The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
A ver...ya es muy claro que estamos llegando a final de ciclo. Las hojas primarias amarillas no dejan dudas. La Anaconda es una cepa muy interesante. Un híbrido muy tirado a skunk con unos aromas que no engañan y que nos dejan entender que viene seguro un material de humo sobresaliente. Ha sido una experiencia muy interesante mucho por lo desconocido de Anaconda Seeds y sus cepas. En concreto está será su cepa estrella, por el nombre del banco ser el nombre de la cepa y sin duda que aquí habrá algo muy bueno. Cara a las ultimas semanas y por qué hay que darle fuerza a que ganen tanto lo más de resina posible y densidad (esta cepa si comparada a las de Ripper Seeds de la temporada de otoño, es mucho menos densa) y en ello hay que poner foco, sea en el aporte de PK, sea mucho en base a aportes de silicio y eso por qué se confirma lo que creo de los nutrientes Top Crop. Seguro son equilibrados, ...seguro serán muy buenos para tirar de aromas y terpenos por lo que Big One y Top Candy hacen a lo largo del ciclo, pero en el aporte de PK no son los mejores en lo tocante a darle fuerza a lo que se esperan de cogollos de primerísima orden de calidad y con ello, he empezado a trabajar con finalizadores empezando con el Final Boom de la linea The Witcher's Potion de Cannaboom y aun esta semana sin quitarle el Top Bud, recurriré a la "bomba potásica" de Agrobeta, el EXPLOTA COGOLLOS sólido para que en menos de diez dias los cogollos se encuentren "pegando" y en diez días, será el limite para lo que los cogollos de nuestra Anaconda, sean lo que serán. Si algo es muy claro es que los cogollos van de tope a base de las ramas y habrá una producción muy significativa - y en eso hay que darles las gracias a la gente de Anaconda Seeds, pues no faltos bancos de semillas apuntan a cosechas grandes y después de corte y secado si sacas un tercio de lo esperado, ya es mucho - y que no te vengan con condiciones óptimas y con luces y nutrientes y que se todo esto tienes y te salen cantidades pifias es por qué lo que han trabajado en genética es flojo y sin capacidad a mayor y muchas veces les pregunto a hermanos growers "plantas para que tengas cogollos foto "fast food" o plantas para tener yeld de altísima calidad y lo más productivas posibles?" En resumen y sin duda quepa, que la Anaconda es una cepa muy interesante, en sus dimensiones organolépticas y su genética es de lo más estable y con eso están garantizadas las condiciones para que el resultado final sea una maravilla. Os dejo las fotos, donde ya es muy notorio el final de ciclo con los "amarillos" ya puntuando en el grow y los pistilos día trás dia están gradualmente amadurecidos y los cogollos ya expresan esos cambios en las notas de colores. 420 siempre y que el Dios Jah nos proteja con su sabiduría y buenos vibes.
This week will probably be the last week of growth, as the plant has maintained its strong stretch and has more than doubled in size from 30 to 70cm since last week. The buds are now clearly visible, which is why I will be switching to flowering fertilizer from next week. A very beautiful flower canopy has developed, with the top bud standing out strongly in height. Apart from a scrog net, I do not use any other training techniques.
Salut les amis 🍁 Aujourd'hui je viens vous poser la troisième semaine de floraison. La gouria cookies est toujours aussi énervé on voit bien sa forme sa dominance apicale. La strawberry est différente plus petit buissons mais avec beaucoup plus de sites de bourgeons en deux semaines la strawberry a énormément gonflé en volume et en créations. Je suis pressé des semaines à venir ❤️🍁
Salut les amis 🍁 Aujourd'hui je viens vous poser la troisième semaine de floraison. La gouria cookies est toujours aussi énervé on voit bien sa forme sa dominance apicale. La strawberry est différente plus petit buissons mais avec beaucoup plus de sites de bourgeons en deux semaines la strawberry a énormément gonflé en volume et en créations. Je suis pressé des semaines à venir ❤️🍁
le he prestado bastante poca atencion a este cultivo y aun asi ni tan mal en calidad o cantidad
###English below### Die Blüten werden dicker! Sonst, passiert nicht viel; Die ersten Blätter bleichen aus und die Pflanzen zeigen Phosphormangel (lila Stiele und ein paar braune Flecken) und evtl. auch Kaliummangel (gestreckte Blätter). Das vermute ich jedenfalls. Eventuell Mittlerweile betrachte ich die Trichome jeden Tag. Heute konnte ich die ersten Braunen entdecken. Es geht dann doch zu schnell. Heute ist die jüngste Pflanze 7 Wochen alt, die anderen beiden sind 2-3 Tage älter. Quick One benötigt laut Datenblatt 8-10 Wochen. War ich zu sparsam mit dem Dünger? Muss ich in Zukunft mehr auf den PH-Wert achten und evtl auch den EC-Wert ins Spiel bringen? Im Großen und Ganzen bin ich zufrieden mit meinem ersten Grow. Ich freue mich jetzt auf die Endphase (Wie lange wohl noch bis zur Ernte? 