23.04.2024 Continue into week 8 Replaced all filters in the system and cleaned them. Mixed a new batch with the following components: 20+25ml AN Connoisseur Bloom A+B Total volume: 34 liters Electrical Conductivity (EC): 1.0 Target EC for this week: 0.8-1.0. Adjustments will be based on plant observations. Performed one long misting session (3 minutes). Environmental Conditions: Outside temperatures going up, today is raining but this week start higher temps and humidity Wedding Cheesecake: One girl is gonna finish in this week, Two others probably in next. Frutti terps in this, Two pheno in total from 3 girls' Tropicana Cookies: Phenomenal strain; One girl is going to finish this week and second couple days after . Two pheno in Tropicana's girls Purple Lemonade: Tall plants, massive producer, all three girls will be in 9 week provably. Here so far all three girl share same characteristics and bud structure Beautiful and high odor in the room! Lighting Parameters: PAR Map: Maximum PPFD is 950, minimum PPFD is 650. VPD: Ranges from -1.1 to -1.2. Daytime Temperature (DT): 23-24°C. Nighttime Temperature (NT): 19-20°C. Leaf Temperature: 21-22°C. Light Distance: 45-55 cm from the plants. CO2 Levels: 700+ ppm. HLG Scorpion Diablo: Set at 70%, positioned at a 45-55 cm distance. Girls drink less water, so for this week and till the end of flowering new misting timing's Daytime: ON for 70 seconds, followed by 30 minutes OFF. Nighttime: OFF for 70 seconds, followed by 35 minutes OFF. Nutrient Tank (NT): pH: Maintained between 5.80 and 6.00. Stable PH, small drifting up and downs EC: 1.05. Temperature: 19-21°C 25.04.2024 TrolMaster toys arrived! Purchase new DST2E, DSP2E, DSH2E, AMP3+probes. Another DSH2E and DSP2E ordered to complete this grow box! Replaced all filters in the system and cleaned them. Mixed a new batch with the following components: 25+30ml AN Connoisseur Bloom A+B. Total volume: 17 liters Electrical Conductivity (EC): 1.05 Tomorrow Tropicana Cookies harvest! Put bucket with this girl on separate line for flushing Wedding Cheesecake also finish soon, probably in next week, Wednesday think... Purple Lemonade still need full week or more...Exceptional odors Temps and humidity outside start to raises, hope i will finish this run before Tropical heat Lighting Parameters: PAR Map: Maximum PPFD is 950, minimum PPFD is 650. VPD: Ranges from -1.0 to -1.1. Daytime Temperature (DT): 23-24°C. Nighttime Temperature (NT): 19-20°C. Leaf Temperature: 21-22°C. Light Distance: 45-55 cm from the plants. CO2 Levels: 700+ ppm. HLG Scorpion Diablo: Set at 70%, positioned at a 45-55 cm distance. Daytime: ON for 70 seconds, followed by 30 minutes OFF. Nighttime: OFF for 70 seconds, followed by 35 minutes OFF. Nutrient Tank (NT): pH: Maintained between 5.80 and 5.95. Stable PH... EC: 1.05. Temperature: 19-21°C 26.04.2024 Connect TrolMaster components into the Tent-X system. Program DSP2E, Temperature DST2E, Humidity DSH2E, as well as the AMP3 sensor with PH and EC probes, are all in place. After calibrating the probes, AMP3 module works perfectly! It has a quick response in measurements, is accurate, and I am very happy about the possibility of online monitoring of liquid values. After day off use i can tell that all readings are very consistent, compared with Milwaukee, totally without all over the place measurements. Perfectly steady and on spot receding! The Program device runs flawlessly all day, and I hope it has solved all the problems I had with DH48-S timers. The humidity control operates without errors throughout the day, and it’s nice to see in the app when the module is active. Raise light as much as i can..50-55cm from canopy. Set off misting time from 30min to 35min @ day time , and from 35min to 45min @ night time Flush Tropicana Cookies' for one more day, tomorrow harvest, prepared tent for drying with humidifier , ventilation and temperature and humidity controllers PAR Map: Maximum PPFD is 850, minimum PPFD is 500. VPD: Ranges from 1.0 to 1.1. Daytime Temperature (DT): 23-24°C. Nighttime Temperature (NT): 19-20°C. Leaf Temperature: 21-22°C. Light Distance: 45-55 cm from the plants. CO2 Levels: 700+ ppm. HLG Scorpion Diablo: Set at 65%, positioned at a 50-55 cm distance. Daytime: ON for 70 seconds, followed by 35 minutes OFF. Nighttime: OFF for 70 seconds, followed by 45 minutes OFF. Nutrient Tank (NT): pH: Maintained between 5.80 and 5.95. Stable PH... EC: 1.05. Temperature: 19-21°C 28.04.2024 First harvest in this run! Tropicana Cookies No1 is a winner.) First Tropicana Cookies is harvested on 89 day from seed. Total 55 days off flowering. Fast flowering indeed as fast in vegetative stage. Cut this girl in branches and hang upside-down in smaller tent for drying Set RH @ 55% , temperatures not able to control so they will be something around 20-21 in drying tent Second Tropicana will be chopped within a couple off days. Checking trichomes with microscopes can tell that one Purple Lemonade is also going to finish in next days Somme lady's will take full 9 weeks or so.. Lowering light intensity, EC in tank start to raise slowly so i will start to adjust according to condition. Currently 0.85EC is perfect strength i think PAR Map: Maximum PPFD is 850, minimum PPFD is 550. VPD: Ranges from - 0.9-1.0 Daytime Temperature (DT): 23-24°C. Nighttime