26.03.2024 Continue into week 4 Update firmware on TrolMaster Tent-X (3.6) Replace all filters, remove and clean drain buckets and tubing. Mix new batch with 56ml AN connoisseur AB + 4.5g Big Bud Powder + 7.5ml Silica - total 30l @ 1.34EC. NPK Ratio is 1-2-3 , Cal/Mg ratio is 4-1.5 Target EC for this week is 1.2 start and end week with 1.3. Checking plants will determine timing of strength Donne one pass off long misting (3min) with diluted solution @ 0.84@C Set Day/Night misting cycle @ 60s ON time Finally have time for managing canopy, pull down taller branches and position all tops to fit under screen without touching. Try ro spread them evenly across the net, top per square of net Defoliating all girls, remove all fan leaves and prune lots of smaller branches from middle. Lot of foliage is removed! After stripping humidity drop significantly (41%) , need to install humidifier again to keep RH @ 50-52% Set dehumidifier thermostat to work @ 50% RH. Reduced light intensity for this day, let girls recover from stress PAR map 1150max/650min PPFD, VPD -1.2-1.3, DRH 50-54%, NRH 45-49%, NT-20-21c, DT-24/25.5c, Leaf temperature 22-23c, Light distance 45-55cm, CO2 700+ppm HLG Scorpion Diablo @ 65-75% - 45-55cm distance 60s ON time 20min OFF time @ Day Time 60s Off time 30min OFF time @ Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.90-, EC -1.32, Temp-20-21 27-28.03.2024 All girl looking great after defoliation,) Clean benches and floor in box Replace all filters Set dehumidifier thermostat to work @ 47% during night times, 50% @ day. Humidifier is also connected and set @ 49% Day and 45% @ night, if needed Inkbird humidity controller stop executing's automation for day/night settings. Start manually to change day/night values for now Next several days, until weekend, temperatures outside will be high , 29c max. Hope it will not raise temperature in box to much. Light is set on TrolMaster Tent-X controller to dimmed at 28c AC Infinity fans are set to AUTO mode with height temp set at 26c and high RH set at 54% Top up tank with 25ml AN connoisseur AB + 4.5g Big Bud Powder + 7.5ml Silica - total 75l @ 1.34EC PAR map 1180max/680min PPFD, VPD -1.2-1.3, DRH 50-52%, NRH 45-48%, NT-21-22c, DT-24/25.5c, Leaf temperature 22-23c, Light distance 45-55cm, CO2 700+ppm HLG Scorpion Diablo @ 80% - 45-55cm distance 60s ON time 20min OFF time @ Day Time 60s Off time 30min OFF time @ Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.90-, EC -1.26, Temp-21-22 29-30.03.2024 Refilled the tanks with 20l of fresh mixture. 25ml AN connoisseur A+B + 3g Big Bud Powder + 7.5ml Silica - total 20l @ 1.21EC Refilling is done in two passes, one time before light up, and second time early in morning, two hours before night time. This give additional nutrient cooling without running water chillier. Refill solution is @ 18c Checking EC and PH 2-3 times a day. The electroconductivity values are around 1.24EC. I maintain the strength until it drops or rises. For now, I’ve caught the perfect strength, the liquid is almost static with very small oscillations in electroconductivity and PH. Replaced all filters in the system, replaced on washing… Every other day is enough, during daily cleaning there is no dirt on the filters. The girls are handling the environment well, leaves are raised as they should be, they seem like very happy plants. Formation and enlargement of flowers can be noticed with the naked eye. The wave of warm weather continues all this week. Expected temperatures for the next seven days range from 25-29c. Need to pay attention to that Raise light 10cm, top of canopy now is around 50-55cm PAR map 1180max/650min PPFD, VPD -1.2-1.3, DRH 50-52%, NRH 45-48%, NT-21-22c, DT-24/25.5c, Leaf temperature 22-23c, Light distance 50-55cm, CO2 700+ppm HLG Scorpion Diablo @ 80% - 50-55cm distance 60s ON time 20min OFF time @ Day Time 60s Off time 30min OFF time @ Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.95-, EC -1.24, Temp-21-22 31.03.2024 Girls totally recovered from defoliation. Almost all gig leaves grow again on all girls. Tropicana Cookies have most apparent bud development, in size as well Purple Lemonade is going to be a biggest in height in this grow . They already around 85+cm with SCROG branches. Tropical condition continue. Temperatures going from 26-29c, night temperatures still colder and stay around 16c Outside temperatures affected water temp in nutrient tank, will se if i need for a water chiller or i will cool with adding cooler nutrient solution. Lower wattage on light , set Diablo @ 75% Replaced all filters in the system, replaced on washing… Refilled the tanks with 15l of fresh mixture. 