1-2 Wochen?) und in meinem Kopf spuken schon jede Menge Ideen für meinen nächsten Grow. Ich freue mich auf eure Anmerkungen. =) ###English### The buds become thicker! Otherwise, not much happens; the first leaves are fading and the plants show phosphorus deficiency (purple stems and a few brown spots) and possibly also potassium deficiency (stretched leaves). At least that's what I suspect. I now look at the trichomes every day. Today I spotted the first brown ones. It's going too fast after all. Today the youngest plant is 7 weeks old, the other two are 2-3 days older. According to the data sheet, Quick One needs 8-10 weeks. Was I too frugal with the fertilizer? Do I need to pay more attention to the pH value in future and possibly also bring the EC value into play? All in all, I'm happy with my first grow. I'm now looking forward to the final phase (how much longer until harvest? 1-2 weeks?) and I already have lots of ideas in my head for my next grow. I look forward to your comments. =) Translated with (free version)
Esta genética tiene una floración relativamente lenta, un aroma no muy fuerte pero muy agradable, y es devoradora de nutrientes.
I found a humidifyer the same day, that somehow arrived the next day! I use rubberbands to manipulate the canopy into being more flat and then I waited how it looks. I think I should bend it a bit more, but I am scared to hurt her .. I also silicone for the sealing, to be bit more sure, because it didnt look good enough for me. I am still not satisfied and will remove everything and start from scratch after this lady. I want the sealing to be absolutely perfect! But she looks really good to me. I like how it works, and it feels way easier than imagined! since I stayed with the all mix when the soil arrived, I dont think I need to feed it until bloom, since I heard, that the all mix has nutritens for 4 weeks
Week 16 Light cycle=12/12 Light Power=120w Extractor controller settings High temp= 25c Low temp= c Temp step=0c High Rh= 40% Low Rh= % Rh step=0% Speed max=10 Speed min=1 Smart controller settings (during lights on). Lights on=10.01-21.59 Radiator on= below 20.0c Radiator off= above 21.0c Dehumidifier on= above 55% RH Dehumidifier off= below 50% RH or above 24c Smart controller settings (during lights off). Lights off=22.00-10.00 Radiator on= below 16.5c Radiator off= above 17.5c Dehumidifier on= not in use Dehumidifier off= not in use Fri 5/4/24 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= automatic Feed=water 3&4 Ec=0.2 PH=6.8/7.0 Total volume made=8L Total volume left=2.5L Total volume used=5.5L Volume per plant=2.75L Runoff. Total runoff=2.5L Ec=1.2 PH=/ Runoff ph pen broken. 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 #3 (Day 106)(Day 68 flower) 📋 Sat 6/4/24 #3 (Day 107)(Day 69 flower) 📋 Sun 7/4/24 #3 (Day 108)(Day 70 flower) 📋 Mon 8/4/24 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= automatic Feed=water 3&4 Ec=0.2 PH=6.8/7.0 Total volume made=9L Total volume left=3.75L Total volume used=5.25L Volume per plant=2.6L Runoff. Total runoff=2.25L Ec=0.9 PH=/ Runoff ph pen broken. 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 #3 (Day 109)(Day 71 flower) 📋 Tue 9/4/24 #3 (Day 110)(Day 72 flower) 📋 Wed 10/4/24 #3 (Day 111)(Day 73 flower) 📋 she ain't going to bulk up anymore, trichomes are ready. May harvest soon. Thur 11/4/24 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 Method= manual Feed=water 3&4 Ec=0.2 PH=6.8/7.0 Total volume made=5L Total volume left=1L Total volume used=4L Volume per plant=2.L Runoff. Total runoff=0.5L Ec=0.8 PH=/ Runoff ph pen broken. 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧 #3 (Day 112)(Day 74 flower) 📋 This is the last weekly update for this one. She should be getting chopped tomorrow. Back soon. Take it easy.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D36/V32 - 21/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL in her new home and one TL of LST job ______________ 📅 D37/V33 - 22/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.4 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 LST 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video and one TL of LST job ______________ 📅 D38/B01 - 23/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.0 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 2L 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 As I saw clear signs of blooming, I need to pass to bloom phase so I put B01, in the header. 🚀 Clearly she's starting flowering 🎬 1 TL video and 1 LST video ______________ 📅 D39/B02 - 24/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.1 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video and 1 LST video ______________ 📅 D40/B03 - 25/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.2 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 15L 🍗 💧 💼 Flush for two days and then flowering nutes 🧠 I think no more LST, she's now full blooming 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D41/B04 - 26/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.2 pH: 5.3 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 70% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 Flush for two days and then flowering nutes 🧠 I think no more LST, she's now full blooming 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D42/B05- 27/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 1.1 pH: 6 🌡️ T: 20°C H: 60% 🌊 15L 🍗 Calmag - Bloom A-B - Bud Candy - B52 - Big Bud - Seaweed 💧 💼 👉👉👉 Changed res and added nutes 🧠 I think no more LST, she's now full blooming 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
