The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
08/10/22 watered with Recharge. Welcome to motel 6 More ladybug porno. Now have yellow ladybugs 8/14/22 this plant is a magnet for ladybugs 🐞
Chelated with flawless finish let sit 6 hours then flushed with Sledgehammer will be ready in 5-7 days bud I pollenated with FruitWalker #1 pollen for seeds looking good! Pulled small Sample off to put under microscope for tricomes picks Trimmed up bottoms to start water cure for cooking did a trim and put her back for a few more days !! Harvest report coming next weekend
Week begins 8/12 LAST FEED 2 gallons 8/12 AFTER A RAINING NIGHT. 8/13 I've found what appears to be septoria on a couple plants. Looks like the weather will be OK tonight so I can apply organocide or something similar before dark. I've seen random pillar damage so this will be a two-for. I also should move the middle plant back and utilize my space more. Ph seems on point around 7.3. Higher in some places of the soil. I've noticed what looks like root issues on my blueberry. Winds were horrible yesterday and this plant doesnt hace a vertical trellis for support. Stem was pretty wobbly for a while but the plant seems to be growing fine. Either that or a jpn beetle munched the top of a bud. That's probably what happened. It was in the low 50's this morning. That's a 40 degree temperature swing in just a few days. This grow season has been the most challenging I've faced. Of course it had to happen when personal, family, and health concerns rear their head. Oh well. I can only do my best. 8/14 Went over at 5am to apply organocide to treat WPM or septoria as well as insecticide for pillars. I got there and one of my healthiest plants had been turning a little lime green now it was drooped over just like the larger GDP. This one is a 9lb kush though and they were doing good. Now it looks like it's dead over night. Maybe it's that liquid kool bloom. The soil seemed dry so I watered the plants. It MIGHT have picked ok a little. I'll have to check tonight. If not something is going on at night or in the rootzone and I really don't know what the fuck is going on. I will post updates and check later tonight. Damn. This has been a real challenging year. 8/15 That plant might be overwatered or not be draining correctly. At least I was able to get underneath it and the ground was dry. It was also hard packed dirt so elevating the bag may help. I'm going to wait a few days and see if things improve. This really sucks. I'm getting that defeated feeling. I need to get out of it though as I'm starting to see flower begin. The blueberry is probably the farthest along. I need to remember to take pictures of the newly developing flowers. Granted I've had numerous medical and other issues that have taken me off my game but losing two plants in one year is pretty shitty. I was able to fix things with COVID last year or the year before so I hope I can at least save this 9lb kush plant. If I lose this plant too it will be a substantial amount of cannabis lost. I need to rearrange my cage as well to make use of the extra space. Maybe I could've overwatered that plant that had been in the rain for a long time. I need to get my water routine down pat instead of doing the "lift the pot" method I have been doing. I went to several different commercial growers and got a bunch of crazy answers. Only time will tell. Last night I finished the organocide application on all the other plants except for the two babies and the drooped 9lb kush. Don't want to stress it further. I'll see how it goes. 8/16 Despite the soil drying out the newest disaster (my 9lb kush) is much worse with chlorosis killing leaves. Stalks and branches seem good. Soil smells musty and a little wetter than the rest. It was roofed to the ground slightly. NO water underneath. I stuck my hand in the bag from a bunch of angles. It's like the same thing that happened with the other one. I added to my surveillance. I also smell bleech and I hace an idea this might not be my doing at all. I can't be detailed but I'll find out one way or another. UPDATE. Went back over after the dentist and plants were dry as a fucking bone and droopy. I mixed up five gallons of phed water and watered everything. Even the 9lb kush that is pretty much dead. The soil was dry though. Everyone is saying overwater but I really doubt that. We had some massive rainstorms bur still. I need to review a game cam I have because unfortunately my cams went on the frits for a couple days (and the dogs went wild during that time around midnight) couple nights in a row. I fucking smell bleech. I'm a good dude and don't really have any enemies but we'll see what the game cam pulls up. 8/17 Of course we are getting a shit ton of rain. I watered yestetday because everything was dry as a bone I watched yesterday as my blueberry was almost horizontal due to the wind. I added several supports to every branch and a few more up the main stalk. That may be what has been happening. The wind blowing so hard it separates the stalk from the roots. My problems started after I took my windbreaker tarp down. I put it back up for this storm. Or maybe it's just root rot. I dont fucking know. I cut all the dead stuff off the 9lb kush thats pretty mucb dead. Its holding on though. I probably shouldnt have watered that but it seemed bone dry. Maybe further down was wet. I dont know. Extra cams are up. I didn't smell that chemical bleachy smell today so it's probably in my head. I have better peace of mind with the night cams up though.and the dogs though. I've had a visitor this year but he left very quickly. 8/18 We got a shit ton of rain last night. No damage though. I spent what time I had in the garden working on the 9lb kush that looked like it was dieing. I'm not giving up on this one so easy. It seems to want to hold on. Despite the severely overwatered medium (due to this storm) I cam see new growth that looks healthy. The branches also seem stronger. I'm cautiously optimistic. The other one straight up died. So I might be able to salvage this. I'll go over later today and check on it. I debated putting it inside for the storm bur I figured I'd let the rain leech out anything in the medium in case it's locked out or something. At least I've got a couple real healthy ones this year. That NYCSA is amazing. That's a strain I'll probably grow again. Resilient as all all. Vigorous and doesn't seem impacted by things like WPM or other fungal ok infections or diseases like some other strains. I got a great recommendation from my buddy to use pots all the same size. It makes things easier watering. I just used what I had this year. I had bigger pots so I wanted to fill them. That tarp being up I think greatly helped with the wind. It's down now so things cam dry out. Still raining bit not yard and no wind. I think that may have played a large role in killing the 7ft GDP. Wind ripping the stalk away from the roots. Or it could've been a million other things. I'll never know. I do know that I have a better mindset, a great set of resources and I'm learning something new every year. If I can br8ng this plant back to life I'm going to be very proud of myself.....and her. Oh and I'm going to buy new tiger bloom. I'll start beasty bloom (hesitant as it has caused lockout in the past) as it goes better with my other nutes than the liquid kool bloom. Plus I started getting portables around tge time I used the liquid kool bloom. That being said, after two weeks I can see buds where there weren't before so I don't know. Next year I'm using seeds and I'm doing things different. I'm STRONGLY considering rapacaps idea about adding a removable roof for flower. The more I think about it tge better it sounds. That and putting wheels on pallets (buddy suggestion) and I could attach my supports directly to the pallet. I've got a lot of work to do that's for sure. Plants look healthy but I needvto him them again with organocide to fight any fungal stuff or pillars that might be hiding.
A lot of stretching happened the first week. Week 2 so far so good. I will lollipop at the end of week 2. Thanks for watching.
10 недель всего прошло а уже пора собирать урожай. 1 маленькое растение уже разобрал и отправил на сушку... Буду обрывать сейчас все большие листья и дам три дня на дозревание. В любом случае на к концу следующей недели харвест. Очень быстрый цикл, даже не знаю почему так быстро все вышло. Цветы некрупные но очень плотные