Día 54 (10/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 2 ml/l + Early Flower 1,25 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 1033 PPMs - pH 6,51 Día 55 (11/03) Defoliation time! Con la increíble ayuda de @miyaguiokpolilla, @dogdoctorofficial y @growwithflow420 hice la defoliación recomendada exactamente después de 21 días cambiada a 12/12 Consejos de defoliación - Elimine menos del 20% de las hojas de abanico y solo las hojas de abanico - Retirar el tercio inferior de la planta, incluidas las ramitas. - Retirar las hojas en forma de abanico dirigidas hacia el interior de la planta. - Retire las hojas de abanico que dan sombra a los futuros cogollos. Día 56 (12/03) Esperando algo de estrés tras la defoliación... Han crecido 2 centímetros en 24 horas 😍🚀 Día 57 (13/03) Riego 1,25 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 2 ml/l + Early Flower 1,25 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 1043 PPMs - pH 7,0 Las plantas muestras una ligera deficiencia de CalMag. Voy a subir el pH a 7.0 en este riego para mejorar la biodisponibilidad Día 58 (14/03) Siguen con su crecimientos, los cogollos formándose y las hojas de azúcar empezando a llenarse de resina Parece que la corrección de la deficiencia de CalMag ha sido muy efectiva! No hay más manchas y las plantas no paran! Día 59 (15/03) Como mañana me voy a Spannabis 😍 voy a adelantar 1 día el riego reduciéndolo a 1 litro Riego 1 Litro H20 + Wholly Base 2,5 ml/l + Solid Green 2 ml/l + Early Flower 1,25 ml/l de Gen1:11 TDS 1080 PPMs - pH 6,57 Día 60 (16/03) Spannabis time! 🚀 Día 61 (17/03) Spannabis time! 🚀 💦Nutrients by Gen1:11 - 🌱Substrate PRO-MIX HP BACILLUS + MYCORRHIZAE -
Plant shows signs of flowering. Smell is also being perceived although is weak. Plants were fed with Arber plant food. The winds seem like finally calming down.
Thursday 16th march day 59 Harvested a couple days earlier then planned as my humidity was getting a bit high and worried about risking mold I decided to chop, have to get a good dehumidifier soon, everything looking lovely, nice and dense with very strong fruity potent smell definitely the best looking plants I have grown to date not the biggest buds but they look quality, chopped plants whole gonna do my best to keep the temp and rh% in the dry room as close 60/60 as I can to get a nice slow dry, 🍁😎 I only took the wet weight from 1 plant back left plant was 270g with large fan leaves removed
very easy to grow strain excellent smoke definitely would recommend growing this although end weight is a bit disappointing with only 19 grams for the whole plant
Overall, this plant was a producer! Easy to grow, no surprises and stayed healthy throughout. 11 weeks from seed to harvest. It was squat, but stacked, so airflow and humidity control were key to preventing powdery mildew or bud rot. Took the nutrients like a champ, didn’t show too many demands. I’d like to run this again to see if I can get them taller, to potentially produce more. Otherwise, a very good, potent strain choice for someone who is short on space, and would do well with a sea of green style…Happy Gardening 🇨🇦👊❤️
Muy contento con los resultados unas flores con un aroma sorprendente y una genetics bastante productiva
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