She is getting more dense Tried to bent all her budsites a little bit apart from each other to expose them better
May 23rd - Day 93 : So intricate moment here. I'm considering harvesting one of the two, but a friend is telling me to wait till it's 20% amber or at least more cloudy. He's an experienced grower and has been of a precious help from the start. This grow is dedicated to my boy Droomba. I'm at week 7 of flowering and Fastbuds says 7 weeks. I'm going to push it for a week or two
May 23rd - Day 93 : So intricate moment here. I'm considering harvesting one of the two, but a friend is telling me to wait till it's 20% amber or at least more cloudy. He's an experienced grower and has been of a precious help from the start. This grow is dedicated to my boy Droomba. I'm at week 7 of flowering and Fastbuds says 7 weeks. I'm going to push it for a week or two
May 17, 2024 Day 92 This is the last week of the Flowering phase. I'll be harvesting most likely next midweek or earlier. The goal is to harvest by the end of the week, but I don't think they will be done. Banana Purple Punch A looks amazing! Her branches are nice and leaning. Not too much, just enough. She's also starting to show signs of fade. Or at least unhappy leaves turning yellow. One weird thing I noticed is the back leaves all have signs of nitrogen toxicity. What's weird is that I haven't used nitrogen in over a week and the last time I used it, I did a quarter dose. This should not be happening. I'm confused. Other than that, it's the end and I'm not worried about it, but it's still weird. Any insight? Banana Purple Punch B looks great as well. Tons of orange pistils and lots of frost. What's nice is that a lot of that frost is still clear trichomes. Imagine what they will look like in the end. I'm so excited! Both plants still have water in their basins, so I'm going to let them drain out and most likely not water again. It should be about a week for them to dry out completely. Perfect timing for harvest. I may put Banana Purple Punch A in a dark period while Banana Purple Punch B finishes up for a couple days. I'm doing the same thing with my Tropicana Cookies. Lighting. Well, it hasn't changed. Lol. Duh. Hahahahaha. Another week of this light intensity. I've all but given up on the environment. It's got tons of airflow and lots of light. The temp is fine. It's just the damned humidity. I give up. I'll just keep removing the plants from the tent as need be. I didn't touch Banana Purple Punch A today though. She is propping up the last Tropicana Cookies for the next 2 days. I will however, make sure to inspect her as much as I can. And as soon as she is freed up, I'll be flipping her around. And pulling her away from the side of the tent. Same with Banana Purple Punch B. Both are squished for the moment. I also managed to get all 4 Sour Diesel plants in the tent after pulling one of the Tropicana Cookies. So these ladies are a bit tight for now. But only for a couple of days. If that. I was considering putting the Sour Diesel in the back and keeping the Tropicana Cookies up front for ease of access, but that will just cause chaos with bendy floppy branches. So I'm leaving it. It all fits. Snug as the Tetris skills I had to use to make it happen. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76.4° RH: 61.4% VPD: 1.17 kPa Quick update on lighting: I had to increase the light power up to 80% for the Sour Diesels now in the tent. They were at like 16 mol/m²/d instead of the 20 to 25 mol/m²/d it should be. Anyway, so the light was increased. It didn't change much. Some spots went back up to 40 mol/m²/d, and some went up to 38 mol/m²/d. Overall the spread is 34 to 40 mol/m²/d. These 2 should t have any issues with the light increase. I wonder if it will help along the maturing process. I don't know science. Maybe the dark does? Maybe they both do and just in different ways. Yah, that's it. May 18, 2024 Watering day. Both ladies got a full gallon reservoir refill of plain water today. No sense in running the Flawless Finish anymore. They have mere days left to maybe a week. I'll just keep extending the time until I'm right. Lol. Hopefully it will be the last watering. Neither plant is thirsty at all, so it should take around a week for the reservoirs to empty. Banana Purple Punch A looks great! She is nearly ready. No fade yet though. I don't really understand. Is she not fading because she isn't done yet? Or is this just how it's going to be? Insight? Lol. Banana Purple Punch B is coming along nicely. I don't think she is near done yet. I don't get why they are taking so long. Either way, when she's done, there will be some amazing bud. The light isn't hurting anything that I can tell. So it will stay the same. The environment is an absolute mess now. With more power to the light comes more heat. Now I'm stuck in the mid 60s for humidity and 78° for the temp. All bad. I've been checking each plant for mold, mildew, bud rot and anything else that doesn't look right. So far we're safe. