It is the beginning of the 2nd week, the seedlings are small but still growing. They have gained a few cm in height, the stems and leaves have broadened. One seedling is a little taller than the other, it could be stretching from being on the bottom shelf of the greenhouse. They are also bending slightly to reach the south facing sun during the 5 hours of direct sunlight. To fix this I have swapped shelves to provide even amounts of light on both plants and rotate the pots to avoid them bending too far. I will need a second greenhouse during veg stage for more space, training and also better lighting.
There was a spell of colder wet weather where I am living in BC this week with temps dropping to a low of 10'C over this night i moved the pots indoors to the to be on the safe side. It has been mostly cloudy too so that may contribute to the lack of rapid growth. Periodically spraying the walls of the greenhouse has allowed me to keep the humidity higher for this stage of the grow. I gave the plants their first direct watering of 100ml of water however combined with the wet weather it seems this was a bit too much as i saw the very tips of one plant droop slightly. To remedy this i have not watered again for 3 days, the soil is still moist and the plant has returned to normal. I will go back to using the spray bottle. Patience is key.
You can see the beginning of the 2nd set of leaves sprouting from the middle of both plants showing progress towards the next stage of growing. I am hoping to introduce a quarter dose of organic fish emulsion nutrients by the end of next week if all goes well.
I have also germinated another seed roughly one week behind the other plants to act as a back up. I can only only reasonably grow 2 plants and received 5 seeds so this is acting as a spare for my first batch, it is in a much smaller pot and will need to be transplanted later.