The start of this week brings day 17 veg. 1/7/24 is the 1 month marker since I initiated the seeds to soaking. I cleared out the tent, removed the 2 humidifiers & replaced them with the T7. It's a powerhouse of a cloud maker. Had to dial It's maximum back from 10 to 6. LMAO on 10 looks like a cryo chamber with the fog coming out the zipped zips. I couldn't ask for better results so far, given all the years it's been and all the very new and "modern" tech really help to ease the workload. I know it's not the perfect grow, but the more time moves forward, I feel like I'm getting everything tweeked in better and better & I'm learning from my mistakes. Had to tackle a mold gnat problem that was introduced with the new soil used to repot. Caught it early. Household H2O2 diluted with distilled water 1:3 ratio worked wonders. I like this method... seems to really scatter the adults out of the tent better than neem and also takes care of any nests that may exist. Also removed several tie downs to encourage strength and stretching at the top a bit more. It's a rotational process. 1/10/24 Nothing major... some minor defoliation to shine some light in on Phenotype "A" which is my complete tie down experiment. I'm really liking how it's forming. Just a repeat of letting loose to stretch the tops and tying down to focus on inner growth. 1/12/24 A rinse and repeat of LST training now going in on Phenotype "B". Everything is looking good ar this point. Still trying to rid off a few remaining Fungus Gnats. Also raised VPD to .7 slowly from .5 from last week.
Damn ! I am so Happy with this Strain. She's growing perfect and keeps Packing up Day by Day. She is Producing many Trichoms and the Buds are forming pretty nice. I hope you enjoy my First run. I have absolutly nothing to complain about this Genetics or at least this Phenotype. It's growing Awesome from start till Now and I had not a single sign of Deficency or an Actuall problem with Her. Even if the Environment wasn't perfect at all. So Huge Thanks to all the Supporters and to Fastbuds for the Nice "Apple Strudel Auto" !
Decided to harvest. Single treated plant 3x weight of other untreated 2. Same pot, same nutrient, same spectral composition,same ppfd, same music, same treatment same everything except 2 things One is genetic. Next grow will be identical clones. 2 will be treated, 2 will not. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L. syn. Taraxacum vulgare L.), belonging to the Asteraceae family, is a pharmacopeial, edible plant. It probably originated from Europe; it also gradually spread to Asia, then North America, and later to some South American countries. In many European countries, it is a common weed growing in fallow fields, roadsides, meadows, and lawns. Dandelion is a perennial weed with sturdy taproot, long green leaves organized in a rose-like manner, single yellow flowers, and characteristic cotton-like fruits with many seeds that are scattered by the wind [14]. The pharmacopeial raw materials are the roots of the dandelion (Taraxaci radix), herba, and also flowers. The traditional uses of dandelion that are mentioned in the literature concern its use as a remedy in kidney diseases, diabetes, bacterial infections, diuretic, liver, kidney, and spleen disorders, and as an anti-inflammatory factor [15]. On the other hand, dandelion parts are used as food, mainly as a salad ingredient, young leaves are placed in many dishes, and the inulin-rich roots are used as substitutes for coffee or tea [15]. It has been detected that approximately 100 g of fresh leaves contain 88.5 g of water, 19.1 g of crude protein, 6.03 g of crude fat, 10.8 g of crude fiber, and 0.67 g/100 g dry matter of calcium, 6.51 g/100 g dry matter of potassium, 3.99 g/100 g dry matter of zinc, 12.6 mg/100 g dry matter of tocopherols, 156.6 mg/100 g dry matter of L -ascorbic acid and 93.9 mg/100 g dry matter of carotenoids [16]. Dandelion flower extracts can be used as flavor additives in many food products, such as desserts, candies, baked cakes, puddings, and other similar food products [17]. The main active compounds of dandelion are presented in Figure 2. The dandelion's purpose is to pull calcium from deep and bring it up to the topsoil, its root system can penetrate deeper than grass.
Week 4 She feels good after Topping and some defoliation. I think after 1 week I will change light schedule so she will enter flowering stage.
I guess the plant is one week younger then I've described here, not 100% sure cause I just used my past pictures on my phone , but the last Picture this week and following pictures are in present time. Enjoy
I guess the plant is one week younger then I've described here, not 100% sure cause I just used my past pictures on my phone , but the last Picture this week and following pictures are in present time. Enjoy
I guess the plant is one week younger then I've described here, not 100% sure cause I just used my past pictures on my phone , but the last Picture this week and following pictures are in present time. Enjoy
Quince semillas regulares, 8 hembras y 7 machos sexadas con 7 semanas. Crecimiento vegetativo muy explosivo, 3 podas apicales realizadas cada 15 dias aproximadamente.
Hey growmies, the Mimosa Orange Punch ladies are looking better by the day ✌️ The late bloomer is picking up speed and growing beautiful big buds. The other two plants already have massive colas and starting to color to nice purple pink shades.
Week 11 / Flower Week 7: Day 74 to 80 It is a waiting game :)
Week 3 Flower: I started with 10ml/500ml of BioTabs Bud Booster once a week. I put another Trellis on top and continued to bend the stems. Some Buds starting to form :). It doesnt smell yet, only if u touch it. Then its quite sticky and stinky (in a good way). Still stretching a bit, but it didnt stretch as much as i thought it would (and as people told me). Week 3 Day 4: Very moist weather outside, the tent is in the sleeping room, average humidity inside the tent is 58% atm. A bit too high. Outside tent ~70% - way too high, hope its getting dryer soon. Week 3 Day 5: Conditions normalizing. average humidity now around 45%. Week 3 Day 6: Im wondering how low I should start cutting the smaller, lower Popcornbuds, any ideas?
Die Terpene entwickeln sich sowie die Trichome. Buds schwellen weiter an.
Getting some fade, might be the cold weather, finding it hard to keep this area heated right at night.. All in all, buds are swelling with sweet smells arising Following High Powered Organics Gro-dirt Gro-Guide with all the nutrients and soils. @highpoweredorganics or
The ninth week of flowering is now over and the last days of the ladies have begun. The stated 9-10 weeks flowering time is definitely correct. One plant of the Hardcore Zoap was ready a little earlier, but as I want to harvest everything at once, everything is left standing until the majority looks ready. I also preferred to harvest the plants a little more mature than too early. In terms of appearance, I like the Miracle Gushers flowers best, as they have a fine and compact structure. The Banana Creamz seem to be able to develop very thick flowers, whereas the Hardcore Zoap seems to have the lowest yield. I will be able to say more after drying and weighing.
Hey thxs for reading. Been growing 4 20+yrs 1st diary ever 2nd time ever using brought seed. 2nd LED Grow. Seed was soaked for 3 hrs in water then tapped once to make sink, 6 hrs later was then placed into paper towels for 24hrs till 1cm of root was Showing. Was then planted into a mix of cheap potting mix and perlite, Est 50/50%. Very happy with how fast these seeds germinated, hope rest goes well. Got the light at around 18inch @75w Est 150-250 PPFD. Probably just gonna use seaweed solution and a little Procal 2 start, later on might up it a bit with Green planet nutes. Other pics r a couple from last 1, random strains from FB under a SE3000