Topped and transplanted to final 9l airpot looks a bit tired but was over watering but now she is dry and happy
Taken loads of leaf off this week and cleaned the bottoms up. They were looking hungry so I’ve upped the nutrients too. Lights are turned up to 100%
3.23.2024: Start of week 10. Day 60 from sprout. Moving along nicely. Did some defoliation to open everything up. Main cola is legit. One of the side branches is almost as big as the main cola. Bought a loupe and trichomes are just slight turning milky but only in a few spots. Some purpling but def not to the level of some of the other pheno's i've seen which is kinda a bummer. 3.24.2024: Day 61. Fed 1/4 strength nutes. 96oz of 6.5ph. Got stoned last night and did some more defoliation. 3.25.2024: Day 62. ZZZzzzZZzzz 3.26.2024: Day 63. 96oz at 6.5ph. Runoff ppm at 730. 3.27.2024: Da 64. ZZzzzZZz 3.28.2024: Day 65. just the tiger bloom and cal mag today at 1/4 strength. 96oz at 6.49ph. 3.29.2024: Day 66. End of week 9. Trichomes starting to get milky. Maybe 70/30?
Eccoci qua all ultima settimana di vegetativa di questa bestia! Penso che le piante crescano davvero meglio con questi casi antispiralizzazione, prima pensavo fossero dicerie, ma sto sperimentando che le ragazze crescono molto di più rispetto rispetto alle sorelle nei vasi normali, questa ad esempio è germinata 10 giorno Circa dopo le sorelle, e sta rapidamente raggiungendo le stesse dimensioni! Anche la sour Apple di anesia ho dovuto spostarla e portarla in fioritura una settimana prima di queste, xke stava diventando troppo grande, ora è a 80 cm di altezza rendetevi conto! Al prossimo giro tutte le mie ragazze avranno un nuovo vestito, ovvero il vaso antispiralizzazione che permette alle radici di avere un accesso maggiore all ossigeno, e ci sono maggiori cicli asciutto/bagnato significa che la pianta respira e cresce meglio, raddoppia la velocità di fotosintesi secondo me! Merito anche dei nutrienti di Terra Aquatica naturalmente sono orgoglioso di fare parte della loro famiglia e utilizzare i loro nutrienti famosi ed orgoglio in tutto il mondo! Un buon 420 a tutti alla prossima settimana 💪😸
Decided to give these a few more days, was planning to chop them on day 56 but I’ll let them go till day 60. They have had over a week with no nutrition, just water. Photos taken day 59 of flower, they’re coming down tomorrow!!
esta semana es su última semana de crecimiento a 18/06h. Por lo que parece las plantas después de la última poda dejaron de crecer a lo alto tal como lo venian haciendo y se han dedicado más a crecer a lo ancho tal como queriamos. A mitad de semana a los 31 dias volví a podar algunas hojas de la parte superior del tallo que ya habian crecido lo suficiente. De esta manera miro de seguir retardando el crecimiento del apical y reforzar el resto de ramas. Y me deshice también del primer par de nudos de todas las plantas. también se ha seguido con el tratamiento con solabiol como preventivo , Dia 33 se quitaron los calefactores porque ya estan subiendo las temperaturas en el exterior y se añadió un par de ventiladores laterales. Aprobeché también para poner los tutores antes de que crezcan mucho más y así dejarlo preparado para la floración. Dia 34, un dia antes de final de semana cambio de fotoperiodo a 12/12h. El tamaño de las plantas y los 9 dias que llevan en estas macetas me parecieron suficientes y es que el armario es pequeñito y no puedo abusar.
Hello everyone 👋 Last week for the Auto Cinderella Jack from Dutch Passion ❤️‍🔥 Plain water💧 I will harvest in 2-3 times first the top buds Amazing smell of citrus & pine 🍋🌲 The buds are easy to trim,very fat & sticky 🤩 2-3 plants left then finitooo 👌 Have a wonderful day 😎
last of the fan leaves fading to yellow, just gave them their last water until next week. trichomes are starting to go from 60% cloudy to 5% amber and 35% still clear. this will come down on week 11. cheers
3.23.2024: Start of week 10, day 60 from sprout. Plant is moving along nicely. Heavy trichome production. No large buds but whats there is great. Dense too. Lots of purpling on the top leaves. She's probably going to finish sooner than her tent mate. 3.24.2024: Day 61. Fed 1/4 strength nutes. 96oz at 6.5ph. 3.25.2024: Day 62. ZZZzzzZZzzz 3.26.2024: Day 63. 96oz at 6.5ph. 3.27.2024: Day 64. ZZzzzZZz 3.28.2024: Day 65. just the tiger bloom and cal mag today at 1/4 strength. 96oz at 6.49ph. 3.29.2024: Day 66. ZzzzzZZzz. End of Week 9 from seed. Trichomes are starting to get milky...maybe 70/30.
She's looking really good after her toppings .. I'm going to continue to top every week or sofor a couple weeks. Happy growing everyone ✌️
Do not pay attention to the temperature on the thermometer in the middle, it lies by a couple of degrees. I have a good thermometer on top of the box that shows the temperature. Day 29: After a terrible fracture, we see that the plant is beginning to recover. I'm honestly disappointed because it makes it very difficult for me to train mainlining and it will also increase the amount of time it takes to grow. Day 30: It looks much better already, I could superprune the right branch, but I don't want to stress it. I will try to bend the right branch harder, I will bend the left one a little in the morning the next day, maybe early. Day 31: This morning I cut the lower leaves, photo in the evening and continued the LST training after the injury. Photo in the evening. Day 32: I am completely sure that the plant has moved away from the stress, but we can see on the left circle, the right bud (and side) slowed growth. Day 34: I saw traces of salt on the tips of the new leaves, so now I pour water with regular 15 PPM.
Day 36: I bend the branches even more, cut off the top leaf that covered 2 buds, one of them is very small, I hope to give it at least a little chance to grow. This is a victim of a broken branch.
I'm surprised by the beauty of this strain, the big fat leaves it had while vegging with that bright green color, the pink pistils on the flowers, the already matured and brown trichomes on the larger leaves (I don't know why it did this and if it's normal) and gets you to that caramel looking bud
Another week without any big issues! I am still figuring out this light though, I started lowering it now and it is at 100%. I am surprised how little heat it is putting off. I haven't had to remote mount the driver.
I had many family/work/travel issues arise so the plants got a bit abandoned which is sad, this run and the walter white run was a bit underwatered, underfed and the light cycle was 12/12 3/4 of the plants life. I will run these again in the future and have spare beans of all. I am investing in a 4 pot autopot system next run. I will be focusing more into photoperiods as well, I many autoflowers harvested and cured and im smoking on but the mandarin cookies I finished is a massive Rosin and Bubble Hash producer and its just so delicious, i think i will do 4 Blueberry Cupcakes or 4 Mountain Top Mint by HSC with an autopot system. I believe i snipped the Grape Crush on day 74 from seed.
Inizio 4 settimana.tutte sono ben nutrite,ancora questa settimana e inizieranno a fiorire la prossima 😉😂😉🙏🕉️
🦍 cookies ancora pochi giorni ed è cotta anche lei.. buonissima,!! Ha un profumo delizioso super