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Hi meine sehr geehrten Pflanzen Homes. Ich begrüße euch zu einer weiteren Wachstums Woche mit dieser wunderbaren Genetik von Ganja Farmer Seeds. Wie man sehr schön erkennen kann geht es meinen Girls sehr gut, leider habe ich gleichzeitig zu meinen guten Neuigkeiten eine schlechte Nachricht zu verkünden. Leider wird aus dem dritten Samen nichts mehr deshalb habe ich mich dafür entschieden in aus dem Rennen zu nehmen. Am 21 Tag werde ich beide Pflanzen in ihren endgültigen Topf pflanzen, ich werde sie dann in 10l Töpfe mit Bio Bizz Light Mix verwenden. Gefüttert werden sie mit S&R Organics ich habe vollstes Vertrauen in diesen Nährstoff, erst einmal ist dieser Benutzer freundlich, leicht in der Anwendung, versorgt die Pflanzen mit all den wichtigen Nährstoffen die die Pflanzen in den verschiedenen Phasen braucht und sorgt für ein guten Geschmack der seines gleichen sucht von den super Erträgen ganz zu schweigen. Dieser Dünger sucht seines gleichen das ist nicht mal übertrieben mein Freund. Wenn du auf der Suche nach einem Nährstoff bist der deine Pflanzen rundum versorgt dann ist der von S&R genau das richtige für dich. Grow LED: Lumatek ATS 200 Pro Flower Light: HortiOne 600er Serie Room: 1.44 m* Abluft: Prima Klima Umluft: Secret Jardin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag:14 LFK: 52% Umgebungstemperatur: 25,2 Grad Celsius Bei einem Licht Abstand von: 50cm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag:16 #1 hat eine Höhe von 4 cm erreicht die #2 ist im Wuchs ein bisschen langsamer sie ist 2 cm hoch. soweit ich das beurteilen kann hat die #1 einen normalen Wuchs und die #2 ein etwas langsameren. Wär weiß das hat noch nichts zu sagen, vielleicht braucht die #2 ein bisschen mehr zeit wird aber vielleicht ein besonderen Geschmack ausweisen oder ein bomben Ertrag haben oder das hat alles gar nichts zu bedeuten, wir werden sehen wie die nächsten Wochen verlaufen werden, ich bin gespannt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag:17 Die Umgebungsbedingungen sind alle im grünen Bereich Anfänglich hatte ich ein bisschen Schwierigkeiten gehabt die konstant auf ein Perfektes Niveau zu halten, mittlerweile habe ich alles unter Kontrolle. Die LFK liegt Tags über zwischen 56% und 65% Die Umgebungstemperatur bei 25-26 Grad Celsius Bei einer Außentemperatur von 9 Grad Celsius Der Lichtabstand ist 50cm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tag:19 Umgebungstemperatur: 25 Grad Celsius LFK: 56% Lichtabstand:50 Außentemperatur:15 Grad Celsius ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Es steht noch ein Update für Woche 3 an! das am Tag 21 raus kommt. Danke das du dir die Zeit genommen hast vorbei zu kommen. Aktuelle Bilder/ Abschluss Bericht für Woche 3 PLAESE COMING SOON! Vielen Dank mein Pflanzen Freund das du dir meinen Garten angesehen hast, ich hoffe dir hat gefallen was du gesehen oder entdeckt hast. Ich weiß deine Unterstützung sehr zu schätzen. Gerne kannst du hier ein bisschen Liebe da lassen, wenn du Interesse hast und mehr von mir und meinen hübschen sehen willst kannst du gerne auf mein Instagram Profil kommen und uns da ein Besuch abstatten und auch hier und da ein bisschen Liebe verteilen. Das war's fürs erste ein weiteres Update folgt bevor die vierte Woche beginnt. Schlusswort bitte verzeih wenn nicht alles perfekt ist, ich bin noch dabei mein Content zu Perfektionieren. trotzdem hoffe ich das alles soweit stimmt habt ihr Fragen oder Tipps stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
This week I am vegging using an led in my toilet 26 watt on 24 hours a day but am Goni leave the three chronic to hang dry a can’t really fill in ma diary properly n can’t seem to get on to the group chat has been like this for couple of days now so am playing the waiting game but soon as they come out the tent ⛺️ while I will be in trim jail hopefully a get a haf decent harvest it will be a nice smoke but am not rushing the drying process depending on wit results a get but am confident in the quality of the smoke that a hav produced definitely and will grow this strain again anyone with any favourites hit me up @chedderbob112 s2340420
This week I am vegging using an led in my toilet 26 watt on 24 hours a day but am Goni leave the three chronic to hang dry a can’t really fill in ma diary properly n can’t seem to get on to the group chat has been like this for couple of days now so am playing the waiting game but soon as they come out the tent ⛺️ while I will be in trim jail hopefully a get a haf decent harvest it will be a nice smoke but am not rushing the drying process depending on wit results a get but am confident in the quality of the smoke that a hav produced definitely and will grow this strain again anyone with any favourites hit me up @chedderbob112 s2340420
so we feed one feed and then we flushed on sept 9 and 10 cal mag to gallon will do one more flush before sept13 dont want salt build up
Waiting on a full plant hang dry so will wait at least two weeks maybe three hope ma vegging station holds up n can dae tge damage the now as av said guys this is definitely not the perfect set up am not on good terms with land lord so basically squatting here lol and growing and a got caught with one in this house the land lord doesn’t even know lol 😂
Reduced Coco A all the way to nothing to stop giving them nitrogen. Flush started todat, trichomes are 90% opaque. Hope to harvest some time in the next 2 weeks!
Mucho calor pero a ellas no les afecta negativamente XD.
Entrando en prefloracion, mucho calor pero aguantan bien