Lil younging coming good towards the end of the week jus decided to send dem to flower...get a lil smoke and allow the mother to continue do their thing until cut day...other than that everything is going accordingly also got back 1 of the plants that I had sent on a breeder project she's full of pollen sack now(female chromosome only) should have some feminized seeds once all goes well...gonna double up the breed and also do a
May 10, 2024 A new week and more flushing. Both ladies look really good. Tropicana C is way too heavy for her branches. It's good and bad. It's bad because they are flopping all over. And it shows how weak these tops are. It had to be my nutrient regimen. It's good because it shows the buds are dense and heavy. Tropicana Cookies has significantly stronger branches and can hold a lot of weight for the size of the buds. I could just be a tight fit with all the buds up and down each top. Who knows. They are starting to lean a little bit, but not too bad. Her buds are almost all purple top to bottom and the leaves are getting lighter and lighter throughout the plant. She's covered in trichomes. From what I can see, there's not nearly enough amber trichomes on the buds. Very soon though. I reactivated her wick system today. Her container was about half the weight as it was yesterday. Maybe now that it's not saturated anymore, the wick system will provide what it needs. We shall see later today I think. The lighting for some of this week will stay the same. I'm just waiting for the other 2 plants in the tent to start their flush. Then I'll drop the power down some. Most likely to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. We shall see. I'm also curious if it will actually do anything. They are autoflowers and light doesn't really mean much. Just as long as it's on and the right DLI, it should be fine, right? Anyway, I'll drop it when the flush starts anyway. I want to see what happens. The environment is looking a little better. The humidity is lower at 54%, but still way too high. At least it's below 60% finally. But 54% isn't much better. The temperature is pretty good at 76° during the day and 67° at night. I still can't get it down to 66° at night, so 67° will have to suffice. However, there is about a 10° difference between lights out and lights on. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.1° RH: 54.2% VPD: 1.29 kPa
May 10, 2024 Day 85 A new week and I'm not sure these 2 are ready for flushing. They have way too many white pistils. Plenty of orange, though. Banana Purple Punch A has more orange pistils. Both got a gallon of nutrient water today. So they are definitely still drinking somewhat heavily. And they haven't slowed down yet. I'll keep an eye on them though. Flushing will have to happen sometime. I'd say in the next 3 waterings. That's just a guess based on their current progress. It just seems that they aren't done swelling and there's absolutely no purple coming through yet. Banana Purple Punch A still looks great. Her buds are starting to weight down the taller tops and they are slightly leaning toward the outside of the plant. It's actually quite good. It's opening up even more space for the lowers to get as much light as possible. Air flow is great as well. This is especially important because she is in the back directly under a clip fan. So it's more prone to mold. At least that's what happened in my last grow. This time I have another clip fan across from this one, so the air circulates throughout the whole tent, top to bottom. Banana Purple Punch B looks great! She's not bending any tops, but I don't expect her to with how strong her branches are. Practically immovable. However, she's definitely getting more jiggly. And she has huge buds top to bottom. I wonder if that's the reason she doesn't budge. No room. Lol. Honestly, she may be really compact, but I have her branches spread out enough for good airflow. There's just a couple of clusters that are a bit too dense with foliage, but it doesn't seem to be a problem. Lots of