May 10, 2024 A new week and more flushing. Both ladies look really good. Tropicana C is way too heavy for her branches. It's good and bad. It's bad because they are flopping all over. And it shows how weak these tops are. It had to be my nutrient regimen. It's good because it shows the buds are dense and heavy. Tropicana Cookies has significantly stronger branches and can hold a lot of weight for the size of the buds. I could just be a tight fit with all the buds up and down each top. Who knows. They are starting to lean a little bit, but not too bad. Her buds are almost all purple top to bottom and the leaves are getting lighter and lighter throughout the plant. She's covered in trichomes. From what I can see, there's not nearly enough amber trichomes on the buds. Very soon though. I reactivated her wick system today. Her container was about half the weight as it was yesterday. Maybe now that it's not saturated anymore, the wick system will provide what it needs. We shall see later today I think. The lighting for some of this week will stay the same. I'm just waiting for the other 2 plants in the tent to start their flush. Then I'll drop the power down some. Most likely to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. We shall see. I'm also curious if it will actually do anything. They are autoflowers and light doesn't really mean much. Just as long as it's on and the right DLI, it should be fine, right? Anyway, I'll drop it when the flush starts anyway. I want to see what happens. The environment is looking a little better. The humidity is lower at 54%, but still way too high. At least it's below 60% finally. But 54% isn't much better. The temperature is pretty good at 76° during the day and 67° at night. I still can't get it down to 66° at night, so 67° will have to suffice. However, there is about a 10° difference between lights out and lights on. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.1° RH: 54.2% VPD: 1.29 kPa May 11, 2024 Watering day! Last watering of the grow. I'll let them dry out from now on. It should be like 4 days before they are dried out. Tropicana Cookies looks so close to being done. Her fade is spreading and I'm guessing another 3 days? Maybe less. There is so much more purple now. Ite absolutely beautiful. She definitely will need a trichome check daily. Tropicana C has started showing purple finally. I'd give her another 5 days, maybe a week. I honestly cannot tell. I'll check trichomes tomorrow and every day afterward. Her buds are definitely getting heavier and some even look fatter. She's definitely not quite ready, but super close. The light power will be dropped in a couple days down to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. Not much else for that. The environment is still kind of a mess. The temp is fine at 75°, but the humidity is still high at 55%. I even got the temp down to 66°. So that's good. I'd like to keep it there for the rest of the grow. I'll also try to drop the temp during the day to help bring out more color. It will also help with keeping the temp low during the drying period. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.0° RH: 53.6% VPD: 1.27 kPa Update: I ended up checking the trichomes anyway, and i think I know when they will be done. Just an estimate, but I think a good one. Anyway, Tropicana Cookies should be done in about 3 days while Tropicana C should take about 5 days. I may wait and harvest both at the same time. Or in between and harvest them in 4 days. Tropicana Cookies just needs more amber trichomes. They are almost all cloudy. Very few clear, but only about 5% amber. Tropicana C on the other hand, has a bit too many clear trichomes and no where near enough amber. 5 days should do it. 4 might be a little early, but that might be the only option. We shall see in 4 days. May 12, 2024 Not much going on today. Tropicana Cookies had a soaked bottom again, so I removed 1 of the wicks. So there should be about half the water going in now. She's definitely not thirsty. So very close. Anyway, she is fading quite nicely and I think she will have a whole bunch of beautiful colors. Lots of purple and some nicely fading fan leaves. Light greens, yellows a tiny bit of red. But not there yet. Tropicana C did not have a soaked bottom today. She never does. It just tells me she is still thirsty. Which also tells me she still has some time left. Maybe 4 to 5 days, but I may harvest her in 3 to 4 days. It all depends on how she looks. I got some trichome pics today. Just one for each plant, but they were the best I could get so there you have it. Anyway, Tropicana Cookies looks very close. More amber trichomes, more cloudy and much less clear. Tropicana C still has a bit too many clear, but definitely has more cloudy. Not too many amber, but more than yesterday. I still plan to drop the DLI down to 36 mol/m²/d in a day or two. It won't really matter, but it's still important to note. It's for the other plants in the tent. The environment is a lost cause. I can still control the temp, but the humidity is still at 57%. I have the temp at 77°, but I think I'm going to drop it down to 74°. I don't think the humidity will go up with the temp change. And if it does, back up to 77°. I'll probably get the 74° mark, so all good. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.9° RH: 55.6% VPD: 1.25 kPa May 13, 2024 Not much going on today. I checked trichomes and I think I'm going to harvest when Tropicana C is done. She should be done in a couple of days. Maybe 3 to 4? Maybe less? I'm supposed to be harvesting tomorrow, but I'm not sure I will. I'll check the trichomes again tomorrow, but both are there. Just a little bit more. Not too much longer though. I have 4 more plants ready to come in like ASAP. Anyway, the trichomes on Tropicana C are mostly cloudy now, with a few clear and more amber. Maybe 8% to 10%. Just a bit more. Tropicana Cookies is a bit further with next to no clear trichomes and the same amber as her sister. Roughly 8% to 10%. She will definitely be done either tomorrow or the next day. So I think it makes more sense to focus mostly on Tropicana C for harvest time. I really don't want to harvest an indica too early. Not to mention, the purple is coming through really quickly for Tropicana C. Tropicana Cookies has almost all purple buds. The very bottom of the plant still has mostly green with purple coming through just a bit. It's more like pink than purple. But the majority of the bud is green. These are the underdeveloped buds. Not even worth of popcorn I think. That stuff will become concentrate. The light intensity will be dropped tonight down to a DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. Kind of pointless for the last couple days, but it needs to be done. The environment is driving me crazy. I can keep the temp at 74°, but then the humidity goes up to 58%. Much too high. Even opening the tent door only drops the humidity down to 52%. I'm going to need to drop the humidity in my room down to 35% somehow and maybe I'll get below 50%. This is ridiculous. