The start of this week brings day 17 veg. 1/7/24 is the 1 month marker since I initiated the seeds to soaking. I cleared out the tent, removed the 2 humidifiers & replaced them with the T7. It's a powerhouse of a cloud maker. Had to dial It's maximum back from 10 to 6. LMAO on 10 looks like a cryo chamber with the fog coming out the zipped zips. I couldn't ask for better results so far, given all the years it's been and all the very new and "modern" tech really help to ease the workload. I know it's not the perfect grow, but the more time moves forward, I feel like I'm getting everything tweeked in better and better & I'm learning from my mistakes. Had to tackle a mold gnat problem that was introduced with the new soil used to repot. Caught it early. Household H2O2 diluted with distilled water 1:3 ratio worked wonders. I like this method... seems to really scatter the adults out of the tent better than neem and also takes care of any nests that may exist. Also removed several tie downs to encourage strength and stretching at the top a bit more. It's a rotational process. 1/10/24 Nothing major... some minor defoliation to shine some light in on Phenotype "A" which is my complete tie down experiment. I'm really liking how it's forming. Just a repeat of letting loose to stretch the tops and tying down to focus on inner growth. 1/12/24 A rinse and repeat of LST training now going in on Phenotype "B". Everything is looking good ar this point. Still trying to rid off a few remaining Fungus Gnats. Also raised VPD to .7 slowly from .5 from last week.
Oct 5-11 Vegetative steering? Aiming for: leaf Temp -80f CO2 -1250ppm VPD +1.04 (65%/75F) Vegetative Steering 6P1/ 2P2/1P3 Each P1 water event is 15 minutes apart. Seems to far apart. I think i Need More water events, with less time in between events in order to get a strong veg signal? Watering for 2min(110)ml May need 3min waterings(currently not getting runoff) I have to hand water every two days. Day 11 flo 18.5inches tall 12inches from light(moved to 16) 1300ppm Day 18 Defol Sprout chickpea(2days) Soaked 1cup for 4 hours then rinsed. Completely covered then Soaked overnight. Rinsed then poured water out and layed jar on the side for one day. Blended with water(aloe vera and coconut) Day 19&20 foilarspray Alfalfa/Chickpea SST with Kelp,aloe,coconut,silicate,microbes brewed for 1.5 days Day 21 Fed the Tea blend Leaf temp 80 65kluxx Co2 100 Plants look like they responded well to the foilar. The flowers at this stage are my best performance yet .crop steering may be working?
Oct 5-11 Vegetative steering? Aiming for: leaf Temp -80f CO2 -1250ppm VPD +1.04 (65%/75F) Vegetative Steering 6P1/ 2P2/1P3 Each P1 water event is 15 minutes apart. Seems to far apart. I think i Need More water events, with less time in between events in order to get a strong veg signal? Watering for 2min(110)ml May need 3min waterings(currently not getting runoff) I have to hand water every two days. Day 11 flo 18.5inches tall 12inches from light(moved to 16) 1300ppm Day 18 Defol Sprout chickpea(2days) Soaked 1cup for 4 hours then rinsed. Completely covered then Soaked overnight. Rinsed then poured water out and layed jar on the side for one day. Blended with water(aloe vera and coconut) Day 19&20 foilarspray Alfalfa/Chickpea SST with Kelp,aloe,coconut,silicate,microbes brewed for 1.5 days Day 21 Fed the Tea blend Leaf temp 80 65kluxx Co2 100 Plants look like they responded well to the foilar. The flowers at this stage are my best performance yet .crop steering may be working?
Hello growmies πŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎπŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎπŸŒ²πŸŒ², πŸ‘‹ This week growing well, Preflowering started. πŸ’‘ I up a bit the supply of lamp each days. πŸ’ͺ I've started the training. πŸ’§ Give water each 2/3 day And vaporise plant with water + Plagron Roots (1ml/l) 0.5 l Water + Roots + Easy plus 0.6 l Water + Roots + Grow 0.7 l Water + Roots + Grow PH @6 RQS - Easy Grow Booster Tabs 1 tabs/5 l RQS - Easy Micronutrients Plus 1 tabs/5l (1 watering each 10 days.) πŸ’‘Mars Hydro - FC 3000 27% 60 cm. Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 5 Have a good week and see you next week πŸ‘‹ Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure πŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎπŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎβ€οΈπŸŒ² Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow LightπŸ’‘πŸ’‘ Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller πŸ’¨πŸ’¨ RQS - Titan F1🌲🌲
I only use a stimulant and cal mag. There will be no training for the entire period; this is not necessary in this grove. Growth is going quite well, they are even outpacing my babies who were planted earlier. The plant in the middle is a little behind. The lamp operates at 25%. Further more, success is inevitable.
