First week of Flowering... Not much to say except grow ladies grow!
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Here we go, it's the end 🏁🏁, eep flushing, Go to harvest, didn't really check the trichromes, I need to harvest now, start to be impossible with the smeel, several neighbors complain to me.. 💧 Give water each 2/3 day 2 l Water + Flash Cleaner (3 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 28 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 9 Have a good week and see you next week for the harvest ✂️✂️👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 Anesia Seeds - High Mars 36% THC🌲🌲
this wedding cheesecake ff is the healthiest plant i have grown with massive fan leaves these two girls have been in bloom for 1 week can’t wait for the buds to start forming
Pronti per iniziare un nuovo ciclo aspettando che queste siano pronte per fumarle... questa sera mi sentirò un po più solo, dato che non andrò a visitare le mie cucciole e non controllero ec e ph... Inizio al più presto.. la pianta é vita!
W10.D1(67) 📅📚🚫🔁🌸 Yesterday did not make it into the diary; alas, sudden tasks have pulled me away from our usual routine. 📅 In this disruption, life's 🚫 unexpected demands have interrupted the flow, yet the 🌸 flowering continues to thrive vigorously. 🌞⏳🌟👀🔜 I have now reached the 14/10 light schedule and am delightedly watching the process unfold. 🌞 Adjusting the daylight hours gradually, I believe we have successfully initiated an irreversible transition. 🌟 With eager 👀, I watch as our champion plant responds, and 🔜 time will reveal if our simulation of the day's shortening has indeed tipped the scales. W10.D2(68) 🌸🐌📈🛑🌱 The flowering is developing slowly and gradually. 🌸 As we carefully observe, the 🐌 pace ensures that each stage of growth is closely monitored. 📈 There's a hope that with the cessation of reducing light hours, the plant 🛑 does not revert to its vegetative state. W10.D3(69) 📅🌸🔄🔬💧 As of today, there are no particular updates – the flowering continues organically. 📅 The natural progression of 🌸 flowering is unhindered, and the nutrient supply scheme has been 🔄 adjusted to better meet the specific needs during this phase. 🌱💡🌿🚰 I continue to work with low doses of various fertilizers, aiming to ensure that the availability of different micronutrients allows for their passive absorption. 🌱 By maintaining a cautious approach with 💡 carefully measured nutrients, we encourage the plant 🌿 to absorb what it needs effortlessly, while minimizing the energy 🚰 spent on active uptake. This strategy optimizes growth without overstressing our plant.
estos últimos dias estiraron bastante los apicales aumentando la distancia entre nudos. para bajar el PH utilizo ácido cítrico . El agua de grifo de base sale a 8,2 Ph y voy añadiendo hasta bajar a 6,7 áprox. A los 25 y 26 dias estas plantas poco deberian de crecer más y todas ya han elejido por donde crecer y engordar. Llegados a este punto quité alguna hoja y algún chupóptero y até algunas de las ramas a los tutores como buenamente se pudo. El fin no es otro que mirar de acomodarlas por donde seguir creciendo y no tengan que soportar ellas solas el peso que se les viene encima cuando engorden los cogollos.
Welcome to the Jungle! Purple Lemonade by Fast Heute startet endlich die 1.Blütewoche. Es sind 100 Mini Buds erschienen und ich warte jetzt mal 2 Wochen ab und entferne dann mal paar große Blätter. Hat sich in 1 Woche fast 15 cm gestretched. EC Wert lasse ich auf 2.2,den Ph Wert auf 6.0,6.2. Die Lampen muss ich morgen noch hoch hängen da die Pflanze jetzt 150 cm lang ist. Mal sehen wie sich die Buds entwickeln, hoffentlich keine 137 Mini Blüten.. Da die Pflanze in keinem Zelt steht und die Luftfeuchtigkeit bei 50% liegt erwarte ich eigentlich keinen Schimmel. Und mal sehen wie Purple sie wird..
