😺 We decided to flower these a little earlier than we originally intended to make room for some new strains...I will never mainline a plant this wide again indoors lol, it seemed cool at the time but as you can see it just takes up more space 😑 👎🏻
...we gave them their first shot of bloom nutrients yesterday (we typically do this 1 week before flower but things came up and we learned we'll need the tent available)...the calcium def spots seemed to have cleared up naturally on the mainline, the other plants are fairly uniform in color (not too dark anymore), and lower growth has been removed...all systems go for flower! 💪😺, I'm hoping for a significant flowering stretch, the new growth after the last mainline topping is approx. 6inches, if this stretches to 12-14inches it should build 8 really good sized colas per side.. thanks for reading! We'll update midweek..happy growing everyone!!
🐱 be careful what you wish for folks..we asked for stretch and we got it..too much in fact, the node spacing isn't good, far too wide with this strain..we lowered both lights in the tent to get this to stop and turned up the fans to really beat on these for a few days..hopefully this will strengthen them, I really would hate to have to steak these later...