Well that was a special day, it always make me sad in a way, but this time, I enjoyed the moment a lot. As I wrote in a reply to a comment, things can always be better, and they are with good decisions at the right time. This is the middle plant, not planned for this cycle but one of the 3 Tropicana didn't germinate so I took the Gorrilla Girl I had left from the last cycle, and I'm quite thankful for that! It's so nice to have these geneti contrasts, colors, aromas, shapes. Many thanks for all the help you gave, precious. 19/04/2024 lower popcorn buds seems dried already! But still branches don't crack on bends. Will check again on Monday.
Florganics is a living soil starting fertiliser the earth is this time plagron light mix the lamp is at the start at 25 watts and 20cm above canopy i will start to remove water from the system by placeing a spongecloth on the waterslide i think the earth is a bit on the wet side Also want to add nutrients at some point and fresh nematodes to make sure i dont get the damn flies again i move the controller to the other side to make sure the sensor for temp and humidity is close to the plants
Tag 49: Gießmenge 3,8l@6,4 bei den Büschen. Apple braucht noch nichts. Tag 52: Apple Strudel wurde einem Main lining unterzogen so gut ich das nach Gewissen hinbekommen habe. Dann bekam sie ein Gitter und wurde spaliert. Ja ich weiß jetzt war das alles ein Umweg und letzten Endes Scrog'e ich sie doch.. Tag 53: Heute wurde wieder entlaubt auf mittlerer ebene und es wieder gegossen und gedüngt, es kommt JBL pH Minus in die Tonne und dafür jetzt das pH Down von BioBizz auf den Plan dazu noch ActiVera da mir aufgefallen ist dass ich mir mit dem anderen ph-zeug den Boden etwas zerschossen haben könnte und somit immer wieder die Probleme hatte die letzten runs diese waren zwar nicht gravierend aber doch könnten diese zu nährstoffmängeln geführt haben und Probleme mit den Wurzeln.
Here we are again ready to start again, always under the sign of Zamnesia, we make our fantastic plants and we show you what we are capable of. We have 5 autoflowering strains and 5 photoperiodic ones and now we present them to you. This time we are faced with an absolute novelty Zamnesia, a plant of the latest generation of an immense series that Zamnesia is bringing out, ready to try them all. Here we have excellent parents the primette result very well, let's try! To explain my germination method which is a combination of experiences acquired in the field and readings of right advisors, I have chosen to divide it into phases so whoever wants can follow them and understand better step by step. - Preparatory Phase ---- Check the average temperature in the room, humidity status to understand well whether it is the case to start or wait, I decided for the end of August because the temperatures begin to drop towards the 22-25 degrees recommended for germination. Then another thing more or less credible depending on the sensitivity is the control of the lunar phases. I believe in it a lot, it is a method that ancient farmers used to understand when it was best to plant depending on the attraction of the moon. To make my life easier I use a simple app that advises you on the right time to plant, harvest and put in a jar (depending on the lunar phases). - Phase 1 --- Soaking in water. There are many authoritative friends who advise against this method due to the risk of drowning, but I have always been fine and I follow the rule if it opens in water almost certainly the seed is healthy and will come out of the ground 90% normally. - Phase 2 --- Opening of the seed in water. As soon as the seed opens and the root comes out a little you have to be very very careful not to leave the seed in water open for too long. This is why there is a risk of drowning. So as soon as the root has come out it must be planted. Do not wait for it to stretch out too much, in the absorbent paper you can wait a little longer in water no. - Phase 3 --- While I soaked the seeds I prepared my pots: I use small biodegradable pots (choose the ones with holes underneath for drainage). A few hours before working with the opened seeds I moistened the soil with water