5/20 I'm in love 😍 the leaves are lime green only because of the frost lmao this plant is ridiculous and Iam so looking forward to where this plants headed. This one bud in the middle is looking more and more purple each day. If the flower from this plant is what I'm hoping it to be, I will definitely be keeping this in my garden, which would be a first. I also never had intentions to do that or medical intentions to be more specific, up until now. Hopefully this will be my first, last keeper
5/22 gave her a tbsp of terp tea
5/26 end of the week 3 flower. She's starting to chunk and gain bud structure. The next four weeks will be
@millerman543, thank you 💚🌱 you should check out the RS11 grow I have. They were both clones from local dispo. The rs11 loves the intense training and does so much better than this one