Merlin Mintz is looking good. She is finishing up bulking. She will go to ph water in a few days for a flush. The next update will likely be the harvest. Everything has gone well. The colas have a nice color, and smell. Thank you Aeque Genetics, Spider Farmer, and Athena. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
I believe these seeds were supposed to be auto's but nevertheless, I chopped them on day 121. A total dry weight of 234 grams. As far as the smoke goes, I enjoy it and it's what I would expect.
3 Ciclo - Green Tiger - Craazy Seeds (BSF) - https://www.crazyseeds.shop/shop/produto.php?id=38ab2e762664b54d5e3d70cb21e25b2a4276b3c3 Genética: (Early Skunk x Skunk) x Skunk P90 1 - Na decima segunda semana, realizei uma rega com bloom em 6,2 de ph 2 - Infelizmente meu medidor de PH estragou, já faz uns dias que o PH aparece bem abaixo que o normal, por isso acredito que atrasou os buds engordarem 😭 OBS: Utilizo medidor de ph digital, comprei os saches para regulagem do calibrador, mas não estava calibrando corretamente. Após trocar a pilha melhorou a fixação do PH, e após deixar por algumas horas o eletrodo sob agua oxigenada V10, o calibrador voltar a ler PHs mais altos, antes ao colocar na água aparecia 5,5. Agora retornou a 7,5 a 8 que é o correto do PH da minha cidade. Eu estava colocando PH UP então acredito que o PH da terra deve estar nas alturas, vou medir o run off nos proximos dias e realizar um flush para neutralizar o PH da terra em 6,2 Equipamentos/Acessórios: Quantum Board Quattro https://www.armariogrow.com.br/quantum-board-quattro Grow: Flora: Estufa Probox Basic 60 60x60x160 Vaso: Air Pot 10 L Termo Higrômetro: AcuRite Umidificador: Difusor De Ar Elétrico Umidificador 👻👻
I was lazy with changing water for the first two weeks but I change water weekly and it looks like she’s enjoying what I’m feeding her. Although one plant is growing after than the other.
Hi Growmies, I'm excited to share some big news today! Although there have been some unexpected twists, it's all part of the incredible journey of gardening. I've just completed the harvest, a tad earlier than initially planned, due to finding a bit of mold in one of the buds. Despite this minor hiccup, the trichomes were already at a decent 10% to 15% amber. So, all things considered, the timing ended up being pretty spot-on. The harvested weight was a solid 609 grams after trimming, which is quite a feat! A lesson learned for next time: perhaps I let her grow a few too many buds, leading to a denser canopy than ideal. But on the bright side, the aroma is absolutely divine. I sampled an airy bud that had dried a bit, and wow, it packs a stronger punch than its clone mother. And the flavor? Pure, unadulterated cheese – no hint of pineapple here! Now, the anticipation builds for the final dry weight, which I should know in about 3-4 days. It's always exciting to see the fruits of our labor fully realized. A huge thanks to everyone who's been following along on this journey. Your interest and support mean the world. And now, the adventure continues! I've started on Epic Buzz by Anesia Seeds. The diary for this new chapter is up and running, and the seedlings have already sprouted, marking the beginning of another exciting phase. (https://growdiaries.com/diaries/185718-grow-journal-by-salokin) I can't wait to share more updates with you all. Here's to the continued growth and learning in our gardening adventures!
Eccoci qui!!! Finalmente il raccolto... Sono davvero entusiasta del risultato di queste due bimbe.. Strain 1 è Viola nelle cime mentre Strain 2 è dei colori del diavolo!!! Grazie a tutti per il supporto e a @Fast_Buds per la collab Ne vedremo delle belle!!!
I’m not too sure how much EXACTLY I grew with this run but I did buy a TerpLock curing bag and it was a one pound bag with about 25% headspace for the buds and they were a bit on the fluffy side so I’d say a little over a quarter pound