Flipped the light to 12/12 6days ago and started scrogging I also gave her quite a huge defol 5days after the switch for better light penetration and airflow, for the first week everday ill be checking on the canopy any tops that are growing too tall compared to others will be trained underneath the scrog net, resulting in even light penetration throughout the whole canopy giving lower buds better light and of course the main reason - keeping the plants small :)
started to implement the boost additives to boost K intake and i have also added a exhale co2 bag above the canopy to hopefully boost the co2 levels and promote faster, better growth!
the deficiency i mentioned in the last week of veg, is not looking to get worse or worsening hmmmm strange effected leaves have been removed and overall she looks great!
i dont wanna get to ahead of myself yet! as we still have a long way to go, but for my first run as from up to know i am pretty happy with myself and the growth of plant, i see so many growers with basic and even really bad deficiencys/diseases from early growth! even throughout there whole growth cycle... yes i have noticed a few weird things throughout the cycle but nothing extreme no NPK deficiencys so i am really pleased with this run! roll on the next ;)
Wish me further look guys, Lets Grow!