Temperature (NT): 19-20°C. Leaf Temperature: 21-22°C. Light Distance: 45-55 cm from the plants. CO2 Levels: 700+ ppm. HLG Scorpion Diablo: Set at 65%, positioned at a 45-55 cm distance. Daytime: ON for 60 seconds, followed by 30 minutes OFF. Nighttime: OFF for 60 seconds, followed by 35 minutes OFF. Nutrient Tank (NT): pH: Maintained between 5.80 and 5.95. Stable PH... EC: 0.85. Temperature: 19-21°C Week 8 off Flowering in Summary 80 litter off RO water, 120ml+150ml AN connoisseur A+B 45kW electricity in total for light, Pumps and AC Infinity Fans. 42kW for Light + 2kW Dehumidification + AC Infinity ventilation Week start @ 1.1EC, nutrient strength., week finish with 0,87EC Tropicana Cookies is first harvested on day 89 from sprouting , week 8 off flowering Purple Lemonade is on second place with harvest on day 91, last day off 8 week off flowering PH was stabile and move from 5.70 min to 5,9 max. Light distance for this week - 50-55cm from tallest top , PPFD levels around 900 in center, trough whole week. Lowest reading 500 @ corner Temperature are from 20c at start off day to 24.5c max at some points. Night temps around 19.5-20c. Outside humidity is generally low This week i have install TrolMaster AMP3 sensor and humidity, temp and program devices Day RH is moved from 45% to 55% max, at night times drop to 45-48% Lighting Parameters: PAR Map: Maximum PPFD is 900, minimum PPFD is 650. VPD: Ranges from -1.0-1.1. Daytime Temperature (DT): 24.5°C. Nighttime Temperature (NT): 20°C. Leaf Temperature: 22°C. Light Distance: 45-55 cm from the plants. CO2 Levels: 700+ ppm. HLG Scorpion Diablo: Set at 65%, positioned at a 45-55 cm distance. Daytime: ON for 70 seconds, followed by 25 minutes OFF. Nighttime: OFF for 70 seconds, followed by 35 minutes OFF. Nutrient Tank (NT): pH: Maintained between 5.8 and 6.1 EC: 0.87-1,1. Temperature: 20-21°C
10 September Harvest - see pictures. While some growers leave the plant whole when they cut, I do not. It is a personal preference and situational convenience if your a home grower. I chose to cut large, long branches, and remove any whole water leaves, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the bud formation. I don’t trim yet. This is done for a few of reasons: 1) It’s my last good close-up look at her until another 5 days or more, 2) I don’t want wet leaves drying on my buds if I can help it, and 3) I occasionally like being able to shine a small LED flashlight on the flowers while its drying. Mold is our greatest problem as growers, it can destroy a beautiful grow right up until the end process. Then I hang it in a dark closet, provide circulation and ventilation. Light and heat, anything above 80 degrees F, will start a break down in cannabinoids during the dry, it is ideal to stay away from both. I’m fortunate that a humidity level of 50- 55% and temperature of 65-70 degrees F is fairly consistent and easy to maintain. Anything below 60 degree F will prevent the adequate drying out of chlorophyll. Almost all my flower routinely take 5-7 days, some a little longer, to properly dry out. 15 September Trim - see pictures. First you’ll notice the buds have shrunk up to half their original size. This is just a fact that we growers have to deal with. Due to evaporation without uptake of water, it takes about 3 days for the chlorophyll to dry up, then slowly go through a chemical change. Along with the leaves, cannabinoids also begin a chemical change after 3 days called decarboxylation. A slow process where the THC level increases while curing. You want the leaf to be dry so they can be hand trimmed easily, but you do not want that bud so dry that it starts to fall apart in your hand. Try to handle carefully by the main stem to avoid touching the bud all together. A lot of these cut leaves will be covered with trichomes, good for making oils, or other products, it’s an option worth looking into keeping it. After trimming, I do separate a few premium flowers for my first smoq. Then loosely fill wide mouth quart mason jars with about 1 oz/28 gr of product per jar. I seal the lids for a few hours to determine what relative humidity they are at, see hygrometer pic, before making a decision to put in a 62% humidity control pack of my choice or to wait, then place in secure in a cool dark place with stable humidity and temperature. It is very important to then observe/burp or exchange the air as needed, up to several times a day, until 62% rh is achieved. Once your close to to your mark, put in your desired RH level control terpene shield. If you have a problem getting there: 1) it has dried out too much, no real solution, try to put several large cut stems left over from harvest into the jars with the buds to try and increase humidty, 2) it has not dried out enough, in this case no problem, just remove and dry out a little more. This is also a personal choice, some people like it drier in the 50% plus range. Whatever you do, research and preserve. At that time burping is no longer required. Cannabis will reach its peak potency potential at about 40 or so days into the cure. The finished product should be a perfect grind when cured correctly without clogging up your grinder, this could take a month. Now that I’ve said that, I’m sure someone has grown something that they have not been able