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Harvest day, you’d think I’d be excited and I was until last night. I’ve had to have my oldest Cat put down due to health reason 😿 I almost can’t be bothered to do this update, but here I am 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️ it’s only one more entry. I harvested this plant at day 58 of flower, it feels like she matured and finished quite fast, always a good trait. Her buds are rock solid to the touch and almost wet with trichomes, if that makes sense?! I took some pictures just prior to harvesting her. She’s now hanging on a peg hanger in my drying tent, cut into individual branches. She took barely any time all all to trim, she’s got a high bud to leaf ratio and everything I cut off will be dried, frozen and sifted to make Rosin. No waste at all. I aim to dry between 10-14 days, I generally keep the RH around 55% and the temp fluctuates around 18*C. She’s been an easy plant to grow and I’d recommend these genetics, In House have really outdone themselves with this one! I don’t usually do this, but I’m dedicating this grow to my late Cat Poochim. (I’ve added some pictures of him) I got him when he was a little kitten and I was just a teenager, 20 years later and I’ve had to say goodbye to a very old friend 🖤
Just a little outdoor test run project with minimal maintenance. Smells divine
Anche questa watermelon è giunta al termine.. missione compiuta con successo, adesso resta l'ultima è quasi più importante cosa da fare...LA CONCIA!!!!MOLTO IMPORTANTE ASCIUGARE BENE É PIAN PIANO, ALTRIMENTI PERDIAMO TERPENI E SAPORI TIPICI DELLA NOSTRA AMATA PIANTA..HO VISTO PERSONE FARE DELLA BELLE PIANTE MA POI ROVINAVANO TUTTO PER NON ESSERE CAPACE..FACEVANO L'ALBANESE AMMONIACATA E NERA( perché la chiudevano fresca,facendola fermentare) un peccato 😜🤦🤦
Anche questa watermelon è giunta al termine.. missione compiuta con successo, adesso resta l'ultima è quasi più importante cosa da fare...LA CONCIA!!!!MOLTO IMPORTANTE ASCIUGARE BENE É PIAN PIANO, ALTRIMENTI PERDIAMO TERPENI E SAPORI TIPICI DELLA NOSTRA AMATA PIANTA..HO VISTO PERSONE FARE DELLA BELLE PIANTE MA POI ROVINAVANO TUTTO PER NON ESSERE CAPACE..FACEVANO L'ALBANESE AMMONIACATA E NERA( perché la chiudevano fresca,facendola fermentare) un peccato 😜🤦🤦
Anche questa watermelon è giunta al termine.. missione compiuta con successo, adesso resta l'ultima è quasi più importante cosa da fare...LA CONCIA!!!!MOLTO IMPORTANTE ASCIUGARE BENE É PIAN PIANO, ALTRIMENTI PERDIAMO TERPENI E SAPORI TIPICI DELLA NOSTRA AMATA PIANTA..HO VISTO PERSONE FARE DELLA BELLE PIANTE MA POI ROVINAVANO TUTTO PER NON ESSERE CAPACE..FACEVANO L'ALBANESE AMMONIACATA E NERA( perché la chiudevano fresca,facendola fermentare) un peccato 😜🤦🤦
I moved the led light away from the the plants around 35cm and the plants showed progress and growth. SD2 still has lighter color but she still grew. I will switch to flower once the jelly donutz seedlings( smaller plants that are fully in the pictures) have recovered. I thank everyone for their help.
Finally the final chapter of the Big cheese twins chronicles!! Those twins were not identical at all and they had diff. pots too I will show you the diff: 5lPot: 151.98G wet harvest 28.42G cuttings and buds for oil. She was not that big (50 cm) but her buds were fat as fu*k! did not have big colas with flower but all the buds were fat, shiny and full with trich.😎 i can even use some of the big leaves for oil..👌 i love the smell, only in early stage of flower they were a bit skanky but later on the smell became more flowery and herby 😋 had a lot of pests and bad weather and did not get a lot of daylight.. But still she couldnt get cheddar than this!😁 you fetta believe it! (😳yeah im feeling very cheesy 2day) 11L pot: 75,45G ~75,45G for oil she was a freak with very strange leaves, i almost wanted to teminate her..but i gave her a chance..😎👊 she grew tall and was foxtailing all the way (very sexy 😁) So the buds were not so big or fat but very white, filled with trichomes! so maybe i will make oil with all of this (i made a diary about that if you are interested) i will see how she dries 👍 Must also not forget they were in my fridge for almost 2 years, waiting... So thats why im just happy they even wanted to grow! 🙌 Thankyou all for following the adventures of the BIG CHIEF-twins they grew healthy thanks to all of you! 😇 Happy growing for all ✊
I'm using an outdoor lamp now. First signs of frosty leafs and buds. Lovin' it! So curious about harvesting.. cannot await it!
July 13: first heat wave of the year was last week, and there is another forecast for next week, but for now this is pretty ideal cannabis weather. Added a third Scrog layer and tied it off to some weights (partly filled water bottles) to open up the canopy further. Works, simple, and easy to move around the yard as needed. I really like this plant and how it’s going so far. July 14: re-scrogged again to widen the canopy further. Supercropped the ends to maintain the same elevation at the various growth tips. Four stems in middle were topped to keep them from getting ahead of the others. Experimenting to see how it goes. July 16: hot again. Increased water volume and sometimes misting air with garden hose water for the evaporative cooling. She looks great. July 17: another 32 C day. Watered four times today so likely 7-8 L in the heat with the growing plant. July 18: hot again. Mixed Power Bloom and malted Barley with some soil and added as a top dressing.Hit 34 C and 20% relative humidity which is far too hot and dry for cannabis. Lots of watering, and misting of leaves and air to provide some moisture and cooler temperatures.