25ml AN connoisseur A+B + 3g Big Bud Powder + 7.5ml Silica - total 15l @ 1.21EC PAR map 1180max/680min PPFD, VPD -1.2-1.3, DRH 48-52%, NRH 42-48%, NT-22c, DT-25/25.5c, Leaf temperature 22-23c, Light distance 50-55cm, CO2 700+ppm HLG Scorpion Diablo @ 80% - 50-55cm distance 60s ON time 20min OFF time @ Day Time 60s Off time 30min OFF time @ Night Time NT-Nutrient Tank - PH -5.95-, EC -1.21, Temp-22-24 01 04.2024 Outdoor Climate: It’s hotter outside. I’ve set the Diablo at 73% to maintain temperatures in the box within the 25-26°C range. Humidity: After defoliation, the humidity is low, which is great! The dehumidifier hardly worked this week. Misting Routine: I start the day with a 3-minute misting session; this will be the routine for now. Nutrient Solution Temperature: I’m keeping the nutrient solution temperature between 20-23°C. I refill the tank twice a day to cool down the solution. Light Parameters: PAR Map: Maximum PPFD is 1080, minimum PPFD is 650. VPD: Ranges from -1.2 to -1.3. Daytime Temperature (DT): 25-26°C. Nighttime Temperature (NT): 22°C. Leaf Temperature: 22-23°C. Light Distance: 50-55 cm from the plants. CO2 Levels: 700+ ppm. HLG Scorpion Diablo: Set at 73%, positioned at a 50-55 cm distance. Lighting Schedule: Daytime: ON for 60 seconds, followed by 20 minutes OFF. Nighttime: OFF for 60 seconds, followed by 30 minutes OFF. Nutrient Tank (NT): pH: Maintained between 5.9 and 6.1. EC: 1.18. Temperature: 20-23°C. Week 4 off Flowering in Summary 120 litter off RO water, 210ml+210ml AN connoisseur A+B, 18g Big Bud Powder, 45ml Growth Technology Liquid Silica 70kW electricity in total for light, Pumps and AC Infinity Fans. 63kW for Light + 2kW Dehumidification + AC Infinity ventilation Week start @ 1.31EC, nutrient strength., keep strength @ 1.24 till the end of the week Girls look superb all time, Wedding Cheesecake have two pheno, realy like buds on one girl Tropicana Cookies fill bud sites this week a lot, Purple Lemonade is going to be talles from all three stains. Nice bud formation also. PH was stabile and move from 5.90 min to 6.2 max. Light distance for this week - 50-55cm from tallest top , PPFD levels around 1100 in center, trough whole week. Lowest reading 680 @ corner Temperature are from 23c at start off day to 26c max at some points. AC Infinity T6 extracting fan program in AUTO to kick in @ 26c Night temps around 21-23c, dehumidifier work less this week. Outside humidity is low this week Water temperatures in middle off week start to rise, reffiling solution is cooled to bring temp back from 23-24 to 20c Defoliate girls on first day off ths week, pruning off smaler branches, lots off foliage is removed After defoliation humidity drop inmediately in box. Need to bring back humidifier for couple of days. RH was low trough whole week Day RH is moved from 45% to 50% max, at night times drop to 40-45% Next week outside temperatures continue above average for this time of the year. Continue in next week, starting probably with one more light defoliation, bigger fan leaves only
The plants seem pretty strong and resilient, have a interesting smell. The buds are very different from a plant to another in shape and trycome production. I had to cut them early because of the high heat, but the majority of the trycomes were milky.
Die letzte Wachstumswoche ist für Dame angebrochen und die Sonne ist seit 2 Tagen wieder verschwunden. Nächste Woche Mittwoch kommt Sie für 2 Tage ins dunkle um dann geerntet zu werden. Danach lasse ich Sie für 2 Wochen kopfüber trocknen. Schon jetzt bekommt Sie nur noch Wasser. Ich habe auch noch einmal ein paar der verbliebenen Fächerblätter entfernt.
