Thursday 08/07/21
So it's the beginning of week 4! Day 29 from seed and look at her go!!!
The topping, training & Fimming went great and she's really starting to push back on her restraints!
I have removed the older fan leaves (which is where i saw the suspected Cal-Mag issue) to make way for her new growth & this morning she has had her very first feed!
Now because of what happened to my Cherry Gar See Ya girl (I burnt the S#*t out of her!) I've gone in at less than a 1/4 dose!
So 0.5 ml of Silicon, Root Juice, Root It First Feed & BioBizz Grow in 3L of water & for the Cal mag I went in at 0.5ml per litre
I only gave her 1 litre of this mix rather than then entire 3L as she was still damp from her previous watering.
I know I need to let her root zone dry out a bit but I also wanted to get a bit of Cal-Mag & nutrients into her as well with her being a month old already and after seeing those issues on the older fan leaves
Anyway in the next few days I'm hoping to see a nice little growth spurt and fingers crossed she starts drinking a bit faster too!!
Hopefully no more issues!!! 🤞
Day 31 - 10/07/21 - it's been a few days since her first weak feed and just like I hoped she has enjoyed it and had a little growth spurt!
I'm having to train her constantly to get light to all the tops I want but it's great to see her doing so well!!
Also the suspected Cal-Mag deficiency hasn't returned since her first little feed so even better! 😁👊👊👊
Day 32 and she was getting quite dry so time for another feed!!! 😁
Made another 3L mix & gone in at 0.5ml per litre with the silicon, grow, root juice, Root it first feed & Cal-Mag, she drank about 1.5-2L before there was runoff and I've also given her another good trim to get light to those tops. There will be 16-19 👊 depending on if a few of the small ones catch up
She's looking absolutely great so far and she seems a pretty hardy plant so hopefully she likes this feed as much as the last 1! 🤞
Day 33 & she's still looking great!!! No sign of nute burn what so ever slowly but surely I will get her on full dose 😁
Going to have to get some flowering nutrients soon plus a few other bits
Peace out ✌️