Ab geht es in die 2. Woche PPFD wert wird auf 225-250 hochgeschraubt Lux wird von 7k auf c.a 8.500 - 9.000 in 18H angepasst Lampenabstand bleibt vorerst gleich da die Blätter sich meiner Meinung nach hervorragend ausprägen. Temperatur wird Tagsüber zwischen 25 und 27 Grad maximal gehalten bei einer konstanten Luftfeuchtigkeit von 65%+ Heute am dritten Tag der Woche habe ich mich dazu entschlossen die Ladys in ihren finalen Topf zu Pflanzen, da mir dies öfters geraten wurde und ich leider diesen Fehler von Anfang an hätte vermeiden sollen. - Falls ich nochmal zu Automatik greife, werde ich diese direkt in den finalen Topf geben -
She's starting to fatten up nicely! Terps still off the meter,and the roots are ridiculous. Definitely one of the best plants I've ever grown.
wow :) she is growing very fast :) the plans are for 5 weeks of vegetation and then I will change the time to 12/12 :) so far everything looks good, she is strong, healthy, and gives beautiful branches:).
Amazing week for my girls they doing very well I'm so happy and proud of them. I make some clones from radical juice, washing machine and bubba kush✌️ stay tuned for more 😊 it will be amazing grow 😁
Bonjour, Aujourd’hui je suis hyper content la croissance explose depuis cette semaine, j’ai coupé l’apex des 4 plantes en début de semaine, une fois celle-ci développé donc ( la semaine prochaine en principe) je lance la floraison. 😎🤘🏽👌🌕
Wedding glue is on the full wind down now fading beautifully and sticky as she’s a stunner . Dried and smoked a bud this week and it was so tasty absolutely incredible plant !! She will come out in three or four days after a flush ( yerr yerr I know bro science flush etc etc , I’m convinced it tastes better flushed 💨😍. ) Looks to be a 10 oz plant or close to it fastbuds producing the goods time after time
Hola amigos. Week has gone again and i had timelapse recording. Enjoy 🤣 girl looks better but not that good yet. I also have that og kush enough for couple months soon so this prob going to get couple months more time to grow those clones for me. See you next week.
3 dny po posledním tréninku (53 dní od vyklíčení) jsem změnil světelný cyklus na 12/12. Nastavil jsem SCROG síť do finální výšky a nyní zbývá jen čekat až holky vyrostou 🤩 snad se mi podaří vytvořit rovnoměrný baldachýn. Blumat zavlažování funguje skvěle a rostliny jsou s ním velmi spokojené. V substrátu se mi rozmnožili springtails. Beru to jako dobrou zprávu poukazující na dostatek organického materiálu kterým se živí. Ale i tak budu jejich počty hlídat a redukovat postřikem substrátu pomocí nimbového oleje (1 polévková lžíce na 1 litr vody + 3 kapky mycího prostředku na nádobí) vždy když mi přijdou jejich počty moc vysoké.
Green crack is a big beautiful specimen of a plant , starting to show some lush hues of purple and green and turning into a real Monsta , I’ve never been happier with a plant than I am with this green crack . My fave strain to smoke and by all estimates she’ll be well over 10 oz when she’s done in a few weeks . This week I’ll keep her going hard then start winding her down next week . She’s really going to enjoy having the tent to herself the last few weeks once the wedding glue comes out and will fatten up her already dense buds and eat up the space . Thanks fastbuds for the seeds , always the goods .
Questa bella ragazza, ci ha lasciato letteralmente a bocca aperta. Dopo un piccolo problema durante le prime settimane di vita (foglie che presentavano punte ad artiglio verso il basso), la BISCOTTI 🍪, ha saputo riprendersi velocemente producendo dei buds gonfi e grossi! La cima principale era talmente grande che al suo interno ho trovato un pochino di principio di marciume, prontamente rimosso. Molto forte il suo odore durante l'essicazione.
"what a space-that's how a girl is" but I like to watch how she changes :) every day the suitcase is just more beautiful to me:).