for some swell up on the colas, I know there is some sacrifice in yield with the 11/13 flower shedule but these bitches smell bad ass. I have to leave the fan and filter on all the time now as soon as I open the tent it wafts through the garage. If a bag of citrus fruit were to slapping sloppies with a brick of Blonde Lebanese is the only way I can describe it. I am going to feed this week and start flushing next week with PH 6 rainwater for the last two to three weeks. The hairs are starting to turn orange and trichomes are getting more cloudy. thanks for liking.
08.05. Week 1 Flower. Sadly I did not take any pics with my DSLR, so there are only the timelapse images. Not to worry as not too much happened either way. I'm still pretty screwed by the humidity but the dehumidifier starts to do it's job. VPD around 0.7 kPa. I also did some heavy defolitation for the start of flower and installed a trellis net.
Week 6 starts exactly where we left, with 55.5 and 79 cm height for smallest/tallest plant. Humidity is currently fixed rollercoastering around 50/55%, but that’s mostly due to current weather and a bit due to the fact that I remembered I own an indoor fan with a simple cooling option – a fabric being drawn through a water tank before fan blows through it –, and placed to blow agains the tent air inlet it’s cooling the air slightly while adding some percents of humidity. Perfect for the moment. Girls are currently not that hungry. Their soil is still moist enough to make it through today. Think I’ll start tomorrow with the first full round of blooming fertilisers. On morning of day 43, soil had become pretty dry – I did not have time to water them last evening. I removed their lowest, now quite yellow/brown fan leaves and gave each one about 0,5 l of only RO water with some CalMag. Don’t want to risk any over-fertilising. Soil was so dry water first filled their plates but was sucked into the soil immediately after. Leave removing gave me a good impression about terpene production really kicking in. I don’t smell much when I open the tent (again quite dry surrounding air), but moving them a bit released extremely fruity, sweet odour. Yummy! On day 44, that very distinctive smell has increased. Bud growth is growth too, so tallest plant’s height is now as good as 80 cm. Sherbets‘ buds are indeed getting a slight bright purple touch, but still not clear enough to be visible in a highly processed image. (Don’t ask me why the colors look that different every day. I am using exactly the same lighting conditions and image adjustments.) Talking about colors: More old fan leaves, still the lowest ones, still those that I would cut anyway to give the branches more light, are starting to fade. Shall we call this a mostly uninfluenced grow with natural lollipopping? Day 45: Will have to give them some water today. They are still not really that thirsty, with about half a litre per plant every 2.5th day or so. Speed of action has clearly slowed down currently. Instead of half a litre, I gave each one a full. Comparing the week’s photos so far, I think that bud growth is quite ok. Although I miss the time they were stretching quite a bit. Can it be Hesi Bloom Boost (and the rest) really boosted them overnight? When trying to get a focus with the microscope lens attached to the mobile, I incidentally touched a bud and was struck at how sticky it feels already. Slight signs of over-fertilisation on the tips of tallest plants on day 47. Next drink will be without, and I’ll reduce dosage by about 25% further on. Day 48, and end of week 6. Somehow autumn has broken out (but don’t worry too much; image processing produced some differences too): I was presented with a lot of yellow fan leaves today. I have problems keeping the humidity high enough, weather is warm and dry and every manual misting will only hold for an hour at most, while its often bringing the humidity over the best range for a short time. Or is that normal behaviour? The buds already look pretty mature, with quite some hairs drying. But this is only end of week 6, and I think I should get at leat two more weeks, or shouldn’t I? Leaves around the buds are all in very good shape, except for that few brown edges that have not grown.
Tag 36: Die Pflanze entwickelt schon wieder offsichtlich einen Mangel, ich versuche es jetzt mit Bio.Bloom und Alg a mic zusätzlich. Tag 41: Ich baue das scrogging Netz ein.