OOOOOH at this time i love all of you, growmie 😍 200gr of pure happiness, never before! πŸ™Œ Buds are compact like rock, shine like's unbelivable, looks perfect! At last, mold take me about 20g of buds 😩 But it is ok, the jar is overfull and i'm so happy XD Now let's wait for the right taste......for now is greatful! 😜 Thanks to Dutch Passion for this opportunity, i'm really proud!! πŸ™ Thanks to all of you growmie, for your support πŸ™ to the next adventure!
OOOOOH at this time i love all of you, growmie 😍 200gr of pure happiness, never before! πŸ™Œ Buds are compact like rock, shine like's unbelivable, looks perfect! At last, mold take me about 20g of buds 😩 But it is ok, the jar is overfull and i'm so happy XD Now let's wait for the right taste......for now is greatful! 😜 Thanks to Dutch Passion for this opportunity, i'm really proud!! πŸ™ Thanks to all of you growmie, for your support πŸ™ to the next adventure!
This is the start of week 9 and she is doing GREAT!! Pistols are turning nice and pretty 😍! Buds are fattening nicely, and the thing im most proud of, no sighs of defiency!! She is a very good plant to grow. And is going to give me some very nice smoke!!
This Strawberry Banana is really taking off!! She has a few rust spots so I flushed last night and just fed her some cal-mag, well see how she does. Her buds are really really starting to stack up.
Flipped these ladies 06 Oct 23 (Friday). After watering 09 Oct 23 (Monday) I walked in and the before SOG photos are what it looked like, I put up the new net and tied a few tops down to spread the canopy out. With the new trellis in place I'm going to let theses ladies rip and add another trellis once they outgrow their current one.
Flipped these ladies 06 Oct 23 (Friday). After watering 09 Oct 23 (Monday) I walked in and the before SOG photos are what it looked like, I put up the new net and tied a few tops down to spread the canopy out. With the new trellis in place I'm going to let theses ladies rip and add another trellis once they outgrow their current one.
Flipped these ladies 06 Oct 23 (Friday). After watering 09 Oct 23 (Monday) I walked in and the before SOG photos are what it looked like, I put up the new net and tied a few tops down to spread the canopy out. With the new trellis in place I'm going to let theses ladies rip and add another trellis once they outgrow their current one.
Flipped these ladies 06 Oct 23 (Friday). After watering 09 Oct 23 (Monday) I walked in and the before SOG photos are what it looked like, I put up the new net and tied a few tops down to spread the canopy out. With the new trellis in place I'm going to let theses ladies rip and add another trellis once they outgrow their current one.
En su 3 semana de cultivo exterior. Siento que se retrasΓ³ su crecimiento por el clima tan cambiante que tuvo la semana.. se realizΓ³ transplante a maceta de 7 litros para que pueda desarrollarse de mejor manera, durante la noche se mantienen en interior para mantener una temperatura mΓ‘s estable.. creo que van bien para ser mis primeras fem quΓ© cultivo
All in all there were some major mistakes I made myself in which I can honestly say I think has affected the yield and quality to some extent. As this was my first use of the equipment for this run. After everything I have learnt on this run I hoping the next one there will be no errors at all.
On day 1 the girls are doing well. Many preflowers showing and the plants are stretching a little every day. On day 2 the reservoir is almost empty. The plants are praying and growing well. On day 3 I changed out the reservoir. I also lolli popped and defoliated the plants to focus energy on productive bud sites. I set up my carbon filter mixing chamber, which is a box where I feed my exhaust ducting from my grow box and have it meet up with my carbon filter in the mixing chamber, then is scrubbed and sent out the chamber. I have to do it this way because I don't have space in the grow box for the carbon filter to be hung. I'm excited to see these two different phenos, I know which one I'm leaning towards so far ;) On day 4 I defoliated once again. I also applied BTI as a fungus gnat larva preventative. on day 5 adjusted ph in reservoir to 6.1. On day 6 flower clusters are forming on tops of plants. stretch seems to be slowing down which seems soon but we will see ;). On day 7 the girls are doing well.
Tag 26: getoppt bei 5 Nodien. Tag 29: Beginn LST.
Third week since the change of photoperiod and resin production begins to look promising, we expect a fairly abundant layer of resin for extractions.
Tag 26: getoppt bei 5 Nodien. Tag 29: Beginn LST.
Day 36, She is in flower mode! Really happy with how this lady is coming along. Back right in the photo. Water and feed tonight. ✌️ Day 37, She had a good drink and feed last night. She is back right in the photos ✌️ Day 38. Video attached ✌️✌️ Day 39, She is flying along. Water tonight πŸ’ͺ🏼 Day 40, bud shots. Watered and fed last night. ✌️ Day 41, @seedsmafia genetics are very good! Happy happy happy ✌️ Day 42, really happy. Water tonight. Will keep an eye on the temps. May go to 20/4 if it gets too cold during lights off. ✌️