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.4° RH: 56.2% VPD: 1.24 kPa Update: I ordered a new dehumidifier for grow tents today. It should be here tomorrow. I'm guessing a lot of my problem with the humidity is my current dehumidifier. It barely pushes air. Cheap and well used. The new one is from Vivosun. A much more reputable company. May 14, 2024 Trichome day! Took a couple videos. The videos are kind of crappy. I hurt my back so I'm shaky. I removed the wick system completely from both plants. Tropicana Cookies was yet again soaked. Not as bad with just the one wick, but still soaked. Anyway, I pulled the wicks and emptied the reservoirs. Maybe that will help with the humidity. They should both be dried out in a few days. Just in time for harvest. Tropicana Cookies looks wonderful! Her buds are nearly black, with nearly black leaves. It's the darkest strain I've ever grown. Insane. She still has a day or 2 left to go. There's trichomes, but not enough. Hopefully 2 days will do it. Trichomes are mostly cloudy, a little bit of clear and not enough amber. Tropicana C is right behind her sister plant in the dark purple color. Her flowers and sugar leaves are getting super dark. Fan leaves are lights ing up, but not fading. I have a feeling she is going to need longer than I have been estimating. I also have a major issue with the side branches all around the plant. They are just laying down. Buds completely facing down. The branches are also super weak. I don't understand what happened. Back to trichomes. There's like 20% clear still and nowhere near enough amber. The lower light intensity doesn't seem to being doing anything, but I'm sure it's preserving the trichomes. Maybe even helping along the plants to finish up. The environment is still a nightmare. The temp is still fine, but the humidity is stuck at 60% again. The humidity in my room is higher than outside. I have the door open to help drop it, but it's not helping with the tent humidity. I have no idea how environmental science works. Lol. I wonder if I defoliate both plants a couple days early, what will happen. Wouldn't it put all of its energy into the buds and increase trichome production, like a last push? I'll research this and decided what to do by tonight. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.3° RH: 59.2% VPD: 1.15 kPa
I've added a video review about this strain, and here's the information about Beary White from mephistogenetics.com: -Beary white is a medium sized variety, she doesn't veg for too long before rapidly entering the flowering phase. She has a nice balance of resin coverage on both leaves and flowers. Flowers grow nicely compact and the quality is great. She is a lovely all-rounder in many aspects. -Effect - Strong, Happy, relaxed, but not too inda-couch. -Medicinal Benefits - Great strain for pain and stress relief. Thank you so much for the seeds to grow this great tasting strain. @MephistoGenetics #MephistoGenetics | October 2017000
😎😎She's now drying so i cant tell how she tastes and the quantity achieved. I'll update when i have the pleasure to taste it! eheh so don't worry 👌 Sweet update!!! The dry process is already done. Buds are now curing on glass jars. However, i've tried a bit and it tastes really really great. And the smell, i wish you guys could taste it. For my next grow, i'll start my diary since first day. See you soon lads!
This week I decided not to do any feeding of nutrients, just some good ole H20 , ph'd around 5.5. I haven't seen anymore bleaching of tips so I'm guessing the raising of the lights helped and possibly the change in PH (my levels were off). I'm starting to think I may turn this plant into a mother plant, eventually taking 6 clones, selecting the best 4 of the 6 to start a scrog. I feel as though if I just grow this one plant it'll take forever to fill in the tent for a scrog
It's a shame my ventilation system came in a month after I grew mold but at least I can make some brownies with about 25 grams of some pretty dank bud.
Very good strain selection, good quality,easy to grow, recomended this strain, thx dutchpassion seeds company for good strain choices and thx for watching!!!
At this point they have grown out of their 3 gallon pots and we transplanted them into a 15 gallon but only filled with roughly 13 gallons of soil. We have 2 different phenotypes, 1 is very uniform and even the other is lanky yet resilient. They both recover well from training and have a strong sativa "haze" like smell. I have been feeding them evenly and giving them great exposure to the light with our LST. About 2 days after the transplat we did some lollipopping and more lst to get that light to penetrate and help these girls grow nice and big. For week 7 we will begin flowering, stay tuned!
Grow cycle definitely does not correlate to manufacturer’s timeline, so be sure you plan accordingly. Although she’s not a bad plant doesn’t get too tall, odor isn’t too bad and she looks great!! After the cure I definitely love this strain wish she yielded a bit more but I’m happy with her. I definitely recommend this strain and any other Royal Queen Seeds strain.
Looking like she’ll be done very soon.... I’m giving her one week and then I’m coming back with my machete. 😎 Watered last night for the last time, she’s done receiving handouts 😂😂😂
The girls is grow well, the bud look biggest this weed. Some leaves especialy the bottom leaves have started to become yellow surely because of the light penetration. However everything look good for me
So that's Betty finally done , pretty happy with fast berry overall just over 900g wet from both plants😀😀😀 will be doing this strain again very soon 😀
This plant is a slow growing strain heavy on the Indica side. Is a connoisseur strain not recommended for commercial Grow. To slow if in it to make some money. But was a pleasure to grow. It is definitely a head turner and is more potent than most purple stains I have tried before. So if ya got time and like something truly special give it a go...happy growing guys0
I found it easy to grow and well worth it!!00
The weight of these buds is unknown, but the Masters of this site will be visually approximate. I have all the confidence in their knowledge in elementary physics.
The weight of these buds is unknown, but the Masters of this site will be visually approximate. I have all the confidence in their knowledge in elementary physics.
it was a great experience growing this strain 👍
Very fast flowering period, 57days ready for harvesting!!!
Transplanted and doing great! My youngest that I planted a week late has caught the older ones and I'm happy. Looking good