to grind. It can remain in this state for an easy 6 months with little change, locking in all the terpenes and potencies. All you need to do is occasionally check the product to ensure there are no molds. If your grow/harvest/cure techniques are good this should not be an issue. It would not be uncommon to find many cannabis strains will last, with small degradable change, for up to one year after being stored this way. Using an airtight glass container, controlled relative humidity, maintained low temperature, and kept in darkness will equal maximum shelf life. Always avoid direct sunlight and temperatures above 80 degrees F. The reasons I’ve ultimately chosen Deep Water Culture as a grow medium. Each has their own pros and cons indeed. I found the most efficient, less maintenance and ideal solution for my situation was DWC. Burdens to overcome depend on size up set-up; initial equipment cost, size of containers, ph monitors, air pumps, type of water to use-reverse osmosis, RO cost/set-up/maintenance, ways to transfer/change water and nutrients, what nutrients to use and schedules, takes several grows to learn and understand, a 1 year learning curv, easy to nutrient burn. The Benefits of growing in water; no dirt, no bugs, no diseases, rare nutrient deficiencies/toxicities, steady and rapid growth that enables the plant to reach its genetic potential. After harvest, there is about a 1 hour equipment cleanup, sterilization and turn around process before replanting. Cannabis will perform in so many different ways and mediums, no one way is the best and the best way is the one you are using, right. Chose what works for you in the long run. There will always be an initial cost in set-up. My advice if one were in need to cut corners, I would not recommend cheap lights. This single factor is the most critical, afford for the best. The notion that organic and water has a different taste, flavor and potency effect is absolutely debatable. The more we learn the better we grow and experience is always the best teacher. This is what works for me and my methods of growing in general from beginning to end. A BIG “Thank You” to everyone who stopped by to take a look. My next diary will start at the beginning of October 2023 with a Forbidden Runtz Auto. There will be minor differences during the grow. I enjoy Auto strains simply by what can be achieved in a short time. No matter the strain they will unveil one thing in common, the demand for attention. Many times over it is the anecdotal gardener that surmount plant scientist. Last should I mention, do not forget to stop and enjoy the fruits of your labour...
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TriPart Micro · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow · Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom · Terra Aquatica
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CALiMAGic · Terra Aquatica
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Europonic Silicate ·
Europonic Fossil Fuel ·
Europonic Silicate ·
Europonic Fossil Fuel ·
Europonic Silicate ·
Europonic Fossil Fuel ·
Europonic Silicate ·
Europonic Fossil Fuel ·
Europonic Silicate ·
Europonic Fossil Fuel ·
FloraNectar Fruit-n-Fusion · Terra Aquatica
Europonic Silicate ·
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Europonic Silicate ·
Europonic Fossil Fuel ·
Liquid KoolBloom · Terra Aquatica
Fulvex · Botanicare
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Europonic Silicate ·
Europonic Fossil Fuel ·
Europonic Silicate ·
Europonic Fossil Fuel ·
general ·
FloraPro Bloom · Terra Aquatica
FloraPro Grow · Terra Aquatica
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GH FloraGro ·
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GH FloraGro ·
GH FloraBloom ·
GH Dry KoolBloom ·
Europonic Fossil Fuel ·
GH FloraGro ·
GH FloraBloom ·
GH Dry KoolBloom ·
Welcome to my Same Strain Auto VS Fem Diary "Highcloudz" from Green House Seeds under the upgraded 2023 SE5000. Days 29-49 weeks 5-7 (3 weeks update) Plants pushed along really nicely. As explained in wk 4. Highcloudz fem was missing a lot of nodes. And didn't have any flower shoots above the leafs. The Auto version is moving along at an alarming rate. As soon as I seen the auto flip. I put the fem to flip also. As I had to take a break from this site. A lot of these grows have moved along. If I hadn't got the mutations in the fem (shootless sites) they'd be very similar. Highcloudz Auto is harvested. Ah fuck me. Its the best weed I've ever had. EVER. It stinks so much with no cure. Really is not a strain you can hide. Even with 2 filters I could still get the slight bang of dank weed. More to come on that. I got 64.5g from her. Really nice. These are my last good weeks at growing. Then when fattening kicks in. I didn't keep up the co2 level and the co2 levels dropped too low to often and the photosynthesis was still going strong, but as the co2 wasn't there to help with the process the leafs got serious light burn. (Like when you leave a plant in the dark. And then put it straight back under the lights at full steam. You'll see what I mean as I start to get my diaries going again. Thanks to all my viewers and sponsors. I'm back and apologise for any inconvenience or you wanting to see results and to my sponsors. Have all the pics.