Hi guys, What's up? Welcome back. We always challenge nature to see how far its strength can reach....and I would say that it is putting a lot of effort into it here We want our girls pumped up and with firm asses, so every day they do a lot of gym work to keep fit😄
This week went pretty well, other than she stretched like crazy and I am now getting worried about running out of vertical space. I also had a few of my bottom leaves get a few brown and yellow spots on them. I did post some pics and asked a question, thank you for the responses, much appreciated! I am thinking about adding my Spyder Farmer LED 100 Watt light into the tent for the nebula auto because it is about 23 inches shorter than the sour diesel. I believe it would only raise my temp about 2 degrees, and possibly lower the humidity by one or two percent. I must say my dehumidifier has been a freaking stud, running 24X7 and not complaining. I should look into adding another unit, it has been in the mid 90's and muggy for about a week. So far I have to say I am super impressed and excited with this setup, the genetics, and with growing this wonderful plant in general. Already planning ahead to my next grow, and what I can do better. I have been enjoying myself and I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to answer my questions! I am having a blast and am excited to see what this lady will give up in a few weeks!
gave Gaia green bloom last week and just been watering with cal mag. Starting to get this fruity mango smell
Hey guys, three days ago there was a bit of a storm and Madame unfortunately didn't hold out. hope the top is still supplied with nutrients and the few seeds will probably still be finished... today as almost the whole week again only rain.. towards Thursday some improvement and more sun.. Smell is super sweet and strawberry. really something different.. hope the turn is also good... which day today is not a plan but since it is now as good as over, not quite so bad... The end is near... Thanks for watching, the comments and likes everything motivated me very much and for the first time it was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to the next one... But then again led and fat buds.. promised! It was also my first outdoor attempt in a long time, it's something completely different than indoors😅🙈
~ FastBuds PAPAYA SHERBET Photoperiod~ Well here we go on another journey together through 'Canna-land' and this one's kinda special... forget that, it's VERY special because this is FastBuds newest surprise for the community, a FEMINIZED PHOTOPERIOD STRAIN!🤯 I was fortunate enough to score these seeds, of which only 1000 were available and can't wait to see what this strain can do! This Papaya Sherbet, according to FastBuds, is a hybrid with a 9-10 weeks flowering period. For a more detailed and accurate description of this strain the following from FastBuds says it best: "Combining the massive stature of Papaya (Oni Selection) with the strength and resilience of one of our best keeper cuts (Sunset Sherbet), this strain develops into a big, expansive bush adorned with numerous bud sites that later transform into a generous harvest of medium-sized buds. Papaya Sherbet flowers deliver a signature flavor of premium cannabis with subtle citrus undertones that emerge upon inhaling. During growth, her aroma makes for a sweet yet pleasantly bitter fragrance, giving you an idea of what the smoke will taste like. Notably stress-resistant, Papaya Sherbet is a great choice for growers working in challenging environments. She is very forgiving and rebounds quickly from any adversity, allowing growers the freedom to experiment with confidence that she will take everything like a champion she is. This strain embodies resilience, flavor, and abundant yields in every grow cycle." Sounds like an epic strain and I personally cannot wait for this lady to strut her stuff!😍 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: This is going to be an outdoor grow, but I have started the Papaya Sherbet photoperiod indoors as our weather is still a bit too chilly to put a newly sprouted seedling outside (nighttime temp's dipping regularly into the 40's℉). The plan is simple... let her grow inside under a 19/5 light schedule until the nighttime temperatures are in the mid 50's℉, which shouldn't be long. After which, she'll be moved outside and transplanted into the soil which I have already setup and inoculated with beneficial microbes from BioTabs and slow release dry amendments from Gaia Green. Once she's established herself outside she'll be given periodic top dressings of Gaia Green 4-4-4 and 2-8-4 along with worm castings and Compost Tea's. Her grow area is approx. 5'x5' and I have posts and a trellis net set up already for when she gets bigger to aid in training her. Let the fun begin!🤪💚 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 6/8- Here we go into Week Five and all is looking great with the Papaya Sherbet photoperiod from FastBuds! Our weather is beautiful now with daytime high temp's in the 80's F without a lot of rain so I am watering her daily at sundown with approximately 4-5g of well water. 6/10- I watered the Papaya Sherbet today and also did a little canopy maintenance, removing some leaves and some small shoots that would have taken energy better used elsewhere on the plant. 6/12- I gave the Papaya Sherbet photo a good watering today at sundown via the garden hose with straight well water. I am also planning on top dressing her in roughly 7-10 days from now with a blend of Gaia Green 4-4-4 and a little of their 2-8-4 along with some Wiggle Worm castings and a little Down to Earth Bio-Fish. 6/14- Another week gone and this little lady has really come along considering her late start and getting chewed on when she was young. All in all the FastBuds Papaya Sherbet photoperiod is shaping up to be one fine looking plant! Thank you for checking out my diary, your positive comments and support make it all worthwhile! 💚Growers Love!💚😎🙏