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.4° RH: 64.2% VPD: 1.06 kPa Can you say horrible environment? I'm so screwed. Even if I don't get any issues like bud rot, the humidity is doing a toll on trichome production. Update: After some research, I have found that high humidity can cause plant production to slow down significantly. That could be the problem I'm facing right now. My humidity is entirely way too high and the plants aren't able to take in water. And some other science I'm sure. Also, I've noticed the leaves on Banana Purple Punch A are really shiny and clawing just like nitrogen toxicity, but I'm in the second week of plain water and flushing agent. What gives? If anyone knows, I would greatly appreciate a comment or a DM. Thanks! May 19, 2024 Not a lot to do today. No watering or trichomes. Banana Purple Punch A is being weird with this nitrogen toxicity during flush. How would that work? Anyway, her leaves are starting to die off a little but no fade. Still, she has huge buds that smell wonderful. Banana Purple Punch B is starting to show a bit of color in her leaves. Just a hint of purple but just a hint. If she fades, it won't be for a bit. But it's time I don't really have. Let's hope she starts to fade quickly. Both have been in plain water for a week and before that a week of Flawless Finish. Must be more nutrients in the soil. Nothing to talk about with lighting. We all know where it's at. The environment. I'm really confused. So a week of high humidity and my room is also humid. Today, it's low humidity and my room is still high. Even with the door open from outside it's still high. Why? What sorcery is this? Anyway, the tent is still stuck at 65% humidity and temps are down to 73°. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.5° RH: 68.3% VPD: 0.84 kPa May 20, 2024 We are starting to fade! Finally! Both ladies are starting to fade in their own way. No watering today. They definitely don't need it at all. Maybe a half gallon before the drying period. Banana Purple Punch A is fading in her own messed up unhappy way. Her leaves are super shiny and clawing like she has nitrogen toxicity, but she's flushing. I don't get it. Leaves are canoeing and turning yellow. Maybe this is her fading in the most messed up way. But she's fading. Some of her leaves are starting to get a purple hue. Her buds are super fat and stinky. It's wonderful. Banana Purple Punch B is the picture of a perfect small plant. She is fading like a normal plant. She's getting purple hues on her leaves, buds are developing purple as well. By the end, I hope to have a couple deep purple plants. I'm still wondering why it's taking so long. They should have been done weeks ago. The lighting is the same. The environment is the same. Although, it dropped to 40% outside yesterday and the humidity stubbornly stayed in the mid 60s. It makes no sense. Anyway, I'm stuck at 65% still and the temp is finally under control again. I have it a bit low for the last bit of flowering at 73° it's going to be hot today, so I'm hoping my room stays cool. Maybe the humidity will drop again and I can try to get the humidity to come down. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.6° RH: 67.7% VPD: 0.86 kPa May 21, 2024 Trichome day! Some good things happening today. Both ladies are looking great! They finally have some fade going on. Not a lot, but some. Banana Purple Punch A is almost out of water. I'm going to let her dry out a bit more and then add another half gallon to her reservoir. Her trichomes are starting to show more amber. Maybe 5% now? About 10% clear and the rest are cloudy. She still has a bit more time to go. I'd say another 5 to 7 days? Maybe slightly less? Hopefully slightly less. Banana Purple Punch B has a saturated bottom. I think it's because the roots never grew out of the container, so the soil is sucking up all the water and I guess the roots are not? I'm not sure, but I can def say that she is barely drinking. I'll pull the wicks tomorrow. Her trichomes are looking great. She has around the same as her sister plant. About 5% amber, 10% clear and the rest cloudy. Both plants have huge dense buds. I can only imagine how much more dense they will get over the next few days while they finish up. We finally got the central air on in the house. It made all the difference in the environment. Well, that was until it shut off and then my room needed assistance. In the form of wet cold air. Definitely not good there, but the AC will kick on in no time. It's 80° out today, so I expect the central air to kick on anytime now. When it's on, the humidity drops to 56% and the temp stays at 74°. Very nice. Grow System Environment: Temp: 72.7° RH: 62.9% VPD: 