Ok this week is going well. Some of them are stretching more then the others and that's ok. Of the little bit of smells I got from them just buy rubbing a frosty sugar leaf the 1st "blue" plant has hints of mint, the 2nd "red" smells like generic weed and the 3rd "yellow" is kinda a mix of the both. I was thinking they wold have stretched more but guess not. Still have another week or two before the stretch is done and its starts to thicken up.
Plants are showing some signs of something, have not looked into to much but the blushing of the leaves on plant #1 "blue" could be from my heavy hand at water or cooler nighttime temps that have been hitting it. This is the one that is having the most issues. Because of this I did a soil slurry test of all three pots and they all had aorund the same EC but the PH was different in each by a significant amount. it went up from plants 123 it is to high in plant 3 and kinda high in all the others as well yet looks fine, and the one with the highest PH its the biggest of them all. go figure. Could have been a bad sample. I did not want to disturb the roots to much but wanted to get a full spectrum of soil from top to bottom of pot. I brushed off the top dressing to not artificially mess up the EC results and took it from about a inch in from the edge of the pot in one location only vs multiple.
#1 "Blue"........EC=0.25||PH=7.20
#2 "Red".........EC=0.32||PH=7.36
#3 "Yellow"....EC=0.27||PH=7.95
With this in mind I will contemplate the idea of lowering the PH levels of the water I give them to help offset this. from 6.5 down to aorund 6-6.2
Have not checked in on clone is a while, they have been outside hardening off for the most part. I only have clones of plant #2 "red" and #3 "yellow" the #1 "blue" clones died and IDK what one is what in the 2nd round of clones I just tossed a bunch of cutting from all of them into a jar. so their is some #1 blue in there maybe, I know its mostly one of the plants just can't recall what one. Applied some BTi to the soil in the last water to kill the gnats, thought I had some nematodes leftover but I did not so went out and got some BTi at the grow shop. Should do the trick.
Big shoutout to Medic Grow for sponsoring the lighting in my tent, They have provided me with 2x Mini Sun 2's in the 240w configuration, They use the v1 growing spectrum that is a all purpose seed to harvest spectrum so their is no hassle of switching it mid grow. If you're interested in learning more about Medic Grow products please visit the web link below.