July 13: perfect cannabis weather after last week’s heat wave. Another heat wave next week, but for now it’s perfect. Added a third scrog layer and tied it off to some water bottles. This type of scrogging works, is easy, cheap, and it’s easy to still move the plant around the yard as needed. July 14: re-did the scrog net using a larger piece with more squares. Supercropped some ends to keep the growth tips at the same elevation. We’ll see how many colas I can make of this. July 16: looks happy enough but I need to up the water volume in this heat. July 18: really hot the last few days (33 C) so lots of watering and misting to keep them a bit cooler. Look really green and robust. 👍👍 Also wetting outside of grow bags to get some evaporative cooling for the soil. Added malted barley and Power Bloom to some soil and added it as a soil layer. Added plain soil on the top to deter birds from stealing the barley kernels. A bit less than 1 tbsp of Power Bloom per 1 gallon of soil with a bit more than 1 tbsp of malted barley per gallon of soil. #seedsman420growoff #seedsmanseeds
I didn’t take any photos of this strain once it went Hermie, but here’s a video of all the jars, I also have a storage tote of untrimmed buds for making rso :)
Day 43 Watered them with feeding but a bit less than in Chart. Ppm is still high but because I got bio-fertilizer I think it should be okay 👍🏽. I also set the light from stage 7 to stage 9 so far the plants seem to like it. Will give an update on day 45. Day 50 Trying to fix the overfeeding. looked good Day 53 Still a bit overfed. Reducing the feed. I’m trying water without minerals next and will see how it is going.
Es ist soweit! Am Freitag habe ich die fünf Easy Buds nach knapp 11 1/2 Wochen abgeschnitten und geerntet. Leider musste ich feststellen, dass eine Pflanze ziemlich stark befallen war. Ich vermute eine Milbenart oder möglicherweise Fliegeneier. Unterhalb der Blätter waren etliche dunkelgelbe und dunkelbraune Eier, die man auf den ersten Blick kaum erkennen konnte. Bei genauerem Hinsehen sieht man jedoch, dass sich der Befall auf die ganze Pflanze ausgeweitet hatte. Glücklicherweise blieben die vier anderen Pflanzen verschont. Aus diesem Grund trockne ich die Pflanzen auch getrennt voneinander. Die befallene Pflanze wollte ich nicht direkt wegwerfen, sondern erstmal trocknen lassen. Im Nachhinein werde ich schauen, wie ich mögliche Schadensbegrenzung betreiben kann. Die vier gesunden Pflanzen werden in einem geschlossenen Zelt in einem Trocknungsbeutel getrocknet. Die befallene Pflanze habe ich in dem Folienzelt aufgehängt und mit einer Plane abgedeckt. Nach wenigen Tagen der Trocknung sieht soweit eigentlich alles gut aus. Die Eier scheinen nicht mehr zu schlüpfen, sondern fallen von der Blüte ab oder verschrumpeln zu Kompost. Ich hoffe, dass es dabei bleibt. Der Geruch hat sich nach dem Abschneiden deutlich verändert. Schon nach der kurzen Trocknungszeit kann ich einen intensiveren Geruch feststellen, der sich noch nicht so richtig beschreiben lässt. Die Blüten waren stark mit den sogenannten "Sugar Leaves" verwachsen, weshalb ich sie grob getrimmt habe, um sie zum Trocknen aufzuhängen. Nachdem die Blüten vollständig getrocknet sind, werde ich die Buds noch einmal einzeln trimmen und durch meine Trimm-Maschine von Vevor jagen. Der Ernteprozess hat zu zweit circa eine Stunde gedauert. Die Pflanzen waren zum Zeitpunkt der Ernte noch sehr gesund und kräftig. Die Verwurzelung war trotz des geschlossenen Topfes sehr gut. Die schönste Bud hat definitiv die zentrale Pflanze, Greta, ergeben. Nass hätte ich den Bud auf mindestens 12 g geschätzt. Ein Gesamtgewicht des nassen Pflanzenmaterials habe ich nicht ermittelt. Sobald alles trocken und fertig beschnitten ist, werde ich das Tagebuch um den trockenen Betrag ergänzen. Stand jetzt würde ich schätzen, dass der Ertrag aller Pflanzen bei circa 40-50 g liegt, was mich für meinen ersten Grow ziemlich zufrieden stellt, besonders in Anbetracht dieser wirklich sehr simplen Strain. Mehr Infos und Fotos folgen in Kürze, wenn das Curing beginnt. Bis bald! :)
Since this was a first grow, I treated mostly as a learning experience. I had one other plant of the same strain two weeks behind this one. I was happy with the bud structure, nice and dense and they trimmed up nice. I never did get any plant aromas while it was growing. I'm posting this after I've dried and cured both plants. I didn't dry this one properly and the hay smell ended up pretty strong during dry and didn't go away enough during cure. So end result was pretty nugs that smelled a bit of hay and wasn't potent at all. My fault, I don't blame the genetics. I realize now I was underwatering and that better equipment equals better results.