adjusted to the right pH (5.8 - 6.2) and Plagron Power Roots. The small root is now open and we can make a little hole with a toothpick, widen it and insert the seed. Not too deep with the root facing downwards. From Serious Seeds we learned the dome technique: if you put a small dome of soil on the seed the water will settle on the sides avoiding overwatering problems. - Phase 4 --- The plant emerges from the soil. Up to now I have not put the light on, now I turn it on at minimum after half a day of soil to give direction to the seedlings. The first week the light will be gradually brought from 40% to 60% to go to 70% - 75% in the remaining weeks of veg. During the first week maximum, I keep the cycle of 24 hours to avoid stretching. Be careful not to exceed the first week at least with photoperiodic. - Germination % --- In water 20/20 seeds have opened for superstition I wait to talk when they come out of the ground but it seems that we are going towards an excellent percentage of germination..."Not too bad"... - Soil and Food --- The soil used is entirely organic in every part and is the Plagron Promix that will be used with the 100% organic pack provided by Zamnesia complete with all the main fertilizers for your plant buy it at the link -- https://www.zamnesia.io/it/11457-plagron-easy-pack-natural.html // Strain Description //cross of Alien OG and Rollercoaster Haze, Cosmic Noodles offers excellent yields and extraordinary aromas. This variety is very powerful, contains 25% THC and produces intense and long-lasting effects. Stimulating and relaxing at the same time, Cosmic Noodles causes an energizing cerebral effect that fades over time becoming soothing at a physical level. - Get a seed of this fantastic strain --- https://www.zamnesia.io/it/10777-zamnesia-seeds-cosmic-noodles.html - Soil and Fertilizers entirely organic --- https://plagron.com/en - Growbox --- https://www.secretjardin.com/ - Music and sound --- I made my girls listen to 432hz frequencies and music from www.radionula.com - Z --- You can find these seeds, much more from the world of cannabis, mushrooms and an incredible series of accessories and gadgets on the reference site not only mine but of many growers ---- https://www.zamnesia.io
[27.08. - Day 1] Going to change the light cycle to 18/6 tomorrow, i want good temperature during the night for MC 2 to pop. I hope she will do so tomorrow... MC1 is looking healthy. - Added 10ml filtered rainwater per plant [28.08. - Day 2] Looking good so far. Im going to be taking clones anyway, so it would be fine with having just one plant. We will see if MC 2 makes it. - Adjusted lights from 24/0 to 18/6 cycle - Added 10ml filtered rainwater per plant [29.08. - Day 3] Nothing [30.08. - Day 4] - Added 10ml filtered rainwater per plant [31.08. - Day 5] - Added 20ml filtered rainwater [01.09. - Day 6] - Noticed low temperature (23 Celsius). Raised the plant up about 20cm.
Tag 63 - Ende der 9. Woche. Die Blüten entwickeln sicher super und duften extrem. Der Hauptstamm wird schwer, sodass ich die Pflanzen etwas stützen muss, damit sie nicht biegen. Das Harz an den Blüten hat diese Woche nochmal deutlich zugelegt. In dieser Woche habe ich den Dünger angepasst und Big Bud durch Overdrive ausgetauscht um die Blüten zu härten. Diesen Vorgang werde ich vermutlich nächste Woche nochmal wiederholen und dann langsam aber sicher mit dem spülen beginnen. Wir beginnen nun mit der 7. Blütenwoche. An Tag 57 wurde die Pflanze gedüngt. Nährstofflösung: 2 ml/l - B-52 Advanced Nutrients. 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part A 4 ml/l - pH Perfect Sensi Bloom Part B 2 ml/l - Bud Candy Advanced Nutrients. 2 ml/l - Overdrive Advanced Nutrients. Davon hat die Pflanze 1l an Tag 57 erhalten.
Die Sansi ist endlich, da hat nur 2 Wochen gedauert. Mal sehen ob das jetzt alles gut gehen kann. Update: Die Pflanzen lieben das Licht bislang und scheint auch nix zustark oder zu schwach. Sie vergeilen nicht wirklich weiter.
gorilla cookies is a resin producer of the very finest calibre. Her buds are covered with trichomes that start to mature after only about 60 days. A few more days and the lady will be harvested. So is so beautiful