Tag 36: Die Pflanze entwickelt schon wieder offsichtlich einen Mangel, ich versuche es jetzt mal mit Bio.Bloom und Alg a mic zusätzlich. Tag 41: Ich baue das scrogging Netz ein.
well, that day dawned :) growing in a suitcase was really difficult, temperature, humidity, plant growth, everything was very difficult to control, but I managed something, it was an extremely interesting experience :) 119 gr wet, I think it will be between 25-30 gr dry , which I think is really good from the suitcase :) it was something different than usual, and now I'm going to grow another begina, which is much bigger than this one :) good luck to everyone, and thank you.:)
well, that day dawned :) growing in a suitcase was really difficult, temperature, humidity, plant growth, everything was very difficult to control, but I managed something, it was an extremely interesting experience :) 119 gr wet, I think it will be between 25-30 gr dry , which I think is really good from the suitcase :) it was something different than usual, and now I'm going to grow another begina, which is much bigger than this one :) good luck to everyone, and thank you.:)
well, that day dawned :) growing in a suitcase was really difficult, temperature, humidity, plant growth, everything was very difficult to control, but I managed something, it was an extremely interesting experience :) 119 gr wet, I think it will be between 25-30 gr dry , which I think is really good from the suitcase :) it was something different than usual, and now I'm going to grow another begina, which is much bigger than this one :) good luck to everyone, and thank you.:)
Ya va cogiendo forma los cogollos y empieza a desprender un fuerte olor a moby dick de pueblo. Siento haberme saltado algunas semanas de floración pero estuve un poco disperso. Buenos humos familia.
Also endlich ist meine Bestellung gekommen.. nach mehr als 4 Wochen. In meinem Zelt ist auch die Luftfeuchtigkeit teilweise nicht mehr unter 65% gefallen und die Temperaturen wollten nicht hoch. Jetzt ist wieder platz. Alle stehen jetzt in 14L außer die Orange Bud, die bleibt in 2Liter. Die Orange Bud wird auch bis auf den Headbud kahl gemacht, möchte nur mal schauen wie sie so raus kommt vlt werd dann die Stecklinge im nächsten durchgang verwenden. Im kleinen Zelt stehen jetzt noch: 1x Og Kush 1x Cookies Kush 1x Zkittly Zi Zi 1x Skywalker Og Gelato Auto 1x Orange Bud Alle anderen Pflanzen sind jetzt im großen Zelt, habe leider vergessen ein Foto zu machen. Da das Zelt nicht bei mir steht und ich da auch nicht so oft vorbei komme wird von dem anderen Zelt nur ab und zu mal was zu sehen sein aber aufjedenfall bei der Ernte.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D29/V25 - 14/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.2 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 Back Home 🎬 ______________ 📅 D30/V26 - 15/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.0 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D31/V27 - 16/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 5.0 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video very short + 1 TL video of LST ______________ 📅 D32/V28 - 17/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 5.0 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D33/V29 - 18/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.2 pH: 5.0 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D34/V30 - 19/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.0 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 Big work to prepare her new home 🧠 🚀 🎬 ______________ 📅 D35/V31 - 20/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 16 L 🍗 CalMag - Grow A-B, B-52, Bud Candy, Rhino Skin, Hydroguard 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 The new home for Rey in now ready 🎬
She has left the Sunset Sherberts behind, and deciced to take advantage of the nice and toasty environment. Jedi (her name) has finally broken through. Steady at 21.5-24 C. RH at 65-75% with Spider Farmer Huimidifier and Dehumidifier, shooting for VPD. (day 1) Let's quickly review the key new components I've planned to integrate or have already: Circulation Pump - Adding this to the 14L Mars Hydro reservoir will ensure even fresh, circulated-for-a-miniute-every-hour, batch of water (and later nutes) to the auto-drip system, maintaining optimal feeding for my plants when I am away, next week. Biobizz & BioTabs Supplements - These organic nutrient and microbial products will provide a comprehensive and balanced feeding regimen for my plants. Auto-Drain Potted Plant Stands - The wheeled, auto-draining stands will simplify watering and prevent any spills or overflows. Inkbird Humidity Controller - Pairing this with the Spider Farmer humidifier and dehumidifier will allow me to precisely maintain the ideal VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) levels. LST Clips, Trellis Net & Shelves - These will help me maximize my grow space and optimize the plant canopy for optimal light exposure. Pest Control Strips - An important preventative measure to stay ahead of any potential pest issues. Smart Soil Sensors - The Zigbee-enabled sensors will provide vital data on soil moisture, temperature, and more, which I can monitor remotely. Air Purifier/Ion Generator - Ensuring my grow environment has clean, high-quality air circulation. With all of these elements in place, combined with my existing setup and the automated control via the iGrow app, I'm truly creating a "hands-off" grow operation. (theoretically, with a bro, coming to phiscally check too)....The ability to monitor and adjust key parameters remotely while I'm away in Italy. Running on Sunrise/set mode(18/6) over the "seedling" scene, in iGrow app, keeping track of DLI and later on, the Adlites will come into play. Temp at 23.5 and RH is at 60%.
