Hello Growmies! We've reached the remarkable week 16 with our tenacious plant, and the developments are simply astounding. Following a week of dedicated flushing, the plant continues to mature gracefully, showcasing an unwavering commitment to quality as she ripens. I'll maintain the reverse osmosis (RO) water regimen until she ceases sprouting fresh white pistils, a testament to her ongoing development. It's a delicate balancing act, providing enough support for her increasingly heavy branches burdened by significant gains, yet the plant's structural integrity remains a priority. Visually, the transformation is captivating; she's commencing a magnificent fade, with the unaffected foliage adopting a rich, deep purple hue, bordering on an almost blackish tone – a stunning display of her natural lifecycle. This chromatic shift isn't just aesthetically pleasing; it's a clear sign of the plant's life cycle progressing towards its grand finale. The chlorosis-free leaves, once vibrant and full of life, are now taking on this regal, somber palette, indicating that maturity isn't far off. Moreover, the trichome-laden buds are a sight to behold, their calyxes continue to swell, and the once slender branches now require additional support to sustain their own weight. It's evident the rigorous cultivation efforts are paying off – the plant's resilience and your attentiveness have aligned perfectly, resulting in an abundance of almost golfball-sized nuggets that shimmer with resin. Every plant tells a story, and this one is about to reach its crescendo – the careful nurturing, the attentive adjustments to the feeding schedule, and the delicate handling of her structure have all contributed to this moment. As we continue with the RO water and witness the plant's final stages, it's clear that the harvest will be one to remember. Stay lifted, Salokin.
Cheese.. Un nome, una storia, una garanzia. Vecchia scuola, la mia preferita di sempre. La crescita è stata perfetta, non ha mai mostrato sintomi del minimo stress è ci sono andato abbastanza duro, tanto da spezzare il ramo apicale per aver tirato troppo con LST intorno alla settimana 4. Non ha sentito niente. Ha proseguito crescendo sempre di più e dicendomi "stronzo vacci piano..ora ti faccio vedere io". " 🤣😍 Ibrido pazzesco cresciuta strutturalmente più dalla parte sativa. Cime dure, gelide, puzzolenti. Ha infestato casa. Non c'è una sola cima pop corn. Perfetta. Grazie in primis a voi di Fast Buds per queste prelibatezze. Per ora a presto per nuovi aggiornamenti e grazie per essere passati fratelli e sorelle 💚 PEACE
Just a random non pot video, of my technique on indoor cherry tomatoes, u basically wanna start them on 12 hours of light or less around september, cutting away all the flowers so it keeps vegging untill 2 meters when the actual season starts, now there are alot of flowrs forming.
I was really wishing for the pheno on the seedsman website but I guess I would have to just hunt through many more blueberry seeds to find that one. Overall I enjoyed the grow.
Very orange and creamy taste in pheno 1 and more sweet piney terps come through on pheno2 would recommend to try these out
Plant has a beautiful fade since i started the flush 2 weeks ago. Nice dense n sticky nugs. We are at week ten and i’ll be chopping her tonight