This girl has been one of my favorites. Pineapple express is true to it name looking like a pineapple once it fades the yellow, and the green are very beautiful together smells gassy with pineapple busting out of every tone
5/26 this plant is super fucking frosty and is starting to chunk up a bit.
5/25 this plant is starting to gain some vigor finally. Has some real nice healthy color and I'm happy with where she is and/or where she will go once flowering commences. I was worried that she wasn't going to grow into much of anything. This seedling has been fighting since day 5/26 top dressed. She's taking off Also her very main top, keeps branching off weird, it's like 3 at a node almost. Its been having weird mutations like parts of leaves missing and odd shaping of
5/20 I'm in love 😍 the leaves are lime green only because of the frost lmao this plant is ridiculous and Iam so looking forward to where this plants headed. This one bud in the middle is looking more and more purple each day. If the flower from this plant is what I'm hoping it to be, I will definitely be keeping this in my garden, which would be a first. I also never had intentions to do that or medical intentions to be more specific, up until now. Hopefully this will be my first, last keeper 5/22 gave her a tbsp of terp tea 5/26 end of the week 3 flower. She's starting to chunk and gain bud structure. The next four weeks will be
Despite no A/C in the spot temporarily, things are going perfectly fine, no complaints! Thank goodness I’m just vegging. Temps have been around 87 ish, but the plants seem to love it.
Loved growing both. Will definitely be getting more of these 2 strains. Sorry I do not currently have a weight.
Die letzte Woche. Da bereits einige Pflanzen in der vorigen Woche geerntet wurden, ist unsere Zauberkiste nun deutlich leerer als in den letzten Monaten. Ich persönlich werde bei dem Anblick schon fast melancholisch-😢😀 Aber auch mit einem lachendem Auge denn der Geruch und das Aussehen der Buds ist wirklich fantastisch. Wird können es kaum erwarten sie alle nach und nach abzuernten. Warscheinlich werden wir dies auf mehrere Tage verteilen, da wir uns die Arbeit etwas einteilen wollen. Aber wir wollen mal nicht jammern 😝
The plants have already been topped. Today, on 25-05-2024, two large leaves were removed, covering the sprouts. The LST was done at the same time.
Sie wachsen brav… Bissl Probleme mit der neuen Lampe wegen Temperatur Lumatek 300 pro … für Tipps wegen Höhe und Einstellungen bin ich gern offen … schreibt mir gern
We're halfway through flower, and the girls are trucking along without much help from me. This week's only exciting thing was making compost tea (worm castings, insect frass, kelp, rock dust, basalt, biochar, molasses, and LAB) for the girls (and to kickstart my new veggie soil.) The tent has more color changes, and considering that they are clones, it's fascinating to see the differences between each plant. DLI: 42 UV: 2,5 hours per day
First Week i was trying out HPS lights both at 125w but capable of 400w, which i later Switched to two grow the jungle Jackson nemesis 250w not 200w as it said couldnt find the right model to put in. They got Regular water because i was still waiting for most of the equipment. I germinated 10seeds 5 of each and every one germinated pretty fast bout 12to20h.
Still going strong, no problems at all.. This is a time of struggle I want do to something but the only thing to do is being patient. Trichomes are still clear, smell is starting to become stronger, and they are already sticky as fuck :) UPDATE: Day 60 [f39] some leaves are starting to yellow.. but it should be OK by now. I will start with Nitrogen deprivation in a couple of days.
Week 6: Plants are heading into full flowering phase. Still no problems at all - Plagron Allmix Soil in sufficiently large pots and Calmag will get you very far, if you don't use lots of wattage. Along with the flowers I start smelling more and more. Looking forward to the next few weeks.