Die Pflanzen sind buchstäblich in der Woche explodiert. Das Volumen hat sich geschätzt verdoppelt. Die Sanlights sind auf 85 Prozent. Ich werde in 2-3 Tagen die Lampen für 2 Stunden am Tag auf 100 Prozent drehen, um nächste Woche richtig Vollgas geben zu können. Die Luft ist zum Glück sehr CO2-haltig. Die Luft liegt stundenweise bei circa 1200 ppm, im Minimum sind wir da bei circa 800, was für die Pflanzen ganz gute Werte sind. Ich habe mittlerweile einen Honeywell-Lüfter auf Stufe 2 hinzugeschaltet, um Schimmel zu vermeiden. Der Lüfter läuft jetzt auch mit AKF, den ich die Wochen davor nicht benötigt habe. Die Pflanzen bekommen weiterhin 3 Mal in der Woche CalMag (1 ml auf 5 Liter Wasser). Seitdem habe ich keine Probleme mehr mit braunen Blattspitzen. Die Pflanzen haben alle die gleiche schön dunkelgrüne Blattfarbe. Die Feuchtigkeit und Hitze, die die Box produziert, ist unerträglich. Die Stoftöpfe lassen gut verdunsten, bin aber trotzdem sehr zufrieden. Ich bin der Meinung, dass die Pflanzen in den Töpfen einfacher zu groß sind. Genaue Informationen füge ich den Bildern der einzelnen Pflanzen hinzu, um das besser erkennen zu können, was was ist Stichpunktliste: - Pflanzen sind explosionsartig gewachsen - Volumen hat sich verdoppelt - Sunlights auf 85 Prozent - In 2-3 Tagen Lampen auf 100 Prozent für 2 Stunden täglich - Luft ist CO2-haltig (1200 ppm, Minimum 800 ppm) - Honeywell-Lüfter auf Stufe 2 gegen Schimmel!!!es ist kein Schimmel vorhanden es geht um Prävention!! - Genaue Informationen zu einzelnen Pflanzen werden hinzugefügt - Lüfter läuft nun mit AKF (vorher nicht benötigt) - 3 Mal wöchentlich CalMag (1 ml auf 5 Liter Wasser) - Keine Probleme mehr mit braunen Blattspitzen - Schöne dunkelgrüne Blattfarbe - Unerträgliche Feuchtigkeit und Hitze in der Box - Lüfter von 40 auf 70 Prozent um Temperatur zu senken + LF - Stoftöpfe lassen gut verdunsten
She's slower to mature than the other girls. Her buds are yet to mature, but she stinks so good! I can only imagine with 28% THC levels, she's taking her sweet time to develop into a powerhouse! will start to flush my other plants but I will continue to lightly feed her until she's ready.
Day 31 / 01.05. The Plants really have taken off with growth since I turned on the autopot system, even the Super Lemon Haze which seemed to be growing quite slow in the beginning. I filled the reservoir on day 28 with an EC of 1.7 mS/cm. Currently I am fighting a bit with the humidity as it tends to rise quite a bit.