airflow and light. She's a bit behind her sister plant. Way more white pistils and orange on this one. No signs of purple whatsoever. Just a healthy growing plant. I'll be checking trichomes later today if I'm up to it. I hurt my back earlier. Regardless of that, I'll be getting trichome pics today or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow with videos at the end of the week. It's been quite some time since I last took trichome pics. Bad planning on my part. However, I'm excited to see how much further along they are from last time. I won't be changing the light for another few days I think. Then I'll drop the power down. As I said before, I don't think they are ready for flushing, so not ready for light changes. The environment is still a bit off. Today the temp is 76° but the humidity is still high at 56%. This is sure to ruin something. I'm still trying to get the humidity down. I have a feeling I just don't have enough air exchange in my bed room. I'm going to continue messing with it until it's right though. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.1° RH: 54.2% VPD: 1.29 kPa
defoil some covercrop and some LST added some almicanna veg compost tea
F-MILF takes 70 % of my tent now...wtf Hope all this green gives some good buds at the end. Deficiency from last week is under control...added some Silicate from TA...no idea if that helped or anything else...of course...there is too much light photons for the above area...but wtf I cannot do the plant smaller...lamp is on 75% now und lower would be bad for lower area. NL untopped (F-MILF) getting this week: (TA nutrients mentioned above are for NL topped from other tent...pictures follow) Aptus Topbooster 6 drops/l (increased) Aptus P-boost 12 drops/l (increased) Aptus regulator 3 drops/l Aptus All in one 0.6 ml/l Aptus CaMg 0.6 ml/l TA Silicate 0.4g/l 4-6 litre each day nutrified (thats a real problem) F-MILF cannot get enough...just makes me poor that fat big milf
Feedback am 2. Mai 2024: Die Blue Monster Automatik haben das Licht der Welt erblickt. Feedback am 5. Mai 2024: Hier meine 6 x Blue Monster Automatik 🤓 Feedback am 10. Mai 2024: Meine Blue Monster Automatik sind alle wunderbar. Die erste Grow Früchte von meine Blue Monster Automatik werde ich genießen.
Rolling into week 7. Time to dial down the nutes and start my UVB regiment. I use Reptisun 10.0 bulbs due to LED UV's giving far less than optimal performance. Reptisun 5.0 bulbs work 2. I only run them from week 7 to flush and for only 3 hours a day within the current light cycle. Update day 45: After doing a trichome check, it finished EARLY!! Time to do a quick flush then harvest. I was going to add the nutes to the fresh water today 😂😂
eyeing up trichomes, planning for a harvest. likely will run this week out and harvest week 10 Terps cherry/berry cake front with a kiss of garlic gas
5 Fullgas féminisés de chez Green House Seeds 400w hps ampoule Phillips Green Powers 30% de bleue en plus, black box silver 80 x 80 x 1,80 intracteur winflex 125mm 185m3/h extracteur winflex 125 mm 220/280m3/h ventilateur clip 16 w, un ventilateur clip oscillant 20w, 2 filet scrog 8x8 Aussi on as ajouté le Trichoderma harzanium qui préviens des apparitions de moisissures comme le botrytis, on en as mis au millieu de nos pots, on met toutes les chances de notre côté !
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!guckt euch letzen Report an !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blüte hat begonnen: Ich habe alle Blüten entfernt, die nicht im direkten Licht sind, und alle Blätter, die die Blüten bedecken. Die Pflanzen weisen einen Cal-Mag-Mangel auf, was bei der Blüte normal ist, gerade bei diesem Licht. Ich habe dem Gießwasser etwas Cal-Mag hinzugefügt. Die Pflanzen sind drei Tage älter als im letzten Report. letzte Woche : Die Pflanzen sind seit der Keimung auf diesen Fotos genau 30 Tage alt. Ich habe eine Pflanze ausgetauscht, da es sich um eine Epsilon F1 handelte, die vermutlich Mutationen aufwies. Sie hatte verkümmerte Blätter, die nicht wie die