🖐️👨‍🌾 Bienvenidos entusiastas de la marihuana clandestina! Esta planta de raza libanesa, completamente establecida en su maceta, vive y crece feliz a la espera de mostrar todo su potencial en floración. Una semana más y cambio el horario a 12/12h. Grande ha sido el crecimiento y fortalecimiento esta semana, el consumo de agua se ha duplicado, riego profundamente cada 3 días, aunque todavía no he llegado a la tasa máxima de agua que tengo previsto para esta maceta de 15L, actualmente la lleno con 1600ml, pero en las próximas semanas llegaré al máximo que tengo previsto será de 2400ml, de momento mientras esté en crecimiento vegetativo no quiero saturar de humedad el sustrato para favorecer la expansión de las raíces. Esta semana dos riegos con Bio Estimulantes, una aplicación foliar a principios de semana y he añadido una mezcla de enmiendas secas para alimentar al sustrato y a la Microbiología La planta se desarrolla muy saludable y compacta, ajusto regularmente las ataduras de las ramas para controlar la altura e igualar, en lo que pueda, la altura de todas las plantas de la carpa de cultivo, el objetivo es conseguir una altura máxima de 70cm para todos los cultivos, todavía quedan al menos 3 semanas de crecimiento, la actual, con horario de 20/4h, y las dos siguientes con horario de floración 12/12h, mientras tanto sigo intentando aplastar mis cultivos con intensidad de luz, he habilitado mis 3 lámparas principales del dosel al 100% de intensidad y a 15-20cm de los ápices, hasta que la planta pare de crecer voy a conservar los dos COB azules y el panel, las 3 lámparas con 450nm, cuando pare el crecimiento y comience la pre flora haré un cambio radical de estas lámparas y añadiré otras, para esta temporada tengo preparado un gran arsenal de luces para floración con espectros de color con muchos rojos y naranjas imitando al sol de agosto y septiembre (2100K, 2400K, 2700, 660nm, IR, UV)... todo por la causa! HASTA LA PRÓXIMA... SALUDOS A TODOS! ================================ Info de la cepa Black Lebanon de Super Sativa Seed Club: https://supersativaseedclub.com/cannabis-seeds/black-lebanon.html "Esta es la Black Lebanon original que data de los años 80, una auténtica planta de Hash..." Super Sativa Seed Club - Genética: Landrace - Indica dominante - Tiempo de Floración - 09 semanas - Rendimiento en interior: 500 g/m² - THC: 20% - Sabores: Hachís, bayas, afrutado, ligeramente terroso ================================
The plant seems to be stressed as its appearance is not entirely healthy, and it is also growing leaves from one end. It could be a genetic issue.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden, unsere Pflanzen sind mittlerweile alle so groß, dass sie im Gewächshaus eine Etage nach unten ziehen müssen. Der Geruch wird täglich intensiver. Das Wetter bleibt durchwachsen bis schlecht, ich bin mir nicht sicher ob das 50W Zusatzlämpchen bei 6 Pflanzen noch wirklich einen Unterschied macht... An Tag 40 gab es ein weiteres mal Dünger, diesmal einen ganzen Liter. An Tag 41 habe ich nochmal ihre Höhe gemessen, sie hat einen Stretch von über 20cm in fünf Tagen gemacht😊zwei große Fächerblätter habe ich entfernt, da sie (zukünftigen) Blüten das Licht nehmen.
Increased the ppfd to 1000 and increased the light height with higher ec
I have birth to my baby😍 Freshness in every hit. Citrus terps refresh your mind and body. Smells hard, hits harder. 26% THC that’ll blow your taste buds off. The best of both worlds. Perfectly balanced effect, the ideal all-day strain. Extremely resilient. Top-shelf harvests with minimal maintenance! Sour citrus terps. Loads of orange terps make for the most delicious hash and extracts.
Hello Growmies, We’ve made it to week 7 with our Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel, and the excitement continues to build! The preflower stretch is in full swing, with the plants continuing to push through the support grid and reach for the light. The vertical growth has been impressive, and the formation of bud sites is now becoming more evident. Plants #1 and #3 are maintaining their status as the standout performers, with their foliage still lush and green, and their nodes spacing out beautifully as they stretch upward. The support grid remains crucial in managing their shape and supporting the branches as they begin to bear the weight of the developing buds. To accommodate the growing size of the plants and maintain adequate distance to the light, I had to move the carbon filter outside the tent. This adjustment has helped ensure the plants receive optimal light exposure without being too close to the light source. The increased light intensity has proven to be a game-changer, encouraging the plants to stretch their stems upward while keeping the leaf growth dense. This optimization of light penetration is setting the stage for what I hope will be a bountiful harvest. The plants have continued their preflower stretch throughout the week, and it’s clear that they are preparing for the next big phase of their growth. As the plants enter the final stages of their preflower stretch, I’m eagerly anticipating the transition into full flowering mode. The progress so far has been incredibly promising, and I’m looking forward to seeing the buds start to really take shape. Stay lifted, Salokin