Nothing to exciting this week, plants are doing well. Little bit of stretching going on and starting to smell more and more now. The newer growth is a bit lighter in shades of green then the old stuff. I think this is from me dividing the flowering nutrients into 4 weeks vs all at once as they tend to get a bit of N tox when I give it all at once so this seems to be doing better. Clones are same old, just waiting for the weather to get nice. Found out that when I use Insect Frass as a fertilizer it's also adding in chitin "a protein found in bugs, crustaceans and fungi" to the soil, when that stuff breaks down it makes chitosan and that can help boost defences against pests and virus in the plant. There are plant additives out their that are pure chitosan in varying concentrations and they use this to make the buds extra frosty. To much can harm the plant though. I also found out I needed to water them a bit more then normal not that the stretch is happening. so they got 6L this week each vs the regular 4L but it was split up in 3 days. In the first bit they got all the additives i normally do and the other bit was just PH'd water, didn't want to over load em. Big shoutout to Medic Grow for sponsoring the lighting in my tent, They have provided me with 2x Mini Sun 2's in the 240w configuration, They use the v1 growing spectrum that is a all purpose seed to harvest spectrum so their is no hassle of switching it mid grow. If you're interested in learning more about Medic Grow products please visit the web link below.
La planta ha tenido un muy buen desarrollo esta última semana, ha crecido de manera favorable ya solo es esperar a tener el espacio para su floración así que la dejaremos otra semana en vegetativo, aparte de eso no hay mucho que decir las plagas están a raya y se ve en perfectas condiciones desde sus hojas hasta los tallos
At the beginning of the week the plants was so dried, maybe near death. I give them water and some nutrients, and in two days It have regeined strength. I'm very curious to see the final weigth.
The smell was new for me its amazing that Fastbuds strains always smell exactly like the name they give them
Todas están finalizando su floración aunque llevan días de diferencia finalizando la floración,los olores son tremendamente intensos y potentes,hay dos fenotipos de sweet skunk y dos fenotipos de killer kush ,gorilla Girl parece ser la más estable,aunque haya distintos fenotipos (2) los olores son similares pronto llegará la cosecha ,deseando que llegue dulces humos familia!!😍💓🇪🇦
Muchísimas producción, no pese en verde, más que nada no me dió el tiempo ni las ganas... Fue una cosecha demasiado extensa y lenta, me dió varias horas de trabajo, solo retiré las hojas grandes, más adelante tocará manicura en seco. Algunas colas más gruesas que mis brazos
** COST ** TO RUN - Used previous ⛺️ setup : 0.00USD - Monthly electricity : 36.73USD <-- other ladies sharing ⛺️ - 1 Gallon Fabric pot : 0.10USD - Bonsai wire : Apx. 0.03USD - Reused soil from last run : 0.00USD FOR NUTRIENTS - Jadam Microbial Solution : 0.00USD - Fermented Plant Juice : 0.00USD APPLYING - JMS : 30ml / 1 Litter - FPJ : 30ml / 1 litter TOTAL COST : 36.91USD Throughout the week, I give compost tea, and fermented plant juice once each ^^ These 2 plants have almost same birthdays, but there are in really different stage of flowering. I am guessing drought shock had their growth stage all messed up ^^; Hope you guys have a wonderful day today ^^v *** Please Like, comment & share *** Highly appreciated -----/-----<@
** COST ** TO RUN - Used previous ⛺️ setup : 0.00USD - Monthly electricity : 36.73USD <-- other ladies sharing ⛺️ - 3 Gallon Fabric pot : 0.15USD - Bonsai wire : Apx. 0.03USD - Reused soil from last run : 0.00USD FOR NUTRIENTS - Jadam Microbial Solution : 0.00USD - Fermented Plant Juice : 0.00USD APPLYING - JMS : 30ml / 1 Litter - FPJ : 30ml / 1 litter TOTAL COST : 36.91USD Throughout the week, I give compost tea, and fermented plant juice once each ^^ Its almost time!! Trichrome are cloudy, but its hard to find amber Trichromes yet. According to Fastbuds she will be ready in 4 days ^^; Hope you guys have a wonderful day today ^^v *** Please Like, comment & share *** Highly appreciated -----/-----<@