ihrer Artgenossen aussahen, und wuchs deutlich langsamer. Daher habe ich sie nach 2,5 Wochen ausgetauscht. Der kleine Mann(die ausgetauschte Pflanze) leidet natürlich jetzt ein bisschen unter Lichtstress, deswegen werde ich wohl nur eine sehr gestauchte Pflanze erhalten. Aber besser, als die Fläche leer zu lassen. So viel zu dem, was nicht funktioniert hat: Die Sanlight stand die ersten 2 Wochen auf 20 Prozent. Dann habe ich sie teilweise mit dem Dimmer höher gestellt: 2 Stunden auf 25 Prozent. Eine Woche später bin ich auf 30 Prozent und 2 Stunden mit 35 Prozent gegangen. Für Woche 4 habe ich 40 Prozent und 2 Stunden auf 45 Prozent gewählt. Ich erhoffe mir, die Pflanzen so schneller an die starken Lampen zu gewöhnen. Im Nächsten grow soll bei jeder Pflanze die TDS per Infrarot gemessen werden. Da werde ich dann ein Experiment zu machen, wie die Lichtsteigerung am besten umzusetzen ist. Zu den Lampen kann ich bis jetzt nur Positives sagen. Im Gegensatz zur dazugehörigen App, diese ist wirklich nicht sehr gut umgesetzt. Das Menü und die Einstellungen sind teilweise irreführend und nicht sehr durchdacht. Ich muss mir immer wieder die Tutorials in der App ansehen, da diese immer wieder angezeigt werden. Noch dazu hätte ich gerne die Möglichkeit, mehr Einstellungen treffen zu können. Das ist aber Meckern auf hohem Niveau, weil auch die App das macht, was sie soll, nur eben meiner Meinung nach nicht sehr gut umgesetzt. Die Pflanzen wurden von mir mit Klipsen aus dem 3D-Drucker gestützt. Diese Klips kann man Stück für Stück im Winkel verstellen, so dass man die Triebe damit neigen kann. Das habe ich von Tag zu Tag im Winkel verstellt, so dass ich am Ende einen 45-Grad-Winkel habe. Das habe ich insgesamt über 6 Tage gemacht. Die Pflanzen haben an sich ein sehr gleichmäßiges Wachstum. Die Cosmos F1 wächst so optimal, dass kein LST mit den Klipsen nötig ist. Ich habe an den Pflanzen keine Mängel entdecken können und auch keine Anzeichen von Mutationen. Die Pflanzen haben im Durchschnitt eine Höhe von 35 cm, wobei eine etwas stärker abweicht mit 22 cm (wieder eine Epsilon F1). Der Umfang mit LST bei der Cosmos F1 liegt ohne LST bei 20 cm im Durchschnitt, wo wir wieder die Epsilon im Negativen haben mit 14 cm. Die Pflanzen wurden alle entlaubt, das eine Woche vor der Blüte. Morgen werden die Pflanzen erneut entlaubt und ge-lollipoppt. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!zusätliche infos werden morgen ergänzt + Fotos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *1. Foto Mutation: Dieses Foto wurde nur 5 Minuten nach dem Umtopfen der Pflanze aufgenommen. Vorher stand sie in einem größeren Topf, in dem sie genauso aussah. Ich habe sie umgetopft, weil ich den Topf brauchte, aber die Pflanze nicht wegwerfen wollte. Der Pflanze geht es gut, aber sie sieht im Moment etwas mitgenommen aus. Bilder folgen
Experiment explanation see week1 Nutrients mentioned above are for NL topped in other tent (pictures follow) NL untopped (F-MILF) got this week the following: Aptus Topbooster 6 drops/l Aptus P-boost 12 drops/l Aptus K-boost 6 drops/l (this week added new) Aptus regulator 3 drops/l Aptus All in one 0.6 ml/l Aptus CaMg 0.6 ml/l TA Silicate 0.4g/l
They have some CalMag plus light burn stress on the end of week 5 but they recovered very well. a lot of colas from this magilla gorilla.
Going well Added some Plagron PK 13-14 for good measure Will start adding Plagron green sensation next week with res change.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D22/V18 - 07/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D23/V19 - 08/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 Topping and LST 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video of grow and one of the topping ______________ 📅 D24/V20 - 09/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.9 pH: 5.4 🌡️ T: 19 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D25/V21 - 10/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.9 pH: 5.4 🌡️ T: 19 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video