1.00 kPa May 22, 2024 Nothing to do today with these two. I might have to water Banana Purple Punch A in a little while. I was hoping I could get away with it, but I think she is dried up enough for another half gallon of tap water PHed to 6.1. Banana Purple Punch A looks good but has clear signs of previous stress. Interesting. Her tops are leaning even harder now. Those buds must be super heavy. The branches are pretty thick. Banana Purple Punch B looks amazing. Purple is coming in quickly. Her buds are definitely denser and fatter now. Probably as big as they will get. Now it's just time for her to mature. I have a small problem. I have 1 Tropicana Cookies left and 4 Sour Diesels in pre-flower in the tent as well. Suffice it to say, I need to make room for the Sour Diesels to stretch. And that could start anyway now. I'm concerned I'm going to run into massive crowding and cause mold. As it is, the humidity is still really high, so I don't want to risk it. All that being said, I might now be able to wait for perfect doneness with these ladies. I might have to harvest them in a matter of a couple days. The last Tropicana Cookies in the tent should be pulled either tomorrow or the next day, unless the Sour Diesels start to significantly stretch, then all three including these two will have to be pulled. So there you go have it. My current issue is space for 7 plants in a 3x3 tent. I know, I'm ridiculous. But you gotta do what you gotta do. On a side note, I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong to always have plants go way past their time. Seriously, it kind of messes with my schedule. For example the Sour Diesels. Those were planted on 4/20 and these ladies were supposed to be fully done a week later. But it's been 4 more weeks and they still aren't done. Total wrench in my plans. What could I be doing wrong? The environment is still a mess. The central air hasn't kicked on yet, so I'm relying on my own portable AC. The problem with that is it blows out really humid air when the compressor kicks off. So my humidity is high again. Over 60% yet again. The temp is fine at 75°. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.7° RH: 59.4% VPD: 1.20 kPa May 23, 2024 Last day of the week and we have some real purple coming in now. Especially on Banana Purple Punch B. Most of her tops are now a nice deep purple. Leaves are also getting the nice purple hue as well. Banana Purple Punch A looks great. Lots of leaning branches now. She should be ready for harvest in just a few days. Not as much purple as I'd hoped, but it's fine. Her buds still look fantastic. Banana Purple Punch B is quite nice. She has super heavy tops and should be ready in maybe 5 days. There's still too many white pistils on the lowers. I can't express how nicely the purple is coming in. A little late from what I've seen in other grows, but here nonetheless. She still hasn't finished her gallon of water and it's been well into a week. I think I'll turn off the bottom feed system for her tomorrow. It should be perfect timing for her last week of life. I definitely cannot change the lighting for these two. The Sour Diesels need more of it. I'll have to drop it down soon, they are growing pretty fast and starting to seriously pray. Too much. So the light will remain her for now. I might still lower the light and turn down the intensity. I'm not sure yet. The environment is starting to calm down. Not quite fast enough for my liking to be honest. Currently the temp is around 76.5° and the humidity is still high at 61%, but it will drop in a little while. Maybe we can get down to 50% today. Update: I've decided to give these two no more than a week to finish up. Both of the Tropicana Cookies are out now and they are taking around 5 days to dry, maybe 7. But no longer than that. The other reason is the Sour Diesels that are now sharing the tent are in pre-flower and will need the space ASAP. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76.2° RH: 60.6% VPD: 1.18 kPa
I had biggggg values of humidity around 80% and reached 86% lmao 2 days after watering it start to decrease to 65/70% But I rewatered because I am going on a big weekend again... It doesn't smell strong and it smells like green plant not really weed
Ladies need a lot of water, every other day they are drinking 1,2l+nutrients Lollipopping + Scrog done at day 18 now they will hopefully get another boost
Smell got more intensive and Ladies are more thirsty At day 8 of flowering we thought the plants are a bit too small so we gave them more space to the LED, about 70cm with 200watts Also they got 4ml/l of bioheaven
May 24th - Day 97: It's amazing to see how well the babies have recovered. Unfortunately, two of them have pretty much died, but hey, more space for the others to grow! Humidity is still quite unstable because I increased the frequency of watering, but it will be fixed soon. I will update on Sunday. They're drinking really well, about 60L every 2 days for 10 plants. I need to figure out a bigger container to hold enough water for a whole week.