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A ver...ya es muy claro que estamos llegando a final de ciclo. Las hojas primarias amarillas no dejan dudas. La Anaconda es una cepa muy interesante. Un híbrido muy tirado a skunk con unos aromas que no engañan y que nos dejan entender que viene seguro un material de humo sobresaliente. Ha sido una experiencia muy interesante mucho por lo desconocido de Anaconda Seeds y sus cepas. En concreto está será su cepa estrella, por el nombre del banco ser el nombre de la cepa y sin duda que aquí habrá algo muy bueno. Cara a las ultimas semanas y por qué hay que darle fuerza a que ganen tanto lo más de resina posible y densidad (esta cepa si comparada a las de Ripper Seeds de la temporada de otoño, es mucho menos densa) y en ello hay que poner foco, sea en el aporte de PK, sea mucho en base a aportes de silicio y eso por qué se confirma lo que creo de los nutrientes Top Crop. Seguro son equilibrados, ...seguro serán muy buenos para tirar de aromas y terpenos por lo que Big One y Top Candy hacen a lo largo del ciclo, pero en el aporte de PK no son los mejores en lo tocante a darle fuerza a lo que se esperan de cogollos de primerísima orden de calidad y con ello, he empezado a trabajar con finalizadores empezando con el Final Boom de la linea The Witcher's Potion de Cannaboom y aun esta semana sin quitarle el Top Bud, recurriré a la "bomba potásica" de Agrobeta, el EXPLOTA COGOLLOS sólido para que en menos de diez dias los cogollos se encuentren "pegando" y en diez días, será el limite para lo que los cogollos de nuestra Anaconda, sean lo que serán. Si algo es muy claro es que los cogollos van de tope a base de las ramas y habrá una producción muy significativa - y en eso hay que darles las gracias a la gente de Anaconda Seeds, pues no faltos bancos de semillas apuntan a cosechas grandes y después de corte y secado si sacas un tercio de lo esperado, ya es mucho - y que no te vengan con condiciones óptimas y con luces y nutrientes y que se todo esto tienes y te salen cantidades pifias es por qué lo que han trabajado en genética es flojo y sin capacidad a mayor y muchas veces les pregunto a hermanos growers "plantas para que tengas cogollos foto "fast food" o plantas para tener yeld de altísima calidad y lo más productivas posibles?" En resumen y sin duda quepa, que la Anaconda es una cepa muy interesante, en sus dimensiones organolépticas y su genética es de lo más estable y con eso están garantizadas las condiciones para que el resultado final sea una maravilla. Os dejo las fotos, donde ya es muy notorio el final de ciclo con los "amarillos" ya puntuando en el grow y los pistilos día trás dia están gradualmente amadurecidos y los cogollos ya expresan esos cambios en las notas de colores. 420 siempre y que el Dios Jah nos proteja con su sabiduría y buenos vibes.
harvest time soon. Maybe making hash or some cookies out of her. Smell is very intensive right now. Unfortunately I repotted her way too late she didn‘t got dense buds. take a look at my other diaries for good plants haha :)
-11.07.2024 The third week of the vegetative phase starts today. The light has been adjusted again, the values measured with the Photone app: Ppfd = 595-615 DL i= 40-42 the plants were watered with 500ml of water each. -12.07.2024 Just a visual check. -13.07.2024 Just a visual check. -14.07.2024 Visual inspection the soil felt dry, so the plants were watered with 500 ml of water per plant. -15.07.2024 Visual Check the light intensity has been increased measured values with the Photone app: Ppfd = 700 DLi = 50 -16.06.2024 Just a Visual Check. -17.07.2024 Today is the last day of the third vegitation week. the plants look good and are getting „white hairs“ - the pre-flowering starts. A few of the lower leaves have been removed. Both plants were watered with 500ml of water. (3ml Biogrow / liter - 1ml TopMax / liter)
Hi growmies 👌🏻 sorry I’ve missed out the last 3 weeks but al add them to the diaries soon. Everything has been going great so far only a few more weeks to go on some of these girls - the clones are in week 3 of flowering as well so they’ll not be far behind. Clones are looking beautiful as well happy with this run of they fill out a bit more before chopping 👌🏻🔥
Everything is looking great 👍 The top buds getting more and more wonderful colours and man they are dense at hell!!! The overall size of the buds is not the best but in the next 1-2 weeks (maybe 3) I expect that they will get finally fat like a kid in the Hershey’s factory. I just ordered a better fan which will come in the upcoming days. I hope that will help with the bud rot prevention. Let’s hope for the best and happy growing
This lemon cheese is growing very well s lot of nice nugs covered in trichomes. The nutrients plan and watering schedule stayed the same as the previous week. I bought an electric microscope so expect trichomes pictures soon.
Everything is looking great 👍 The top buds getting more and more wonderful colours and man they are dense at hell!!! The overall size of the buds is not the best but in the next 1-2 weeks (maybe 3) I expect that they will get finally fat like a kid in the Hershey’s factory. I just ordered a better fan which will come in the upcoming days. I hope that will help with the bud rot prevention. Let’s hope for the best and happy growing
So a couple of days late on the uploading of the week. The weather has been beautiful nice sunny and hot! I move her into the shade for about an hour a day. Other than that she gets the full sun and heat. I also started to give her more of a flower nutrient solution. 😍
Gave her a pretty good haircut around the base and took off anything that wasn't going to have a big top bud and opened it all up for better airflow so come flowering I won't have any stagnant air in the center causing bud rot. She is just starting to show preflowers so I went ahead and started hitting her pretty heavy with organic bloom nutes like fish bone meal,seabird guano and fox farm fruit and flower and then fed her a nice healthy dose of FOOP canna bloom 1 & 2
14.07. 1 x10ml 2x 9ml Greenpower 3x 2,5ml PK 13-14 15.07. x10ml 2x 9ml Greenpower 3x 2,5ml PK 13-14, 3x 5ml Terpinator 16.07. 3x 4ml Bio-Heaven 3x 5ml Terpinator jede Pflanze hat nur 0,5l bekommen 17.07. 3x 6ml Green Power 3x 5ml Terpinator jede Pflanze hat nur 0,5l bekommen um die Luftfeuchtigkeit runter zu bekommen von 58% runter auf 50% . 18.07.3x 5ml Terpinator jede Pflanze hat 0,5l 19.07. 3x 6ml Green Power 3x 5ml Terpinator jede Pflanze hat nur 0,5l 20.07. 3x 6ml Green Power 3x 5ml Terpinator jede Pflanze hat nur 0,5l
The heat wave has made temps a bit challenging but staying below 90. If I keep having these problems I’ll lower the light intensity soon since I don’t yet have AC in my lung room. I’m planning to wash the plant on the right WPFF and dry the one on the right for smoke. It’s starting to give off some stinky gmo smells.
Starting to get a smell and buds are starting to stack. Did one more top dress with the power bloom 2-8-4. Leaves slightly curling so I’ve been adding just a little more nitrogen through the Buddha grow. Other than that, stems starting to sway so she’s gonna get heavy soon. Sugar leaves are smelling identical to fruit loops or fruity pebbles 😊