From a seedling she was the straggler after 8 weeks from sprouting she really picked up with healthy foliage. After 4 weeks of topping her steady rapid growth with no deficiencies . She gives broad and dense. Her aroma is sweet spicy and citrusy. All in all as long as you give this strain a steady balance of food inoculated with tea a couple of times she’ll do you proud
Easy to grow , no real problems . Was ready in 8 weeks but could have gone another at least . Next time I will flower for longer to see if there's much difference in that last week to ten days. You can find these beans at : 20%off code : ZAMMIGD2023
I know it’s been a few weeks. I been traveling like crazy and haven’t really been home enough to get good pics of the plants. Here’s a photo dump of what the grow looks like now. One thing I’ve noticed is my leaves are a very dark purple compared to the other growers I’ve been seeing on here. Tell me what you think in the comments
Bueno ! Acá les dejo la última semana ! De nuestra hermosa planta ! Subiendo el corte y más adelante subiremos las flores curadas y secadas !! Logrando obtener una estructura de copa desde el día uno y teniendo una dura batalla sobre el mal control de la ec y teniendo excesos de minerales como os contaba en los diarios anteriores ! Logrando tener varias ramas con flores abundantes y sólidas no unas flores llenas de tricomas y un olor maravilloso ! Bueno dando a conocer la linda experiencia de este banco 🏦 lograremos seguir en este lindo proyecto!
I’m not 100% done collecting all the data. By the smell of it, this plant will be one of the dankest plants I’ve ever grown. More to come. Tuesday, September 5 I have the nugs in jars right now. Hopefully I didn’t let it dry too much. Right now the humidity is at around 52% but I think if I move the jar around a bit I can them to sweat a bit more.
The flush was perfect now let's wait for the burbing
Notes. Week 18 (week 11 flower) Light settings 12/12 on at 9.00am off at 9.00pm Viparspectra Light power= 75% 165w VPD aim 1.0-1.2 DLI aim 35 Extractor settings temperature 23c with 0c steps Humidity 30% with 0% steps Max speed 10 Min speed 4 Monday 17/7/23 Day 120 (day 74 flower) Looking good. Tuesday 18/7/23 Day 121 (day 75 flower) Defoliate Wednesday 19/7/23 Day 122 (day 76 flower) Harvest #5 393g Hung to dry. Extractor settings temperature 20c with 0c steps Humidity 50% with 0% steps Max speed 10 Min speed 2 Thursday 20/7/23 Day 123 (day 1 dry) Removed some fan leaves. Friday 28/7/23 Day 132 (day 9 dry) #5 Pink Rozay, dry 38g. Larf 6g. Saturday 29/7/23 Day 133 (day 1 cure) Saturday 5/8/23 Day 140 (day 8 cure) Put humidity packs in the jars. Friday 11/8/23 Day 146 (day 14 cure) Stop using auto burping system now and burp less frequently for a bit. Saturday 12/8/23 Day 147 (day 15 cure) Sunday 27/8/23 Day 162 (day 30 cure) Sampled Stats for the grow #1 377g #3 338g #4 276g #5 393g #6 312g Total wet weight =1696g #1 FBPHP12, dry 40g. Larf 4g. #3 FBPHP14, dry 38g. Larf 4g. #4 runtz, dry 29g. Larf 2g. Rot 5g. #5 Pink Rozay, dry 38g. Larf 6g. #6 Candy Rain, dry 34g. Larf 0g. Total dry weight. 179g Total dry larf weight 16g Loads of trim so going run some hash.